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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Gary Kasparov attacked by flying penis-copter

    "To answer your question it looks something like that."
  2. Desert Storm, the Air Assualt

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6...3H5CUrgL0r72aCg I lost a lot of my old VHS documentaries from when I was child, this was one of them which I found via Google video (actually I think they are at my parent's house in a box somewhere.)
  3. Desert Storm, the Air Assualt

    VF-32 During Operation Desert Shield http://video.google.com/videosearch?sitese...q=Desert+Shield (Voices on the radio during the F-15 dogfight sound similar....one year earlier they were splashing real migs over Libya. "Shoot em dog, shoot em!, I can't I don't have a phucking tone!")
  4. Its a Glorious Day Comrades.....

    Ahhh nothing like hearing the crack of cheap leather boots, the clank of an Ural truck, and sputter of migs over head. Happy May Day to all combatace Comrades, may Stalin be with you and Mao keep your bellies full.
  5. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Well all I can say is Not everyone lives in a large metro area or tight nit Europeanesk community with a thriving metro/rail system, so biking, busing, or switching to an electric car is out of the question. Furthermore car pooling becomes a problem when do not live in a neighborhood or gated community. (When I left D.C. and lived with my grandparents, 30 mins to the nearest town, 1 hr and change to the nearest major city, nothing but trees and fields inbetween.) Some people have to drive trucks, vans, and SUVs for their lively hood (although I am not a big fan of them.) For every simpleton you see in a some big SUV with sliver rims blasting urban music, there are about a dozen farmers or self employed people who would use the truck to keep the lights on and food on the table. Furtheremore, truck drivers (the people who deliever food, mail, medicine,packages, in another words the stuff WE need.) are getting hit the hardest. Especially the ones who own their own companies or free lance (which is a large number throughout North America.)
  6. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    How many mpg does your bike get?
  7. One More Shift

    Congrats, I wish you and your family well. I know what it is like to make a big jump in life (as I am about to very soon as well), things can be frustrating but you always land on your feet.
  8. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Eh, the "rich" and upper class are going to feel the pinch too because energy bills, taxes (especially property taxes), and food are sky rocketing. But us regular folk, especially the working class, is getting the whole shaft. I was in the grocery store a few minutes, and I realized that the stuff that is on "SALE" price, is actually the regular price for the same item just a few months ago.
  9. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    In Southern and Western Maryland it is between 3.60-70. I got lucky today and got it for 3.59, last time I went out to Clinton by Andrews AFB it was pretty cheap. In D.C. (which is why I never buy gas in the District unless I am up on Georgia Ave closer to Sliver Spring) it is over 3.80 In Northern Va between 3.50-70 (depends on the county.) Down in Woodbridge and further south into Stafford it appears to be the cheapest.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0safy7vXlg...feature=related
  11. What he said Good to here both pilots got out ok, and no one (military or civilian was hurt) because at the end of the day that is all that matters...
  12. What was your favorite childhood toy?

    Stuffed Animal I had and a diecast F-15C (Force one I believe). As I got older it became a big plastic aircraft carrier that mimicked on the older Essex Class ships after the 50s upgrades. I had a whole assortment of small diecast planes to go with it. Skyhawks, intruders, vikings, and tomcats. I still have it up in a closet, along with another aircraft carrier I fashioned from an ironing board. various colored electrical tape, spray paint, and spare electrical and plumbing parts for the island super structure. I made it to hold these,
  13. F-14A/B/D

    Got it, now it feels more like a F-14A+/B as nature intended :D .
  14. F-14A/B/D

    Ok will check again, thanks blackbird and fast cargo.
  15. F-14A/B/D

    Yeah I used the IRAF F-14 lods, which is why I now have just the IR blister. I also tried it on the USN F-14 lods as well. When I enter the pilot figure into the data ini, what I get is half a man sticking from the center of the lifting body (right between the two phoenix pallets.)
  16. F-14A/B/D

    Can't get this working. Modified the data ini and copied lods, now all I have is a F-14A pre TCS (with small IR blister).
  17. Most people in this society are too...forgive me, but too stupid to think beyond what is right in front of their face. The majority of people want to be able to "bunny hop" and "gun" through everything. The gamer world is full of spoiled brats who lack any type of appreciation for anything (unless their peers qualify it as cool.) Most youth refuse to think and act for themselves, instead they let the media and their friends do their thinking for them, this also applies to the 18-24 crowd as well. Flight Sims require a lot of thinking, but also common sense, two things that most people lack (let alone younger people.)
  18. What airplane are you?

    Both times... You are a P-51 MUSTANG. You enjoy classic things. You like the beauty of old machinery, and the way that it awed the world. You love adventure, and you like being top dawg. You are powerful, and you are determined. You see qualities in things that most people do not. So buckle your seat belt and tear up the skies, it's your turn to have some fun!! I want some Raptor Meat!!!
  19. OMG USS Enterprise CVN-65 by Gabriel Suranyi

    That art is 10x better than naked women...
  20. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris once went to a male stylist to have his beard trimmed. Afterwards he round house kicked him in the face. When asked why, Norris replied "I don't like pansies." Only Chuck Norris can use E before I while roundhouse kicking C.
  21. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    They say the Persian Gulf Ground Campaign took 100 hour the truth is it took Chuck Norris just two hours and five roundhouse kicks. He spent the rest fo the time relaxing in the Kuwaiti sun. Chuck Norris had a son once, the result was another Chuck Norris identical to the first. Chuck Norris then killed Chuck Norris and exclaimed "There can only be one!" True fact: Chuck Norris seasons his food with cyanide and he brushes he teeth with steel wool and Ajax. Chuck Norris made a wild stallion both laugh and cry at the same time. First he told him his @*&! was bigger than a horses, then he proved it to him... The Tale of Moby Dick is infact a true story. Capt Ahab and his entire crew were lost while trying to chase Chuck Norris You can't beat city hall... because city hall is run by Chuck Norris. All of the major networks can no longer air Total Gym commercials, because they are deemed inapporiate for lazy viewers. The Valkyrie project was cancelled because the plane could still be round house kicked by Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a Green Beret to the ground, inspired, the young Major quit the Army and joined the Marine Corps as a private. Chuck Norris says "frog legs do taste like chicken"...since that statement an entire Battalion of French Legionnaires has gone missing. *I had to add this one (not mine)* Whenever ChucK Norris uses a Total Gym it cries "rape".
  22. A lot of DX 9 games like a lot of ram, ram speeds things up a bit, but eventually you will also have to upgrade to a faster gpu if you want eye candy and high frame rates. But ram is the cheapest and most cost effective way to upgrade your computer, you will see a lot of overall improvements.
  23. video card...256Mb or 512Mb ?

    The EVGA-7600GT is just an overclocked GS with 512 of ddr2. Now if you want to spend the money you can get a Radeon 3850 the fastest, newest, and last AGP card out (but for that money you can get a new system.) Now if you want good NVIDIA card look for a 7600 GT (256 DDR3) or a 7800GS on ebay. Also EVGA is having a b-stock sales on 7800gs's for 109 USD http://www.evga.com/products/bstock.asp So far, the best ATI card is the x1950, it is extremely powerful, but it is a power hog. If you want to go cheap, (which means 512 ddr 2 for under $70) then go www.newegg.com and order a x1650 for 60 bucks. 512 ddrII vs 256 ddrIII.... not interchangeable as you may think. If the ddrII card has higher clock/core speeds and more pixel pipelines (or at least 12) then if the price is right and the card has good driver support and decent cooling, get it. But be warned, a lot of games/programs won't access of that memory, and most 512 ddrII cards are not designed to utilize all the available memory efficiently But let it be known that ddrIII cards can access memory faster and ddrIII cards generally have faster core clocks, but if the ddrII and ddrIII cards are closely matched, then go for the card with the better driver support and price. IMHO there is no need to break the bank for a DX 9 AGP card, because you will be forced to upgrade pretty soon anyway.
  24. Can't sleep...won't sleep.

    I have wrestled with insomnia for years. Over the counter sleeping pills aren't habit forming (although even for me they don't work). I use to read the articles, laws, and codes of various state constitutions. Reading military encyclopedias (or reading something which you have already read and know the info.) Working out a few hours before bedtime will put you down. When I lift weights I sleep better. Actually going to sleep when you feel sleepy. No I don't mean coping ZZZzz on the job or on the road, but actually going to bed when you are at home doing nothing. (Don't force yourself to stay up to watch the late night TV show you like.) Going to bed an hour earlier than you normally do. But instead of forcing yourself to sleep, listen to music, watch tv, or read in bed. Often you will nod off before you normally go to sleep. *That is all I can think of at 3 am from the top of my head...

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