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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. I can picture it now; Marine fire team leader walks up from the rear, chops you in the side of the neck, and takes control of the aircraft. The crew chief holds you down while the rest of the Marines commence to beating you with bars of soap inside of tube socks.
  2. Got em USAFMTL Jug I think it could be a travel pod, but I always thought they were rounded ( like mini F-4 tanks) Could it be a jammer?
  3. Didn't find photos but dug up this. Anyone care to comment? Found some Conn and Ohio Ang F-100s here http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com/Images/twtd04/1975/63183.jpg http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com/Images/twt...1975/563859.jpg Iowa http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com/Images/twt...1976/553746.jpg Missouraaa http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com/Images/twt...1978/552877.jpg
  4. Well I can not find any more pics of DCANG F-100Cs (in color). A few F-105 pics, some F-4D pics, and just recently a lot of F-16 pics. I'm not to sure of which colors they used for striping. I know the F-4s used red tail stripes and stars (just like the DC flag) and the F-16s mainly cobalt blue or gray around the intake and on the tail. For a brief period on the F-16s had the Capitol building painted on it outlined in red. The DCANG was deployed to Vietnam briefly in 1968, but can't seem to dig up any photos.
  5. What The?

  6. Presidential Elections?

    Hammsamich on the USAFBLT ticket in 08'
  7. One down and a tough one next.

    To add insult to injury, Gibbs just retired... Man, when will the Glory days of Charles Mann, Collins, and the hogs come back....
  8. Since we are on the topic of ANG skins, I gotta cheer on the home team.
  9. It’s all over for another year

    I got an Archos 405 Media player from my beloved. I can watch full video and movies or play my music. Came in hand when I went to the shoe store. I have Fighter Flings 04 and 89, an F-15 doc, the Recon scene from 13 Days, and the cut scenes from USNF 97. The display is clear and crisp but it is small enough to fit in a pocket. And No hard drive! The down sides are Limited memory 2gb flash memory ( I went out and got an 4gb flash card) The player had a lot of features, can record TV, DVD, VCR, or audio (and or be used as a digital camcorder), the bad thing is you have to buy the accessories which come at 90 a pop and a lot of file formats are not supported unless you go online and purchase the plugins. Archos is known for having crappy support and a confusing website layout. Overall I love it but do not want to invest 300+ in add ons and plugins.
  10. Couldn't help but think of this while watching it...Ya Digg
  11. wait a minute...

    Can't comment on the sources but take a gander at these fellas... http://www.voanews.com/english/2007-12-17-voa59.cfm http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/08/1...-the-duct-tape/ http://mnweekly.ru/news/20071206/55295359.html
  12. I dunno from the looks of it, it seems the EA-18 will only have harms and or a/a missiles for last ditch self-defense. Looks like most the of the pylons are jammed up with pods. I do not think the Marines will be getting rid of their Prowlers anytime soon, hopefully they will get the airframes and parts passed on to them.
  13. From what I understand all the equipment for the Raven was packed in the 111's bomb bay, on the tail, inside the wing roots, and in the nose. The Grumman and the USAF wanted a clean airframe with as little drag as possible. The only thing I have seen loaded on the Raven's wing pylons were travel pods.
  14. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...aft/ef-111a.htm
  15. The planes for OFP straight suck. Due to the flight model and physics. But there are a lot of mods out there that have the tandem crew concept (limited by the game engine.) There is an F-18E/F mod where the WSO functions like a tank commander There is a Tornado mod where the WSO is strictly a gunner for the larger A/g weapons, bombs, JP dispenser, etc. I think the pilot has control of the gun and the A/A stuff and the ability to track targets. The F-15E mod functions in much of the same way. There use to be a night interdiction B-57 that was tandem crew and the back seater had a bomb sight for the iron bombs. Let it be known the engine on OPF and Arma for flight is very limited. The AI sucks at ground attack and especially dropping bombs. You will heavy B-2s or B-52 diving in on a target like an A-10. Ai (unless there is laser spot on the ground) will never put the bombs were you want them. Ai almost always attacks moving vehicles only (MTBs are the main target). Bombs function just like missiles (with no booster) and have a very compact blast radius almost like a grenade (they rest is usually visual effects or scripts.) With human flight it is still very hard to control, most jets zip across the little maps at 700 kts, and flying them is like balancing a bottle cap on a pin point. I love OFP to death and it is my favorite game, but I believe that aircraft are only good for scenery and immersion, I let the gunships and armed slicks do the A/G work. The best ground attack platforms I have found that were modded for the game are The A-1 (easiest to control, you can handle low without worrying about trees, and its payload is a beast) The A-26 for its guns The F-18F for its payload and heavy amount of scripts the plane has The Tornado GR for its payload and its ability to lay down mass destruction The A-10 although in dives and at high speed you can loose control.
  16. I think ravens were F-111s stripped to the bare bones of everything. The purpose was to have all equipment carried internally so drag was reduced, maybe they could carry aim-9s, but I don't even think F-111s carried HARMS operationally.
  17. Infidel of the week

  18. Any Saltwater Aquarium Pros?

    I have a betta named "scooter"
  19. TrailHunter.jpg

  20. img00260.jpg

  21. img00239.jpg

  22. Whisper.jpg

  23. TopGun.jpg


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