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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Lol the did it with the hornet by adding "super". If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies the same speed a duck, has the payload of a humming bird, and has the range of a bumble bee... Long live the intruder...errghmm I mean Tomcat! If you makes you feel any better the hornet "looks" fast.
  2. Well I always thought the pilot tube, TCS, nose cone, fuel tanks, and forward section of the Tomcat needed to be reworked. Also a it could use a updated pit for all models. Not necessarily a "D" pit, but a pit that has no ADI in the center and the TV and radar screens in the right place. Whatever you guys come out with is fine with me always enjoy new and reworked things by the community.
  3. A Piece of History

    Supposedly from Libya in 1989 at 2:43 you can see one of the floggers http://youtube.com/watch?v=sj0HctAs8TA
  4. Well the initial single seat Phantom II had a cockpit and canopy similar to that of the Demon.
  5. Well when delivering any weapon in game it is best to keep the plan level and to not pull any Gs, don't want a big unit flopping all about.
  6. F-111 Documentary

    Found the complete Discovery Wings F-111 Documentary(You know the good ones, before they reformatted and dumbed down the channel to "hip" with MTV/BET.) F-111 Part 1/5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n_aGVs73VI Part 2/5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeQbUEs3OOc Part 3/5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjQgg5jsXWs Part 4/5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCAotDb1ESM Part 5/5http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr4lqvRlqE8 A bing thank you to Mineman65 for posting these.A big thank you to Mineman65 for posting these.
  7. A Piece of History

    Well I have the audio and a few documentaries that feature the engagement. I have never seen the TCS, just the last second gun camera footage of the winder shot and strike. So I did not know if the video was authentic or not. But it appears to be.
  8. F-111 Documentary

    Just sharing the wealth of information that I find. What really set me off on was the first F-15 documentary/music video I found. I have been looking for the other parts to that whole series. I use to have the whole collection on VHS.
  9. I can't believe I found this!

    From some of the old VHS documentaries I use to watch when I was kid. Back when we had a clear and defined enemy and nobody was anal about defense spending. Thanks to Dennis Wofford for uploading this on you tube.
  10. I can't believe I found this!

    Also a bonus... ahhhh MAD
  11. Despots and dictators will always rattle off their mouths and spew nonsense. It keeps the from paying attention from the screwed up job they are doing in their own country. It seems to me all he is asking for is to become another member of the "Paveway" club.
  12. I always thought an A-7 pilot shared that distinction.
  13. I can understand the poster's frustration with the subject, now the old run of mill answer that use to be give was "Go mod it yourself", but that is another story for another time. Yes I like flying WWII ear aircraft nothing like escorting some heavy bombers over a flak ridden bandit infested target. But where I feel most alive and the most immersed in is jets, flying low, supersonic, and under fire. And lets face it, almost if not all of the PC game market is taken up by WWII FPS (on rails) and WWII flight games, and they are all based on Europe around the 44 time frame. WWII was been grossly over molded , well to be more correct, the 1944 Western European Theater has been done to death. Even if developers refuse off their WWII craze, they could at least expand to the eastern front (like IL2 did), cover Africa and Southern Europe, or even revisit the Pacific or Asia. Even within the WW2 sphere there are very few games that cover anything else besides mustangs, spitfires, and the 101st (and what is so sad is that the P-51D is one of my favorite planes.) Btw, Dogfights occurred over Korea and the Middle East
  14. Everytime I click on the link I am taken to Gramp's site, then the page is hijaked.
  15. Wingmen make good cannon fodder. Keeps the bad guys busy while I sneak up from the rear and deliver my "weapon."
  16. Why Why Why Why Why?

    No it was an actual case, involving a lady. Now there are two ways you can look it. Supposedly McDonalds severed the woman coffee that was severely hot it got spilled, and she had 2 degree burns. She sued for medical expenses and won or Same woman, supposedly clumsily handles coffee, burns herself, not badly, causes a fuss, sues and wins. You have to be the judge on that one.
  17. Why Why Why Why Why?

    In this great wussified society everything is "somone" else's fought and worse of all such behavior is encouraged. "Your honor I brought those drugs and that hooker because society has been putting me down, so I didn't have a choice." "Your honor I became a stripper and a hooker because I needed to play for my partying and clubbing...or err... I mean college tuition. This oppressive society has been exploiting me, so I didn't have a choice." Everyone wants to blame someone else for the knowingly and blatantly screw ups that they willingly make. This woman mowed down someone and tried to play victim! Hang the broad from the nearest tree. People have common sense but no one holds them accountable or makes them use it. Remember; "It's somebody else's fought."
  18. If it was raining they would
  19. Soo... after 16 years the Russian Bears did keep the red star humm...very interesting. Where is Dr. Strangelove?
  20. I understand where you are coming from but also im/text lingo is becoming very popular, so much so that a lot of people are too lazy to stop using it. (Which I feel is a complete and utter travesty.) I can relate. Most people that I know of who have learned English as a second language have learned through a combination of dictionary usage and observing how native speakers talk and write (usually via some form of media.) After poking around a bit and reading through some more of his post, I have drawn another conclusion... Please do not tell me that what he have here is another case of the "giveme givemes"?
  21. Maybe English isn't his native language. I don't know what sim you are flying but S-3 vikings with buddy stores have been around since the start (no KA-3s, KA-6s, or KA-18E/Fs in game ;D ) Added this one for good measure...
  22. http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/app5/paveway-1.html check the sources
  23. Well in employing any weapon it helps not to pull Gs before and during the launch phase. Newer generation weapons may or may not mind, but I know weapons from the SF time period will make you pay for it. Get into position, ease off the stick, then release.
  24. Don't look now, but your contrail is showing!
  25. Money Shot


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