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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Not the best demonstration

    Here's a short chart of what foreign companies are involved in Superjet http://ria.ru/infografika/20120509/644914882.html Meanwhile the plane's been found. Looks like CFIT, into a nearly vertical mountain side, so that the fragments are both at the collision point and scattered below.
  2. Victory In Europe Day

    We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing.
  3. Not the best demonstration

    The first pilot is the guy who took the test Superjet on its maiden flight 6 years ago (almost to date, May, 19th 2008).
  4. Not the best demonstration

    Search stopped until dawn. Cell phones of two reporters on board receive calls, but no one picks up.
  5. 1984 is reborn via Big Brother!

    I wonder, if the next step on their agenda is the creation of some "safety camps". It'll be much easier to keep people safe behind a high wall in a fully tapped environment with free censored Internet and multiple checkpoints at every street corner. Right?
  6. It's more of an engine flaw. If the surfaces were not only "OK", "looks damaged" and "ripped off", and if damage affected the performance, TK wouldn't need to balance between "blown apart" and "unhurt" results of missile hits.
  7. Even in Russia the Simpsons did it

    Mid 200x Moscow (and Russia) got its first... monorail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Monorail The track length is a touch under 3 miles, the cost of construction and maintenance were and are high, and not even the tourists want a ride. Now the talk is, that the thing is going to get closed down and dismantled... Funny thing is, that's exactly what happens in SimCity, if instead of pre-planning a public transport network, I build just one line for siths and giggles.
  8. Even in Russia the Simpsons did it

    Then Moscow was planned by a fortress designer. Here's our live congestion map http://maps.yandex.ru/?ll=37.617671%2C55.755768&spn=1.290894%2C0.614126&z=10&l=map%2Ctrf&trfm=cur Note that huge areas inside the big circle have no tracked roads inside them. That's because there aren't any big roads there - only backyards of apartment buildings, narrow driveways with cars parked on the curb and other stuff of that sort. So, both the enemy tanks and, you know, the people who live here for decades have to use the that "web" choke point layout to get anywhere besides a grocery. Oh, and the possible ways to widen those roads are now gone, because the space reserved for that ages ago was sold to shopping malls and offices.
  9. If fires were slow-moving "vehicles", spawning fire-looking dust behind them and firing non-damaging sparks from invisible ground and air turrets...
  10. They didn't think people will try to simulate a two-seater for one player AND to make controls easier than in real life.
  11. Dear Activist

    Facts are a luxury in a world, where to make an event happen you only need to report it widely enough.
  12. I'll still take SF Tuna over this http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-TGHL/top-gun-hard-lock Most shots look like they come from pre-rendered FMV.
  13. *insert image of a Lightning in the black sky, pilot facing the camera, and the caption "OH, CRAP! I FORGOT THE FLARES!"*
  14. Instead of dumping the full selection of weapons on you, single mission mode gives you only the stuff useable on the plane you pick initially. So, if you add a different aircraft type into the flight, they won't get their specific weapons.
  15. Next you'll tell us the Earth is neither flat nor a cylinder, as believed by Silent Hunter developers.
  16. TK's put up some updated tools.
  17. Wait, does it actually say "foilage"?
  18. Everyone's so impressed with 0 Friendly Fire...
  19. 250 aircraft is not too much. All SF2 + DLC is already over 100 variants.
  20. Are you sure Hawkeye doesn't run a number draw on a secret channel?
  21. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    I think, the point is mainly the minimal modeling of inertia. Homeplanet and the free Babylon 5: I've Found Her encourage you to disable classic space sim "airplane" controls and go full-inertia. The flight trajectories become wild, you orbit your targets instead of tailing them.
  22. Look At The Tits On This

    Needs more ass.
  23. USMC to be based in Darwin AU

    I wonder if any awards will come out of this...
  24. Don't worry, if that doesn't get fixed in the first patch, there's always room for more bug reports in TW forums.
  25. Sh!t Fighter Pilots Don't Say


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