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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. You mean dirty windows like the ones stock WoV Intruder had?
  2. SS-N-3a would be more fun gameplay-wise. Surfaced launch, sub has to stay surfaced for the first part of the flight, the data about the target beyond sub's radar range is collected by Tu-95RT which TK has shown in previews. So we get an indicator of possible sub presence (Bear contact) and some work for ASW craft and fighters.
  3. Yeah, I downloaded the whole lot. Enabled newsletter while registering.
  4. Looking at that water (again) I want floats support for gear system.
  5. Hardcoded sheep are bad. No speech packs for each nation.
  6. Each one an individual model.
  7. I bet, WWII mods will use interceptable ASM as object type for kamikaze and maybe even V-1.
  8. Oops...

    Yes, it's that exact ubiquitous blue color. I've seen it on pipes, wooden fences, village houses. There's also a brand for painting over rust.
  9. Optical Illusion

    Meh, she's using fake pilot trick to alter the mesh.
  10. Тушки от TW

    Из наступающего SF2 North Atlantic (тот, что с "Томкэтом") Шесть картинок тут Четыре здесь http://twitpic.com/photos/thirdwire И еще семь https://plus.google.com/photos/118322065616726818559/albums/5678752652966581777 Ту-22 разных пород, ракетоносцы Ту-16 и Ту-95, просто чтоб боялись. Ну и крылатые ракеты наконец-то.
  11. Тушки от TW

    Шоу продолжает пуск волны ПКР
  12. That's modern ASM. Look at the "death from above" profile of the classics http://www.airwar.ru/weapon/kr/ksr5.html So the ships are unloading their flak and launchers at the ASM guests.
  13. Mind, the promo is running only until Feb. 10. You must order and, it seems, download before that. Also you get only 4 download "attempts". Don't forget the three serial keys.
  14. I wonder, if on-deck parking spots can be exploited to add small stuff on deck that will create explosions and particle effects when the ship is strafed.
  15. With the view of the "Hugs here!" Jesus statue, air conditioning and a naughty secretary? We didn't get that with F-4 either.
  16. And keep firing smaller guns while sinking
  17. I wonder if ships get any decals and flags to quadruple the awesomeness.
  18. Тушки от TW

    Отмерзли? Может корабли еще не совсем готовы, на новой пачке скринов их много, но все как голые. Зато в воде и техника, и эффекты теперь отражаются.
  19. There isn't. Most modded ships were given radars so that modded ASM could track and hit them using ARM guidance that replaced not yet functional ground radar lock-on.
  20. I'm more excited at the prospect of ARM actually tracking and hitting.
  21. Not in this shot https://plus.google.com/photos/118322065616726818559/albums/5678752652966581777/5705359284733169490
  22. Тушки от TW

    Смотрим внимательно на палубу https://plus.google.com/photos/118322065616726818559/albums/5678752652966581777/5705359380225629698

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