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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. You'd be amazed how quickly an F-15A flight with NVAF markings is swatted down from the sky during Linebacker. Swarms of Phantoms everywhere, RWR going mad.. it's insane.
  2. You know, what that section is missing? Non-test-prototype IL-40P Whole new meaning to the call "Shotgun!".
  3. You know, a squadron of F-16s as a part of NVAF intercept units almost makes sense.
  4. Google generally has no clue about special terms. Try this one http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=1&SHL=1 For example, what Google offered as a translation for "uncage" was along the lines of "release the lion" Here, however, especially if you look into Aviation and Military phrases sections, and cut the extra "gyroscope" from the formula http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?l1=1&l2=2&s=uncaged you'll get the very world you need. A long one, will need to be shortened to fit.
  5. Um.. which way is the translation going here?
  6. Hurricane Irene

    Scheisse, Herr Kaleun!
  7. TK already has Belgian roundels and South African "shove off" captions to paint, ask about the flashes
  8. Someone has a Idea what that is?

    A nuke?
  9. V3A missing LOD fixed. Re-download installer.
  10. Dark green/light brown Camo, Silver, Silver with a red lightning on the sides and low-vis grey.
  11. MAKS 2011

    Compressor stall due to high humidity. MAKS tends to take place on the rainiest days of August.
  12. WHAT the %#$#@!

    Is the hurricane going to hit the same areas?
  13. Mirage III radar screen is a bit bare. Did the real pilots also have to roll the plane to figure out the relative elevation of the target?
  14. Sooo... no elevation markers is the intended design? Waaaitaminute. http://www.airwar.ru/other/bibl_r.html Mirage IIIE manual, pdf page 66. I know it's a different radar, but note the lights column to the left, supposedly marking relative altitude. Did Cyrano I have at least any lights of that sort?
  15. WHAT the %#$#@!

    Any nut jobs with "Ban the nuclear power" signs in the streets yet? Oh, "But at the New York Stock Exchange, trading continued."
  16. MAKS 2011

    That's gonna be hard to hide from IRM seekers.
  17. Yep, I've been reporting that since May2011 update. A variation (resetting engine pitch) has been happening since XP1. More people, more configs, easier to find the issue, provided you report it to TK. Perhaps a memory optimization gone wrong somewhere...
  18. Wrench, The, what form of "sound cutting out"?
  19. TK's put up a hotfix for missing decals sufferers.
  20. Apollo 18 the Blair Witch Project on the Moon

    JM, you recently had people mistaking a contrail for a launch. They'll believe anything.
  21. Early A-6 w/movable tailpipes.

    Whoa... Has anyone modded it yet?
  22. The full size model of the "Soviet Shuttle" was put on display at MAKS expo. What's the catch and why is it parked near a distant fence? See pics http://top.rbc.ru/society/17/08/2011/610909.shtml
  23. Hmm.. F-4J and A-6A have NAVY labels in my install. Full merged, all DLC.

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