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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Practice guns and IR missiles on F-100. Mind that early AIM-9 Sidewinder kill is much harder than a gun kill. Line up as you would for guns, wait for loud tone and launch. Don't pull g's while launching though. For radar use, take a look at this guide http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2343 Pick an F-4J, that one has a good radar, and practice. Radar operation is simple in the game: scan, select blip, lock on, launch.
  2. Bacon.....

    What, no spam?
  3. I think, the game sets up a basic control scheme when it detects a new joystick. Stick, rudder (check that one) and throttle. Gun on trigger, weapon launch on "Fire". Next is up to you. Fly around with this setup a few times, note which keys/functions you use most and then bind them to buttons not far from where your hands are. A POV hat can make a decent radar or weapon selection contoller. Take off/landing functions should be fine with toggle switches at the bottom. I doubt you'll need a stick profile with modes and shift keys for SF2. Now, modded Enemy Engaged is a different matter...
  4. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Тэкс.. попробуй выключить в 7 его украшенный Aero и запустить. И заодно поставить ярлыку игры "Запустить от имени администратора". Плюс выложи состав железа и текст лога dxdiag. Многовато геморроя для запуска чего-то, будем жаловаться.
  5. A door is closing...

    We had Junkers assembly line set up near Moscow in the 20s. Didn't work out. However a few Russian desgners visited that place and I suspect the Junkers J.I design could've been an inspiration for IL-2 armour.
  6. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Драйвера видео обновлял? Похоже, проблема не уникальная http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7228 http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7229 http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=7296 Судя по этим, лечится полным сносом дров видео и physx и установкой их свежей версии.
  7. What the hell is going on with women in England

    One day in an awkward incident you'll realise it's not quite true
  8. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Попробуй в папке Пользователи, в своей, зайти в "сохраненные игры" найти ThirdWire и убрать оттуда options.ini
  9. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Проверь, какой-нибудь антивирус или что-то в этом духе при запуске игры выперед не вылазит? SF2 очень болезненно на перехваты реагирует. После переключения на другое окно у меня то же поведение окна, кстати: курсор и картинка.
  10. big weapon pack WIP

    А агитки как кассетные заряды, спавнят читабельные спрайты?
  11. When you merge games (i.e. install them in the same folder in their release order - Nam, then Europe) you can run them with a single shortcut/executable. In the menus you'll be able to pick either of the two terrains, campaigns for both titles and use planes from one game on the map of the other in single missions if you fancy.
  12. The games are playable and enjoyable out of the box. However if you feel you want more, you can always find it.
  13. You don't really need to delve into knowledge base yet for playing aside from this SARH missile use guide http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2343&start=0
  14. See the part with the fix for non-Oct08 installs http://forum.combatace.com/topic/34221-running-any-thirdwire-sim-in-windows-vista-by-usafmtl-column5-jtin/
  15. Pre Oct08 installs need a tweak in terrain settings, don't they?
  16. In SF series mods can be anything from new weapons and planes to new campaigns and maps. Mod installation is simple in SF2 games, they were designed with that in mind.
  17. I posted a brief repliy to your question at SHQ. There's only one official addon in the works for SF2 series. The main games are bought and run independently, but can be merged for user's convenience. The unofficial addons/mods however are thriving, mostly in downloads section here.
  18. Ye asked for it. Read it out loud as fast as you can: I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate And I'm only plucking pheasants Cause the pheasant plucker's late
  19. Somali pirates target navy ship - Pic sez it all

    Even in the open sea the French can't escape immigrants and asylum seekers.
  20. Сим ПВО кстати есть в разработке. Можно пошугать янки над Ханоем, если с управлением разберешься. http://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home
  21. What the hell is going on with women in England

    Catch a lift on a Vogon crate?
  22. A big "Fully depressed? Have a break!" pedal.
  23. Is it just me, or F-84F are missing in all preview shots but the very first ones, before they even appeared in SF2E?
  24. Far from the first appearance. MiG and Vampire first showed up in a preview more than a year ago (So did DC-3) and in a few shots at facebook since. +There are P-51D cockpit shots in a nearby thread
  25. Even more shots at Facebook http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=417495&id=187224385202 Check out the tank shot there I can feel release closing in...

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