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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. YAP2

    Первую версию с выходом второй они перестали продавать.
  2. Which game are you asking about? Beware. In TW sims when AI is on Hard your wingmen are dumbed down.
  3. YAP2

    Не то чтобы неизвестно кому. Этот мод давно живет, если и первую версию считать. Требует старую версию WoV (кажется с ней же и продается). Основная фича не кампании, а набор миссий ручной сборки по мотивам исторических вылетов. Вместе с ними включает и специальные объекты типа авианосцев с народом на палубе и прочие декорации для каждой миссии.
  4. negative reputation

    I think this user voting only affects the personal filter one can set up at the bottom of the page. The one under this caption "Currently hiding posts below points. Change threshold?"
  5. Dave, the glitch is that, since SF2E installer got very complicated, if you're installing SF2E over SF2V without the SF2, some of the skins for AI planes get lost. TK said he'll fix it.
  6. Meow? Gen2 a) is gonna get further patches. AI, FM... b) already has a few new features that first gen isn't likely to get. Like new RWR, or plane wreckage. c) makes it easier to install prepared mods d) allows merged install.. which needs a bit of fixing but works e) Win7-ready. With SF2I some new effects will be thrown in (possibly DX10 only)... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=305637&id=187224385202&ref=mf f) once TK is done with remakes, he plans to roll out new modules for SF2 series. What the remakes so far don't do is improve the looks of terrain
  7. Stockholm cash depot hit by helicopter heist

    Brilliant. Especially the "bomb" trick.
  8. Is his DX9 up to date (9.0c is a general name for a number of versions)?
  9. How did you manage to get it? It was released by 1C and, I think, is limited to CIS, where Russian shouldn't be a big problem.
  10. That would be great for a "by the book" SA-2 setup. NV used a lot of camo on those though, either just hiding the star http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/shared/media/photodb/photos/090605-F-1234P-019.jpg or changing the road pattern completely http://www.pjsinnam.com/VN_History/SEA_Photo_Albums/Misc_1/SA2%20site.jpg http://www.acig.org/artman/uploads/vietnam_sa-2_02.jpg
  11. Red STOLs

    Take a look at the pics Pity, those test planes couldn't hover MiG-21PD http://www.airwar.ru/enc/xplane/mig21pd.html MiG-23PD http://www.airwar.ru/enc/xplane/mig23pd.html
  12. Russian police in action / police brutality!

  13. Alien reboot

    Originally Giger modelled extending jaws on a different extending organ. I wonder, if they'll ever shoot a movie based on that.
  14. I'm more impressed by new clouds. There's another shot with the setting sun lighting the cloud from behind and the cloud is not coloured whole but only at the edges. White patches of the first gen are the thing of the past.
  15. NYC-area TV Anchorman drops F-bomb

    Maybe he trained articulation using this and it backfired? I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate, I'm only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.
  16. Actually it sholud be a C.1. They were used by Israel in Lebanon. F-21A was put up for the US in mid 80's as aggressor plane for training, so is a bit too late for deafult time frame. Just like C.7... C.1 looks just like the plane in that shot. BTW, look at those. Same type - different canards. http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/isaac_gershman/kfir_c-1_664/ http://www.primeportal.net/hangar/isaac_gershman/kfir_c-1_712/
  17. Why did nobody mention here that TK's put up another 9 shots? Looks like we're going to have a greater choice of deltas.
  18. It's in the General Forums section along with The Pub, News and General Aviation chat, clearly visible from the main forum index without even scrolling. What other ad does it need?
  19. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Думаю, банк сам сумму переведет в доллары. У меня лежит вторая фаза - третью заказывать не рискую т.к. доставка диска почтой вызывает сомнения.
  20. Помогите пожалуйста!

    Для старых симов все данные всех ракет надо вбить в один файл и все модели и текстуры кинуть в общую папку. Можно, но, скорее всего, без редактирования ini экран предупреждения о радарах на машинах 70-х будет работать ненормально. Планки, которые на авиагоризонте работают как ILS тоже, наверное, не оживут. Ни то ни другое полноценно в движке первого поколения не работало. Еще гайд на тему перевода со второго поколения на первое http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=43234
  21. When I'm viewing subforums (not threads or index page) I get this on top o' me pages "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/combatace.com/subdomains/forum/httpdocs/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_forum.php on line 605" Also the font size for those pages is screwed. Looks about twice the normal size. Skin - CA Original
  22. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    Slightly different opinion http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2856208/Re_Logitech_G940_with_ROF.html#Post2856208
  23. In FE the best way to survive in that manner is to make all-squadron flights.
  24. I ran a few of campaigns in DiD mode. I simply change the first name to "Dead" after the pilot is killed, without reflying. Got a ton of dead pilots in profiles list. The only one who managed to complete a campaign and got a name "Retired" was a A-7 pilot who had only two mission before the war was over. I also had a lucky no-refly-retired Hunter pilot but that was before I started the log.
  25. Iraq wants it MiGs back!

    A canopy and instrument panel would be awesome for a sim pit!

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