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Everything posted by Gr.Viper

  1. Reviewing the Logitech G940

    Which can get to $500 or more in Russia... X-52 Pro still costs here twice as much as Amazon asks for it. They'll get as much as they can leech out of the eager crowd.
  2. Seems that gallery engine does not resize .gif pictures for the "recent images" preview on the main forum page.
  3. Just wondering

    Been using a straight razor since the New Year. Feels great and a one two-pass shave is enough for two days for me. You could use a wig!
  4. Чертежи

    Попробуй поискать/поспрашивать сканы вот этого http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/M24-Chaffee-Light-Tank-1943%E2%80%9385_9781841765402/
  5. Is it the early or the late model? Early one got me shot down with a few rounds of 14.5mm
  6. "Padlocked"

    I thought that means he's got an enemy on his tail. Or close to that.
  7. Russia buys French Ships

    As soon as the Russian military got some money for modernization the went off the Russian tech Mi-2 helicopters were also produced in Poland.
  8. Repeat of last year?

    The most tension is caused by that old and bloody stupid whim to give Russian Crimea to Ukraine Republic as a present. In my group at the university there was a girl who, when asked where she was from, always said "I'm from Crimea... but I'm NOT Ukrainian!". You could almost see smoke popping out of her nostrils...
  9. Repeat of last year?

    Ukraine officials are getting out of their skin to show how nationalist they are. Funny, but even people who live there find that ridiculous. I heard that some of them are laughing their arses off when they hear new Ukrainian dubbing in cinemas. Not to mention official "reform" of the language to eliminate all traces of vocabulary similarities with Russian, wiping Russian events from history books (here we still start the history of Russia with Kiev and the regions are pretty closely tied together) and Russian language from the country.
  10. I thought, we didn't have XXX content on this forum On a serious note, I can't find a thing either. Even the word "fighter" on whole forum via both basic and advanced search.
  11. PAK FA Exposed in MAKS 2009

    That F-19 made a great game for its time though.
  12. Yes, you can delete that folder and the game will create deafult set of files there on the next run. Mind, all settings will be reset to defaults as well.
  13. PAK FA Exposed in MAKS 2009

    You don't get it - we can hijack other countries' airliners with that thing and get the falling figures of our airlines back up. We can borrow the plane and hold the passengers in the Duty Free zone where everything's more expesive. becuase it's cheaper. For a couple of days. Then we'll spray some An-2 fragments over a hillside, put there all the passengers and the crew looking a bit drunk and show them on TV as miraculous survivors of a horrible crash. Let me illustrate... :drinks_drunk: :ghey:
  14. News for August 2009

  15. Long Overdue Interview with neoqb

    A good pun involving Hague? United Nations
  16. Need advice on Books on Nam

    Hm... I guess the second batch is forming up For now I ordered Thud Ridge, When Thunder Rolled, Palace Cobra and 100 Missions North. + a couple of books by Robert Rankin, who is zany and hilarious but severely underpromoted. Funny thing about ordering from Amazon at that store is that they don't include shipping cost but multiply whatever the book costs by 2.4. So a 60$ order turned into some 150$. And it's 100% pre-pay and I have no idea when the stuff will arrive yet.
  17. Новости, События, Факты

    Просто они сначала подняли форум для всех после теста, а потом прикрутили бантики В саааамом низу форума находится полоска, в которой есть список для выбора шкурки.
  18. Новости, События, Факты

    Если кто-то случайно не заметил, форум целиком и полностью переехал на новый движок
  19. New Forum Software Announcement

    Not in the news section you can't
  20. Notice the DS link appeared in the top bar. It's temporarily off-line for maintenance though... or is it?
  21. Via Windows Paint editor. Open the picture with it and save as a .bmp file.
  22. Need advice on Books on Nam

    My Secret War looks very interesting, but I think I won't be able to get it since it's not in Amazon's own stock
  23. Sometimes you can have a strange tank battle resolution. It used to give your troops a total victory after you destroyed a few enemy tanks during CAS. Even if in the end enemy tanks were still active and the friedlies were wiped out. Now in those cases I sometimes see "Misson complete" a report of successful capture of enemy positio and the next day map shows the enemy sitill there at that point.
  24. Mirage F1 with R-73 missile ?

    I wonder if they can hold on to the frame through sonic boom.

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