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Posts posted by haukka81(Fin)

  1. Are you guys who're talking about the advanced shaders thing using Vista?


    I ask because I'm still running XP and didn't see and real differences in speed that I noticed, not that SF2 has ever run poorly.




    Vista or Windows 7 (it's great)



    SF2 Israel runs with advanded shaders (DX10) default on vista or win7, It'runs so smooth with my 4850 :heat:


    Nvidia cards have some stutter broblems but it will be fixed.

  2. They are pylons that WERE going to be wired for ARM's. But they decided not to use them. (They can be added if needed) However for the fun factor FC put them in there since it was tested like that for real. Trust me dude we research the hell out of this stuff and just do not go throwing crap in the for the hell of it. good.gif



    Ok, thanks for quik answers. I never ever know that :drinks:



    Will Nato fighters 4+ ever get fixed for Merged install ?? I get better FPS with advanded shaders in SF2Israel. SF2Europe is just too slow :boredom:

  3. No, you loaded 4 more AIM-7's that are supposed or be on the FAST packs. You either load 4 AIM-7's that fit on the outside of the intakes, OR you load 4 to the FAST packs, you try to do both and that is what you get. It be design to do either, or.



    Ok, it's clear now. :good:


    And what about those outter pylons? I never know that F-15C has more than two wing pylons ?? And possibility to carry hevy Agm-88Harms on them feels bit weird or unreal. :blink:

  4. hello folks



    hsa , a new member



    please i need a little explain or examples or any thing can help to learning how to use the targeting pods


    i have f/a-18f with my gbus (lgb ) so i like to release my bombs on any target in the map area by lasing with the designator but i dunno how to use it

    so i need your help please.


    thanks in advance



    You can't manually select or paint targets, the only way is to use E or T keys to browse through avaible targets. Same with mavericks ect...


    I hope that TK will fix this some day :dntknw:

  5. Hi everybody...


    I feel like the AI has his own Missle lauch detector (lets call it MLD for now)... I mean when I make a silent attak from behind the enemy using long range IR missile e.g. the IR Alamo (AA-10B) they release flares in advance !!!! as if they have an MLD.... from what i have read only the F-22 has it!


    Is there a way to integrate such system in the Game, something like a radar screen showing incomings like the ones in the movie behind enemy's lines? if u remember the F-18 in the begining of the movie; the RIO has a screen showing the incoming missile it appears to me that this missile was a SAM-8 i dont remember but if am not wrong mostly an IR SAM! as they were releasing flares!


    Thank you


    That movie is 100% unreal, F-18 don't have that kind system.


    AI cheats, they can see 360 degrees ect.. :yikes: But i may be wrong, this is just my personal opinion :dntknw:

  6. Well I upgraded to a new system a few days ago:

    A64 5000+ Black Edition - currently stable at 3GHz

    2GB DDR2 - waiting for another 2GB stick to come, to lazy to go far for it lol

    ATI4850HD - yes one of the new ATI series 48xx kick @ss cards


    Since it seems I'm the first one here to get a new series ATI card and have a habbit to collect a bunch of games from my friends and test the living sh1t out of the new hardware, let me write a short non-proffesional review:




    Let's go for testing, not all tests were done at same CPU speed so I'll just write it next to it, card was always at max image quality only AA and AF were varied, and resolution in all games is 1024x768 due to my 17" CRT monitor:



    6. Wings Over Israel - the biggest WTF for now... I used clean install with April patch, F-15 and my wingman over nothing but the desert, game was maxed(shadows medium) out, in def.view I only managed 29fps, when I zoomed out in wide view I only got 16-19fps!!! Something is not right here and I hope I'll solve it soon.

    Other than that, there are no visual problems the picture quality is waay better than on my old GF6800


    All in all the card is performing waay above what my monitor can display and aside from this WOI low fps issue I'm VERY happy with it, I'll experimet with it for the next few days and report my findings ;)



    Hi! I have radeon1900xtx 512mb and amd opteron 170 (2.4ghz dual core) + 2Gig of ddr400mhz :


    I run 1360x768 4xAA and 4xAF

    I get normally about 25fps in wide view in campaing, 16-20fps if lots of planes and other stuff nearby. (near target etc.. )


    My settings in woi: Plane and Cockpit texture unlimited, shadows medium,no mirros and rest settings high.


    My options ini:






















    AntiAliasing=2 (forced antialiasing won't work so i enabled it rough options.ini file)



    Your system is way faster than mine so your fps are way too low. :grandpa:


    I hope that TK will fix woi:s radeon support. (shadows and so on.. )




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