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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. ST:TMP....Director's Cut of course.
  2. Panzer General Forever

    Thanks for the tip.
  3. The greatest past combat FS ever

    much better
  4. The greatest past combat FS ever

    Okay, why is SWOTL not in this poll?
  5. There is actually no mod necessary to turn TK's Tomcat into a Bombcat....the TW USAF F-15 from WOE was able to drop LGBs as well. But I guess TK still hasn't changed the AI to handle LGBs and other precision guided weapons properly. Not to mention seeing AI wingmen launching a barrage of AIM-54s or AIM-120s without having a lock on the target...
  6. North Korea 1 X 0 Brazil

    It's actually a fake....quite believable though.
  7. Why did "Red Storm Rising" pop up in my mind?
  8. TK's sims have always been focused on air combat, the air-to-ground stuff has always been very basic, if not to say limited (AI and LGBs anyone?) and one reason I do like his sims is that they don't crave to knock you out with the latest weapon tech bling. I don't expect TK to reinvent the wheel really. All I do want is a good-looking turkey, some slightly (?) smarter AI, especially with regard to handling AAMs, task groups to operate from and a nice challenging enemy, and in my honest opinion neither Iran or Libya fit in that category.
  9. As far as I remember engines do overheat...although they usually start to be on fire then and explode soon after....
  10. Iphone 4

    Nope, iOS 4 is for 3G and above
  11. Some planes in the SF2 sections are just conversions of SF1 mods and might not be up-to-date with regard to their FM and effect files. It's also important to know that weapons are handled slightly different now as well, in theory it's simpler now to add weapons, but it may get a bit confusing when you try to add weapons from a SF1 weapons pack. IMHO it couldn't hurt to separate the SF2 aircraft section to distinguish between SF2 conversions (i.e. SF1 mods updated to work with the SF2 folder structure) and actual SF2 mods (i.e. aircraft with FMs designed for SF2 and perhaps even models making use of the features of SF2....like the built-in droptank)
  12. While you could add the pylons with the method Wrench suggested, it could be a bit difficult to make it look right, since SAAB redesigned the main gear to make room for a second centerline pylon. Gripen Gripen NG
  13. Iphone 4

    Will AT&T swap your SIM card as well? The iPhone 4 uses a micro SIM card, so cards used with the 3GS etc won't fit.
  14. Swanp Ghost

    Indeed, but to be honest I would find it more interesting to maintain the aircraft in its current condition instead of trying to restore it.
  15. Can't wait to drag the cat into my paintshop....
  16. This is starting to drive me nuts...none of decals show up on the F3H-2M Demon in SF2, regardless which skin I'm using. And yes, I do know how to install skins into SF2. I've (triple) checked both folders and the decal.ini, no spelling errors or else. I'm also selecting the aircraft number in the loadout...still, no decals. SF2: SF1:
  17. Are the drop tanks part of the model?
  18. Yeah, DecalMaxLOD was the culprit. It was set to 0, which somehow worked in SF1, but not in SF2. Pretty much overlooked that the whole time...
  19. TK has made no secret of out the fact that despite the P-51 was included as an player aircraft he has not implemented a prop FM with all the bells and whistles. And since I do think including a dedicated helicopter FM would require even more work, I say there is no chance that he will be going for that. And to be honest I also don't think that a full scale Eagle Claw operation with Carrier groups joining the fray would be enough for a full scale campaign. Not to mention that Iran was that point still in state of post-revolutionary chaos...
  20. "Yalla Yalla, F-14!!!" *dies* It's an interesting idea, but I don't see that happening. It simply doesn't seem to be very appealing. I would like to see a Fleet Defenderish scenario....be it either the North Atlantic or the Bering Strait. I would also not mind if it's set in a 1975-1983 time frame, meaning no Hornet.
  21. Check This Out

    I have yet to find a large resolution image of a flying US Navy Crusader (SF shots don't count!)

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