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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. I totally apologize for trying to encourage you to try some modding on your own. Good luck finding someone to do your bidding.
  2. All you need is a decent graphics program, a quality image of that badge and some time. So why not do that yourself? The answer "because I don't know how" won't count since I had no clue about skinning either when I started doing that.
  3. I would be already satisfied if the AI would be able to use smart weapons on their own. Btw, that bubble around the F-35 looked cool...could we get that in-game?
  4. [LeftMainGear] ... ModelNodeName=DampherBeinLeft ... [RightMainGear] ... ModelNodeName=DampferBeinRight ... That's the only thing I could notice....which must not mean anything though.
  5. Hmm...radar-controlled bombing.....oh, right. Nice pics, though.
  6. Maybe, a lot can happen in 10 years or so. Yeah, I'm convinced a decade will pass before that aircraft will be operational in any airforce... Besides, these excercises aren't that much revealing, since neither nation has an interest to fully expose the capabilities of their top-line aircraft.
  7. That's hardly a MiG-23 anymore. Just saying.
  8. It couldn't hurt to add this in the fueltank.ini: [LOD001] Filename=Ye-152M_CTANK.lod Distance=2000
  9. Two observations. I think TK put only a few AAA in game because if the terrain would be littered with guns of all calibers it would become a lot less playable. I have experimented with putting a WWII carrier group together and their fire took down the FPS real good (looked nice though, wouldn't be surprised if the large caliber guns cause most of the FPS drop) The hardest plane to kill in game is kinda difficult to assess really, since it does depend on the armor values built in. In the end it all boils down to skill...and/or luck. I'm pretty sure that I have survived a dozen 14.5mm hits in my Crusader, but I have also be downed by just one or two hits.
  10. Indeed. Here's an example taken from the F-15A Baz: [FlightControl] ... MachLimit=2.540 MachLimitDry=1.030 ...
  11. The basic F-15A Eagle works with SF2I as well. It just needs some editing of the F-15A.ini (use the F-15A_BAZ.ini as reference), since SF2I does come with the decals for the USAF F-15 It is however necessary to extract the skin files and place them inside the texture folder.
  12. Needs a bit less green and more white. Should be the last C model skin for now.
  13. The wrong one, of course. I had the files inside the SF2I>Terrains folder instead of SF2I>Terrains>IsraelME But thanks for asking that, it made be realize what I had missed.
  14. how is Column 5 doing?

    Good to know you're still around, C5. Take care.
  15. I suggest checking the [CAMAPAIGNNAME]_data.ini and [CAMPAIGNNAME].ini again. No enemy aircraft could mean that there is something wrong with the numbering of the AirUnits. I find it also advisable to add units in order of the listing in the nations.ini. It's always hard to say anything definite here, really.
  16. Hmm, I have extracted the ISRAELME.ini and edited the EndDate accordingly, but still I can't select a year other than the ServiceStartYear....
  17. Return of the Falklands

    Somebody call Juan Carlos please.
  18. Sounds to me that the Sea Kings have run out of fuel. [EngineX] SystemType=PROP_ENGINE .... BSFC= .... That's the value for the fuel consumption. Lower the value (i.e. something like 0.00001) and see whether the rotors keep stopping.
  19. Open the Data.ini Search for [Canopy] .... DeployValue RetractValue DeployValue is probably higher than RetractValue, so switch those values. That should do it.

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