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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Iron Hand = air defense suppression Btw, I don't think it's a terrain issue, but rather a WOV specific limitation. (Although it's true that the VietnamSEA is absolutely unsuited for Anti-Ship missions....)
  2. Looking forward to the eventual release. Btw Wrench, are you going to do all Corsair units for this mod?
  3. 24_C03.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  4. 24_C02.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  5. Stop making useless threads....now that would be a real donation to CA.
  6. 24_C01.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  7. 24C_03.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  8. Just out of curiosity...would it matter if the Modex numbers were not in a consecutive order (i.e. instead of 200, 201, 202 etc use something like 204, 207, 201...)? EDIT: Added some random(?) pics for no reason... VF-24 (1967) VF-24 (1965)
  9. File structure should be: WOV > Campaigns > RollingThunder > WOVCAMPRT_DATA.ini Edit: Just remembered that those Campaigndata.ini files need to be extracted first.
  10. Example: (That works only for Player Units. AI aircraft are loaded according to their Loadout.ini) [AirUnit008] AircraftType=F-14A UnitName=VF-302 'Stallions' ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=VF302 StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Nunivak BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=12 StartPilots=12 Experience=300 Morale=200 Supply=100 MissionChance[sWEEP]=50 MissionChance[CAP]=20 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=20 MissionChance[ESCORT]=40 MissionChance=0 MissionChance[CAS]=0 MissionChance[sEAD]=0 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER Supply[001].WeaponType=AIM-9L < used designation as specified in the Weapondata file. Start & End dates don't matter. Supply[001].Quantity=960 Supply[002].WeaponType=AIM-7M Supply[002].Quantity=640 Supply[003].WeaponType=AIM-54C Supply[003].Quantity=640 Supply[004].WeaponType=Tank330_F14 Supply[004].Quantity=240
  11. Why does that sound like the Microprose F-117 to me?
  12. I wish we had some more cruisers available....although two or three cruisers (Clevelands or Baltimores) with an authentic AAA complement would probably not only shoot down any AI aircraft within range, but the FPS rate as well...
  13. OV-10(X)

    I know. And if I had anything to say about it the F-35 would never get the chance to replace the Hog.
  14. The image of tanks versus cavalry (or even better, medieval knights) comes to my mind. Then again the SF engine and the AI wingmen are known for their blackouts, so don't be surprised if F-15s get shot down by some 109s...
  15. OV-10(X)

    New equipment can be a hard sell when it looks exactly like something that has been around for ages. It doesn't matter whether it would make sense or not. Given the current focus of CAS I would totally think that building all new A-10s would be a good idea (Not to mention that it's unlikely that the projected costs would explode right after the contract is signed, as it seems to be granted these days for pretty much every major aircraft project...), but it would probably be shot down with the argument that the A-10 is an ancient design and doesn't provide any new fancy technology (like you would need stealth to drop a bomb on some Taliban or strafe some APCs)
  16. You know what really scares me in game? Sharing the airspace with (or even worse, going after the same enemy plane group as) AI aircraft armed with AIR-2As...
  17. This may sound strange, but when looking at the pictures I get the impressions that the engine sections don't belong to that design....like they're some sort of stand-in for parts that are still under development...
  18. Re: "Use the KB" I do agree that sometimes it might seem a bit rude to respond to a question with said phrase or add it at the end of an elaborate explanation, but the point here is this: This series has been out for quite awhile, it has its limitations and other quirks, which are well known (well, at least by those that have been around for ages) and it's mostly those people have spent quite a lot of time putting all the information that can be found in the KB together. I got no problem to repeat myself over and over again, I do respond only to questions on matters where I do think that I know what I'm talking about (I hope), but I do expect (probably based on my preference on figuring out things myself) that people with questions have at least tried to do the same. And I would claim that most questions have already been answered once and that those answers are somewhere in the Knowledge Base. Not to mention that I can't help but think that certain issues only exist because someone didn't bother to read that annoying text file every good addon comes with...
  19. Yeah, it's a nice looking Aircraft, but let's see how long further development will take....and given the previous Russian AF piecemeal orders (a few bombers here, some fighters there, etc.) that might could take awhile until they get that into mass production (if ever)
  20. Actually, if you're using a 3rd party skin in a campaign, use StartNumber=0!
  21. Guess the 'bump' was not in vain then. How many Gigs are those skins unpacked?
  22. Operation Desert Storm

    To be honest I can't imagine how they would manage to preserve one of those supercarriers anyway. (not to mention a CVN like the Enterprise, which is the next carrier to leave the fleet) I rather see a few more Sink-EXes coming for those decommissioned CVs. The Ex-America has already suffered that fate.

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