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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. This one does. Then again, Crusaders look good from every angle
  2. 142C_03.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  3. 142C_02.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  4. You can't open the .LOD file and it isn't necessary anyway. TBH it's hard to tell what went wrong there, since as I said above there could be several reasons for the missile not being visible in-game. Perhaps you should search for some answers here. After all, the Knowledge Base is your friend.
  5. C-model skins? Some pre-Vietnam (read: 1960) skins okay?
  6. 142C_01.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  7. 91C_01.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  8. The .LOD file is either missing, misplaced or has a different name compared to that in the weaponsdata file.
  9. A400M Finally...

    National aircraft programs in Europe are no longer sustainable, due to the rise of costs and the (somewhat related) reduction of demand. France may seem to be an exception here, but given the desperate attempts of the French government to find additional buyers for their Rafale that exception might not last much longer. This may be the armchair aircraft designer in me speaking, but while I'm willing to admit that the Eurofighter might be a decent design I still think that the A400M is either too big for a mere tactical transport or too small for a strategic airlifter. And I do believe that it's still plagued by numerous technical difficulties despite the fact that it did not fall apart during its first flight....
  10. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. The graphics were awesome. Great game, and the manual was an interesting read, too. It's a shame they don't make games like this one anymore.
  11. A400M Finally...

    The A400M program has been a disaster from day one, but sadly I do believe that they won't kill it off. EADS knows that eventually they will receive the billions they "ask" for, although I doubt that this will be the end of it...
  12. Well, after 11 months of working hard on this skin I have managed to make some progress. At that pace it will probably be ready for release in about six months or so. (Note that I did not say "two weeks!"....after all, I try to make exact statements about upcoming releases...then again, some parts of this post should not be taken too serious...)
  13. 24C_01.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  14. Ancient111.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  15. ah....detaildetailsdetails. Anyway, time to make some skins for the new C version
  16. 24_67_1.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  17. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    No need to read on....i'm sold.
  18. Nice! Are there plans to make the H & K versions as well?
  19. I know you couldn't change them, but then again, does the Super Hornet carry anything else but Sidewinders on their wingtip stations? Also, and I admit that I'm no expert regarding the potential loadout options here, I have yet to see that anything else but fuel tanks are carried on the Inner wing stations. Sure, it's a compromise, but I still believe that it would allow asymetirical loadouts at an acceptable price.
  20. Doesn't sound so difficult to me Outer Wing station - weapon group 1,2 Middle Wing station - weapon group 3,4 Sparrow stations - weapon group 5 Center tank station - weapon group 6 Sidewinder wingtip stations - Weapon Group 7 Inner Wing tank stations - Weapon Group 8 Load the wingtip Sidewinders and the Wing tanks through the loadout.ini. That should work.
  21. 60s/70s High Viz paint scheme + Super Bug =

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