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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Oooooh! An early Xmas present. Yeah, I know. The VF(AW)-3 skin for F-8 Crusader... What?
  2. F-22 export possibilities

    The problem with ACM is that it seems to be of no importance at the moment....why else was the Raptor being rebranded to F/A for awhile?
  3. F-22 export possibilities

    Not to mention that Japan might be one of the few countries that could afford to buy more than just a handful.
  4. For some reason I don't expect much from these re-releases, but I'm curious what new features TK has implemented. I'll probably pick up SF2 and SFI, but I'm not sure about getting WoV/WoE again. Unfortuantely that's what Vista-certified games do. The system files (which aren't supposed to be changed) are installed into Program Files, while all the savegames, screenshots, configuration files, etc.... basically all kind of files that need to be created or changed during use are stored in the Users directory.
  5. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    I have no doubt that these either go BANG! or BOOM!
  6. I don't want to scare either of you, but no WOV campaign would be complete without all the different paint jobs used by all those Navy units. The Sundowners are a good example of that. 4 Crusader versions (C/D/E/H), 5 or 6 (more or less) different paint jobs...
  7. Are you going to do the Ise-refit version as well? Keep them coming!
  8. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    Interesting. Happy B-day!
  9. Great shots, but landing on the carrier might be a bit tricky with all those planes parked there... It might be a good idea to create two versions, one as a mere ground object (read: target) with planes on the deck and one acting as aircraft carrier, with a clear deck.
  10. Famous WW2 quotations

    You and bounder seem to have missed gepard's point.
  11. It would require a decent amount of time, which I wouldn't invest because (that's my opinion) you'll probably end up reenacting the 3-hour crapfest by Michael Bay.
  12. IMHO Pearl Harbor doesn't have much potential, especially when you consider the effort necessary to get it done.
  13. And that's why I stopped trying to add Hawks to the Bering Strait terrain...O.H. Perrys are much more effective.
  14. Simple question: Are you running Vista, Mike? I'm asking because I had similar problems (stuff I painted on looked fuzzy, etc. although textures were set to unlimited), well, it wasn't caused by WoX, but rather by the Vista graphics settings. Just a thought.
  15. Daring

    That's an USN ship, a Des Moines-class heavy cruiser. Two weeks as well, right Hinch?
  16. Crusader F Mk 1 of 803 NAS banking away after an successful attack run
  17. RN03.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  18. RN02.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  19. RN01.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  20. Wait a second...a desert paint job AND SEAC roundels? That's madness! Madness!

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