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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Fallout 3

    Well, my rig has been deemed to be good enough for medium settings...and an 800x600 resolution, which is probably not as pretty as some higher resolutions, but I'm used to even worse, so it's good enough for me. First impressions: Game runs fine, especially when you consider that Bethseda's forum is full of bug reports and that there's already a patch for FO3 in the making. I have to admit that I'm currently playing at 'very easy' difficulty, but I play games to have fun and not to be screwed over repeatedly by the AI. ... anyway, tagging small arms (and taking the 10mm pistol from the overseer's daughter) made my escape from the vault quite easy. And when I finally left the vault I got to see this: For a second I wanted to go back into the vault, but due to the mayhem I had caused on my way out I realized that I had no choice but to move on. Moments later I ran into some raiders...but thanks to VATS they were not much of a problem. (I do have a pic from this encounter as well, but I'm not sure whether I should post this here)
  2. I guess TK added this line to make sure that the AIM-4 would only show up on the dedicated Falcon missile stations of the F-4C.
  3. F-8B,J,E,D (seriously, although many missions are photo ops in support of skinning projects) F-106 F-14
  4. F-8 Crusader what if?

    They won't? Damn.
  5. Good pics. This is probably the armchair aircraft designer speaking, but why the fixed refueling probe?
  6. F-8 Crusader what if?

    I concur. I'm not even sure whether adding a second engine would have given the Crusader a better performance...
  7. 211_mk.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  8. No, he's not. But I guess there's no point in trying to explain why none of what he has posted there made any sense.
  9. Fallout 3

    Goodbye 7500LE, hello 9500GT. :yes: Vista has this hardware rating feature and it had rated the 7500LE at 3.0, but the 9500GT now running inside my computer gets a 5.3...I guess that's supposed to be some sort of progress. I still need to get Fallout 3, though.
  10. Looks like it's time to get the HARMs with nuclear warheads out...
  11. Not yet (apparently), yes, but not here & yes, but not here; since the last two are DAT products.
  12. Check out This Shotgun

    I hate to sound like a jerk here, but that vid isn't funny at all, it's just a display of pure stupidity. I really can't stand to see such people at a range...
  13. Looks good. But if I may add a suggestion: replace the black & white insignia. Just the VFA-103 CAG bird has them.
  14. F-111 1.2? Cool, I'm looking forward to its release.
  15. I'll wait a day, then I update my upload of the Oct 2008 patch.
  16. This 'bug/glitch/whatever' has been around long before the Oct 2008 patch. Also, IMHO it's actually not TK's fault. The game simply assumes that there are 100 level 2 (individual aircraft stuff, like Buzz numbers, etc.) decals for each skin. Most 3rd party skins usually have 12-16 level 2 decals. And to be honest, I'm not really convinced that removing the numbers.lst will change anything, since I do think that the game simply doesn't check how many decals are actually there. The RNG simply picks a number between 0-99 and that's it. The Alias.lst, introduced with the Sept 2008 patch, however may offer a workaround.
  17. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=33279 Also: #1 The Knowledge Base isn't actually the place to ask these kind of questions. Use General Discussion instead. #2 Vista has nothing to do with it.
  18. Want do you want to do? AFAIK the patches didn't change anything with regard to adding ships (carriers/other ships) to a terrain In case you just want to place a ship on the map then all you need to do is this: open the terrain_targets.ini, then add [TargetArea0xx] Name=[TargetAreaName] Position=X,Y <- coordinates, I use KMD to get those Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=5 <- look up terrain_nations for appropriate number Alignment=FRIENDLY/ENEMY CarrierStation=FALSE Target[001].Type=[shipname] = name of GO folder Target[001].Offset=-308.07,-660.34 <- how far away from the position Target[001].Heading=267 Target[001].ActiveYear=1980 <- Year from which on the ship will be there, could also be set to 0 Also, you'll probably have to edit the terrain_types.ini as well: This is the entry for the WOV stock SumnerFRAM DD. [TargetTypeXXX] Name=SumnerFRAM2 FullName=Sumner FRAM 2 class DD ModelName=DD.LOD TargetType=WARSHIP ActiveYear=1955 TargetValue=750 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=SumnerFRAM2 RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=50 StartIdentifiedChance=20 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=5 MaxVisibleDist=10000.0 DestroyedEffect=MediumFire SecondaryEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryChance=100 This entry could use some additional modifications, Wrench should know what's missing here. Also, as a final remark, the game will target those ships and assign strike missions against them...which can be fun to watch. An enemy flight approaching an O.H.Perry at low level is practically on a suicide mission....
  19. Yes, the October patch is essentially a slightly refined version of the Sept 2008 patch. No problem. You can't see it because it hasn't been approved yet. I have to admit that I'm glad that I've seen your uploads, otherwise I would have uploaded the WOE patch as well.

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