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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. There aren't any available. Some people (including me) have asked TK about the templates for the WOV birds (including the A-7) and bottom line is that they were apparently lost somehow. It's a bummer, but then again there's a TMF A-7A/B down the road and once those are released the stock Corsairs will be sent into retirement. Even without having seen it I do know already that the TMF Corsair A/B will be a much better model.
  2. Well, it's not like that the tanks don't show up at all, as you can see here. It seems that they appear only when you load them manually (through the loadout screen), regardless whether they have been equipped via the loadout.ini already.
  3. A carrier acting as an airfield can't be destroyed, but the same ship added as a mere ground target (> terrain_targets file) could be sunk, since it then would be just another ground object. I also doubt that an enemy carrier added via the campaign_data would show up at all.
  4. I can't wait to that (blasting Bulls/Badgers/Blinders out of the sky ) with the F-101B....
  5. Falcon_Six.jpg

  6. Israeli F-35 info

    Just out of curiosity, why would Israel want to buy the F-35B instead of more As?
  7. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    That's a 9x39mm round, used by certain Russian sniper rifles.
  8. Looks fabulous. Is there any chance you could include the other Nimitz carriers as well?
  9. I'm so off researching Skyray paint schemes now.
  10. Nothing but pretty aircraft this week...
  11. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    Spoken like a true expert.
  12. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    Well, it's not like every soldier would receive several barrels for their 416/417, after all it doesn't have a barrel change option anyway...but you can replace the upper, as it is the case with basically all rifles of the M16/AR15 family. Although you have to realize that the 416/417 aren't really AR15-type rifles since they have a different gas system.
  13. Jarhead1 what do think about this?

    The rifle on the right is a HK417...
  14. If I could only get rid of that IRST....without deleting the entire cockpit interior.
  15. NC68_2.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  16. NC68_1.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  17. IIRC that B-52D pack required the stock B-52 LODs that came with WOV. They should be inside the WOE objectdata.cata as well, but unless you have either one you won't be able to use it in WOI.
  18. It's another method to limit loadouts, but without having to rule out certain types of weapons. The wing stations of the stock MiG-23 have the stationcode AA7 to ensure that only weapons of the AA-7 (both IRM & SAHM) family will be loaded there. The game is capable to upgrade/downgrade the default loadouts on its own. It's actually an interesting addition. I wonder if a weapon or weaponstation could have more than one code.
  19. More recon birds is always a good thing. :yes: Thanks for the RF-101C.
  20. At the risk of causing some confusion I would like to add that I did get them to show up (all four versions from bunyap's pack), but only when I selected the A-4 Skyhawk. EDIT: Also with the stock A-6A and A-7A/B, but not with the TMF A-7E (2nd EDIT: that's because of the A-7E's ARM stations max weight limit) Okay, I think I have it now: The reason why the AGM-78A-C don't show up for the F-105, no matter whether the attachment types match or not is because of the "Exported=FALSE" line....since in-game USAF and USN are treated as different nations. The F-105 is regarded as an USAF bird and can therefore get only access to those USN weapons that are listed as Exported=TRUE.
  21. F-8E: length: 16.5 m height: 4.8 m wingspan: 10.9m Thus it's proven, the F-35C is a small aircraft.
  22. Dave, what's the size of that mod now? Seriously. It's gonna be huge, right?
  23. I think it's the ReleaseInterval (under StrafeAI) value that defines the duration of the burst. I'm not sure though what measure is used there. (Maybe seconds?)

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