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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. bsn.jpg

  2. BUFFs.jpg

  3. The WOV/WOE patches contain a few more goodies than just the code stuff. Tons of new decals...and I'm not talking about insignias here. Also, slightly upscaled skins.
  4. "Any version" refers to the patch status, not the game title.
  5. I have no slowdowns in the roster screen. Also, are the MF weapons packs now compatible with the updated WOV/WOE?
  6. One reason why it's possible to have a merged WOV/WOE install is that the WOE objectdata.cat contains all files that of the WOV objectdata.cat. I don't have WOI, but I doubt that the WOI objectdata.cat contains all the files from WOV/WOE, so in order to have a merged install you would have to extract numerous, if not to say all files from either the WOE or WOI objectdata.cat and place them into the respective aircraft/ground object/decals folder. You might also have to create a new squadronlist, since I'm not sure whether those are compatible. Come to think of it, I do not even see the slightest benefit of a WOV/WOE/WOI merged install.
  7. Yes, every aircraft that can load LGBs can drop them on primary targets without an onboard laser designator.
  8. Ah, detailsdetailsdetails....looks like there are now a bunch of new decals in the updated WOV objects.cat, well done, TK! Also, MiG drivers still can't fly rite.
  9. Scrapping the F-117

    The problem with "cost prohibitive" here is that you cannot only look at the aircraft's initial price (which is sometimes hard to determine anyway), but you would have also to include the maintenance costs, which are often a major factor in the decision to retire older aircraft.
  10. If you copy the A-7B folder from WOV to WOE you won't need the data.ini, since it's already inside the WOE objects.cat...otherwise the 'merged install" option wouldn't work. All data.ini files (aircrafts 6 ground objects) are by default inside the objects.cat, I think it's the weapons packs that place them into the respective objects folder due the changes regarding the weapon attachments.
  11. Conflicts of the 1950s! Bring it on!
  12. That's pretty much a pre-OEF statement.
  13. bpao, the pic I've posted above was taken in 1992 and I found it in Colors & Markings #23. I have no idea whether the RF-4 were armed with AIM-9s during DS, but it appears that they did seem to have that capability.
  14. Sure, that would be possible. There's even a tutorial by capun that might explain how to do that: Adding a weapons rack mini-tutorial

    There should be a test to make sure that the entire disclaimer has been read.
  16. Scrapping the F-117

    JimmyBib, I think you missed a sentence in that article: There is no real use left for the F-117 now that the Raptor is in service, not to mention that the F-117 is basically late 70s/early 80s technology.
  17. Missile rails are often part of the aircraft model itself and cannot be transferred to other aircraft.
  18. No question about that, but it does limit the use of such a skin when you start to paint stuff like Modex or serial numbers on it.
  19. tsa.jpg

  20. Oh my, what a good-looking carrier that is. :yes:

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