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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. You do know this site already, Wrench, right? Check 'ZD' and 'ZG'.
  2. Crusader skins for west coast units that have not been done yet...hmm, let's see: - VF-51 Screaming Eagles, CVW-5 (tailcode NF)* *: I know corktip has already made this one, but that one is for the F-8J and I'm currently trying to figure out how to include CAG-specifc markings. - VSF-86 'Gators' (that's what I like about the Crusader, it was not only used by fighter squadrons) - VF-91 Red Lightnings, CVW-9 (tailcode 'NG'), later redesignated VF-194 after assignment to CVW-19 - VF-111 Sundowners, CVW-11 (tailcode 'NH') - that can be done in a few minutes - VF-124 Crusader College, CVWR-12 (tailcode 'NJ') - VF-141 Iron Angels, CVW-14 (tailcode 'NK'), later redesignated VF-53 after assignment to CVW-5 - VF-142 Fighting Falcons, CVW-14 (tailcode 'NK'), later redesignated VF-96 after assignment to CVW-9 - VF-154 Grandslammers, CVW-15 (tailcode 'NL') - for the F-8B, I'm currently working on it. - VF-211 Checkertails, CVW-2 (tailcode 'NE') - that might be a nice Dash 1 skin
  3. Hmm, perhaps I should do the CVW-11 and 8 as well then. That should cover all their deployments, since I do remember that Corktip has made a CVW-16 skin for the F-8C (DO WANT!)
  4. Btw, is there any interest in a few additional Sundowner skins? They're basically finished, which isn't much of surprise since both skins didn't need much work. Definitely a lot less than the VF-154 Dash One skin that's currently driving me crazy...
  5. VF111.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  6. Are you trying to make the other skinners feel bad since they usually only do 12-16 decals per skin?
  7. TK is working on a patch that will bring SFP1/WOV/WOE up to WOI standard and it will be released in about 'two weeks'.
  8. vf26.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  9. I'm quite confident that it will come with the release of the F-8H/P, just as Dave said a few pages ago. Something tells me that he knows what he is talking about.
  10. OGS.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  11. 241.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  12. Sweet. I assume the pit uses the WOI-avionics70.dll?
  13. That's me crashing into a Flogger that I had just gunned down at point blank range. If that doesn't qualify for the title of Worst. Sim combat pilot. Ever. then I don't know what to say.
  14. VC5redux.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  15. MyFav3.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  16. MyFav2.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  17. MyFav.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  18. Flogger6.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  19. Flogger4_5.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  20. Flogger3.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  21. Flogger2.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins

  22. Flogger1.jpg

    From the album My Crusader skins


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