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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. The Ark Royal, Gepard's Israel 1.5 terrain and the A-4 skins are where they have always been..in the D/L section capun has pulled all his files from combatace, you have to sign up at his site to get them now. I think some of sundowner's files are also gone.
  2. If it was so easy to 'build some more' then there probably would be no 30+ year old airframes at all...
  3. ...and Wrench, The strikes again!
  4. I know. I have seen it at avsim. No question that this is an interesting scheme, however, the hard (read: time-intensive) part (tail fin, decals, etc.) has yet to be done... :whistling:
  5. I know that it's rather easy to add additional areas to the targets.ini, but like you said, the real problem is the terrain itself...you need to figure out first where to place them without creating a mess. Placing airfields in southern Italy won't be fun... Libya isn't that flat either...
  6. Three screen grabs: Quite obivious that the RF-8A were actually redressed F-8s...
  7. They even used genuine Crusaders for this film, courtesy of the Phillipine Air Force. (That might also explain why the RF-8 had an IRST )
  8. Not really, it's more of a testing ground. IMHO Edward's Tunisia terrain would be a better candidate for a MTO camapign, although I would say that it lacks additional airfields in Libya and Italy. Unfortunately I have zero experience with placing additional objects on a map, nor am I sure that it's possible to place them there.
  9. I have both North African terrains by Edward already, in fact I have built a campaign for the North Africa terrain as well. It's fun to play, although not really accurate from a historical perspective.
  10. You know, perhaps it would make more sense if you post this at the Thirdwire forum.
  11. AFAIK the Super Echo is set up as an ENEMY (IIRC SOVIET) aircraft. It's hard to force the game to include a specfic enemy aircraft in a random single mission. EDIT: Is there any other film than Top Gun?
  12. Royal Australian Navy Wishlist blunder...

    Not to mention that when you buy one aircraft carrier you soon will feel the need for another. As long as you're serious about it.
  13. What airplane are you?

    1st quiz: You are an F-15. Your record in combat is spotless; you`ve never been defeated. You possess good looks, but are not flashy about it. You prefer to let your reputation do the talking. You are fast, agile, and loud, but reaching the end of your stardom. 2nd quiz: You are a P-51 MUSTANG. You enjoy classic things. You like the beauty of old machinery, and the way that it awed the world. You love adventure, and you like being top dawg. You are powerful, and you are determined. You see qualities in things that most people do not. So buckle your seat belt and tear up the skies, it's your turn to have some fun!!
  14. The AI pilots under your control are capable of using them, other AI flights however do not use them. That's the issue Canadair was complaining about.
  15. You're not alone out there, thus it can be that another flight engaged and destroyed the enemy aircrafts designated as primary target. Same thing can happen during close air support or strike missions... Btw, I would recommend that you just play the game for awhile, because doing so will answer most of the questions you have posted here.
  16. There are a few aircraft that have moving weapon stations inside their bomb bay (F-23), why not analyze their data files first? Not sure, though, whether this could help you with the Vatour...
  17. IIRC I had to make one when I added those inner AMRAAM rails to my F-18, but the model itself is of course present in the pack, since its that for the dual IRM rails.
  18. Hmmm, I wonder who started that one.
  19. Sure. It would require the creation of a new dual AMRAAM rail (using the LAU-105 that is part of the Weapons Pack) and some aircraft data_modifications. It's basically the same method that has been used to add those Sidewinder rails to the Tornado models.
  20. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy B-day! :yes:

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