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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Damn, I guess that disqualifies my F-104R model....
  2. F-4/RF-4 MIG-21 and F-8/RF-8 The F-4 is a perfect choice, since it had/has numerous users and did take part in several conflicts around the world The same could be said about the MIG-21 and including it would offer the option of some serious Red vs. Blue action. The F-8? Well, I want it. End of story.
  3. Indeed. Hmmm...Crusader Ferris skin.
  4. Hmmm, I just checked the weapondata and realized that the MaxLaunchvalue is in kilometers and no nautical miles. Bummer. Btw, the Tomahawk has a MaxLaunchRange of 1100 km. SayWhat is right, the main obstacle to have it hit its target is the terrain. But the WOE terrain is rather flat (if you ignore the south with the Alps), so that would be my the preferred target terrain. I don't like using the tomahawk, because I can't stand the look of one being mounted on a fighter aircraft.
  5. Well, I did took the liberty to redraw the front line of Edward's North Africa map for a campaign. Friendly/EnemyBase does not need to be an airbase, any target area will do. I do think that the front line points are supposed to start at 000000,x (or vice versa), depending whether you want to North-South or East-West separation and end at 999999,y. The StartShow/EndShow values mean that if you have, let's say 16 positions, the front line will only be shown from position 4 to 12. Hope this helps somehow...
  6. Hells Angels The Dambusters Battle of Britain Tora! Tora! Tora! Final Countdown Top Gun / Hot Shots Iron Eagle II (no annoying kid & Phantoms as MIGs = perfect!) Flight of the Intruder
  7. Are SRAMs also an option? I usually have a hard time not to use them when flying the Aardvark.
  8. they are called 'Canards' looks good btw. :yes:
  9. *CLONK!* (cue obscure movie reference) scnr
  10. Looks like there are still plenty of Eagles without structural problems in Alaska...
  11. Actually you don't even need clever salesmen when you're dealing with a customer who has no clue at all...
  12. I'd rather have a nice missile cruiser next to my carrier. That would teach those pesky MIGs to circle above my carrier.
  13. There is an easy way to ensure that the numbers for your aircraft will show up in a campaign (even when there are just 12 available) Open the campaign_data file and search for the unit you want to play the campaign with: Check whether your airunit contains the line I've marked below. IMHO units using 3rd party skins should always have this line. [AirUnit060] AircraftType=A-4B Squadron=VA15 ForceID=1 Nation=USN StartDate=4/1966 RetireDate=12/1967 DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber=0 - setting this number to '0' means that the first number will chosen. However, in order to work two conditions must be met. 1. The skin folder should contain a file called numbers.lst Without it you won't be able to select a specific number and have to depend on the game engine's RNG that will pick the number instead. 2. The decals must be numbered (ie. num000, num001, etc.) There are some skins that do not contain a decal named num000, thus breaking the sequence....at least this has been my experience so far.
  14. I should have known that it would not be that easy. Some simple tests: I've created a test capmaign (I removed all air and ground units and replaced them with four test air units) This is the Korea terrain as found in the Korean War update package The carrier in the picture is Capun's CVA-34 and I did not add it to the Korea_types file. The destroyers are the stock Sumners that came with WOV (FTR: I don't have SFG, just WOV & WOE; it's a merged install) Like I said, placing those destroyers at the carrierstation would lead to 'interesting' results... Sure, it doesn't solve the actual problem, but it does prove that the carrier will show up at the carrier station. EDIT: Okay, I give up. I have no idea why you guys are unable to get the carrier to appear. I've installed said Korean War mod, selected the Navy unit VF-112 and got this as result: Sorry, guys.
  15. Is the game able to make out the difference between a normal and a linkless feeding mechanism?
  16. I agree, what you posted up there looks correct. Besides, I think (now) that the problem is caused by something else, namely by the data file of the F9F-5. I just downloaded the aircraft from here to take a look it and noticed two things: First of all, the base size of the F9F-5 is set to MEDIUM, whereas the basesize of the carrier is set to SMALL. This means that the F9F isn't supposed to operate from this carrier. And finally, there is no line in the aircraft's [MissionData] section that says 'CarrierBased=TRUE'. Thus I'm convinced that is the reason why you don't get to start from the carrier.
  17. Yep, it's the same gun as in the Tornado and the Gripen.
  18. Well, some bean counter must have thought that it would be great if they could save the money for all the ammuntion, etc. Too bad the Typhoon wasn't designed for to have its gun removed.
  19. All versions of the Typhoon have a built-in Mauser BK27 gun. At some point the RAF apparently considered to do away with it, but they soon realized that this would be impractical.
  20. Version


    VFP-206 'Hawkeyes' TPScheme for the Mirage Factory F-8J Consider this skin to be some sort of upgrade of the 'TPS package'. Making this skin would not have been possible without the work done by the Gunfighters team and the Mirage Factory or without Column5's fantastic template. Thanks a lot, guys! Installation instructions Extract the contents of the rar file named 'TPS2' into a TEMP folder. Read the text file for further instructions. Legal stuff 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod.
  21. Wrench, the actual placement of the carrier is done through the campaign_data file. The target area entry is just needed to tell the engine where it should be placed. (See below) [Not sure about single missions, since I'm not a fan of pre-defined missions, but it shouldn't be much different.] Anyway, I think this target entry should lead to some interesting results. A carrier placed at a carrier station is bascially a floating (and moving!) runway, while those ships added to this target area are fixed objects. I'm not even sure whether it would do any good to add a carrier as a ground object to this target area, as the game engine most likely would not recognise it as the runway the planes are supposed to take off... And as mikey as already witnessed, you do not even need to have a carrier there to take off from this position... About carriers in campaigns in general: There are few lines you should check. Maybe you know this already, but it seems to me that this is something that causes most problems here: (Example taken from a campaign I have written for my personal pleasure) [AirUnit009] AircraftType=F-14A Squadron=VF154 ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=VF154OIF StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Echo Station - seems to be self-explanatory, places unit at target area CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=63 - very important, this line connects the unit to the carrier. The number itself is arbitrary, but it must match with the carriernumber of the carrier unit! [CarrierUnit001] CarrierType=CVA-63 This refers to the object in the groundobjects directory, Type must be identical with the name of the object (its folder, to be precise) CarrierNumber=63 once again, it doesn't matter what number you pick (unless you have the stock carriers), but they must match with those of the air units that are based at this carrier. UnitName=CV-63 Kitty Hawk - the unitname is unimportant ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=Echo Station - should match with target area of the air unit. NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM - means it can handle aircraft that operate from medium runways, but not aircraft that require LARGE runways (this is defined in the .data file of each aircraft)
  22. I have recently experienced a problem with the attachment section, as i'm unable to upload pics. I did notice a change, though, as there some confusing messages there, particulary that one about the attachment space used. I'm not sure whether other users here have the same problem or what caused this, but I would be happy if could be resolved somehow.

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