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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Even the Royal Air Force gets a working anti-ship mission in Bering Strait: I was a bit surprised at first, because I have never received an anti-ship mission near Neskan Bay, but I once got there two stationary cargo ships and a convoy consisting of three ships were waiting for me. Also, who needs missiles when you fly a real aircraft?
  2. Thus it's proven, anti-ship missions work for both sides in the Tunisia terrain. Sure, this pic doesn't add a lot to my argumentation, but it looks cool. Bering Strait: anti-ship missions work only for the American side. Soviet anti-ship missions become recon missions.
  3. Alright, I will create a test campaign, using the Bering Strait for WOE terrain, to verify this. Anti-ship single missions work there without problem, so I'm curious what the result will be... EDIT: And the result is in: Big surprise! No, not really. 2 attempts to start this test campaign = 2x CTD.
  4. What campaign were you playing? It's true, you have to set ANTI_SHIP up to 100 to get such a mission during a campaign, but once I got them I never had a CTD.
  5. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    From this perspective it would be foolish to sell anything to any foreign nation, after all, who can predict what the world will be like in 10 or 20 years....
  6. F-16 paint schemes

    IIRC the two F-16 with the 'AK' tailcode belong to an aggressor squadron, thus the non-standard pain job.
  7. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    But Japanese F-22 sounds more realistic than Australian Fullback.
  8. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    Something tells me that such an 'export' model would probably cost as much as the USAF version. Besides, the Japanese tend to equip their jets with domestic technology anyway, so I doubt that in the end there would be much difference between these two versions.
  9. You find these values in the cockpit file of each aircraft.
  10. The S-3 uses the sound files that come with the F-14 by the Mirage Factory.
  11. Is there any chance I could get my hands on some templates for the F-8D or E?
  12. You know, there is a infantry pack in the download section and I'm convinced that with some editing you could fly CAS missions against infantry.
  13. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    Now that sounds like a reasonable argument in favor of the Su-34.
  14. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    Personally I think the Fullback is a sweet looking aircraft and probably is quite capable. Still, something tells me that this won't be as cheap as some may think. How many Fullbacks have been produced so far? A handful? Besides, I doubt it will be that easy to adapt the Su-34 to western avionics and weaponry. I call this whole thing extremely unlikely to happen. How credible is this source anyway?
  15. There are only three types of bombs in the game: dumb bombs (BOMB), laser-guided bombs (LGB), non-laser guided bombs (EOGB). The GBU-39/40 belong to the last category, but EOGBs can't be carried on a rack (be either the 2BR, TER or MER), which is why FC turned the GBU-39/40 into EOGRs. Btw, nice work, FC. :yes:
  16. Strange. From my point of view it's actually the opposite. They can be quite sucessful in clearing a target area that is filled with AAA and SAMs. Sure, half of them usually get killed during A2G, but at least they died trying to make a difference...
  17. Link: New CNN report about the F-15 grounding with an interesting interview at the end
  18. IMHO the aircraft or nation you have selected do not really matter in this case. The game simply checks whether you're flying for a friendly or an enemy nation. And it seems to me that the game doesn't want to generate working anti-ship missions for enemy nations (Soviet, etc.). You can fly them, but it seems that they simply become recon missions.
  19. Well, after taking a F-15D up to 75000 ft I got curious how high you could take a plane in WOE (WOV/SFP1, it's all the same). Of course, most aircraft aren't able to go up that high, not to mention that the pilots of such aircraft would require special equipment at these altitudes. Anyway, realism set aside, I took the stock F-104G and modified its data file to get beyond 75000 ft. After some modifications I thought that I was ready to go, only to find out that my engine overheated in no time and exploded soon after. My modified Starfighter, Callsign Cowboy 1-1, on the runway, somewhere in Alaska. Afterburner on! So true. 114000 ft, still going up. Whoops. Hmm, I guess I'm still there. View from the cockpit at 215000 ft. 322000 ft and still climbing... I'm not sure whether one would could see this at 400000 ft Awww, at 418000 ft I seem to have reached the limit... Well, back to earth then.. Going down... I've turned off the engine to conserve fuel. 117000 ft, soon I will enter 'normal' space again. 114000 ft, hey, look! My cockpit is back. There you have it, the 'normal' world seems to end at 115000 ft and beyond that is apparently a different realm mere mortals aren't supposed to enter. It's a shame that there is no real NF-104 available. I sure could have used the rocket engine up there... I wonder if one could make to 500000 ft....
  20. Btw, Major Lee, this is the Bering Strait terrain...as seen from 620000 ft: I admit that I did replace its regular J79 engine with a more powerful one. Needless to say, this new engine is made out of unobtainium. What? Just 2000000 ft!? More power to the engine! Actually this doesn't seem to be necessary to get up that high. But the max world height number was responsible for the disappearance of the cockpit/aircraft at 115000 ft. Getting up to let's say 2000000 ft just seem to depend on the size of the aircraft's propulsion. Right now my modified engine delivers some 500 kN thrust. But apparently this isn't enough and I'm determined to get to the point where the counter won't go further. Oh yeah, in case anybody wants to know: You can bail out at 2000000 ft and survive.
  21. Sure. The frontline progress depends on where each side's ground units are. Just set 'StartGroundOffensive' to '100' for both sides and the frontline will not move for the duration of the campaign. Also, StartAirDefenseLevel defines how strong that side's SAM and AAA network is. IMHO '3' will give you quite a headache when flying over enemy terrain.
  22. There are a few rocket fighters around...like the Me-163, but I'm not sure whether its engine is classified as a rocket engine or just is normal jet engine pretending to be one. Btw, my assumption that the counter would stop at 999999 ft was false. 1750000 ft. I guess my "starfighter" needs a bigger engine...again. @ Silverbolt: That is how it would look I would have simply gone beyond the map border: See, it's a totally different thing. I guess the disapperance of the cockpit (and the aircraft) has something to with the view settings or so.
  23. I know "this outside the map phenomeon", but this is something different. Anyway, after some more modifications I have been able to get above 420000 ft, only to run into new apparently engine-related problems and I don't think that bailing out at some 600000 ft is such a good idea... But this won't stop me in my quest to get to 1000000 ft...and back!
  24. Isn't this just some sort of experimental Mig-21 that never went into service?

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