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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Stupid question: Is there a decent China terrain around?
  2. Weapons only appear in the loadout screen if they can be carried by the plane. A few things to consider: IIRC torpedos are handled as missiles (I guess in this case it's EOGR) by WeaponsPack. Also, the Type 91 exceeds the length limit of the Bomb bay. Its length is 5.5 m, whereas the lengthlimit of the Betty's bomb bay is set at 2.2 m. Furthermore, the AttachmentType of Betty's bomb bay is WP, but that of the Type 91 is JAPAN. Plenty of reasons why you can't load a Type 91 into the Betty's bomb bay without extensive modification of the Betty data file.
  3. Well, why I do get the feeling that this was the sole objective of this program? Seriuosly, this 'aircraft' looks like it was designed by a group of fanboys. I know that this was (apparently) not the case, but this doesn't really make it better...
  4. It worked fine in my WOV/WOE merged install. I encountered none of the problems mentioned here. However, sparko's pic looks like he didn't install the Kfir cockpit...
  5. But I think that VCS-7 operated the Spitfires only for a brief period of time, before reverting back to their usual mount, the Vought Seagull. And yes, the VCS-7 Spitfires had retained the RAF camo. This webpage has some more info: (Link) Those 'conflicting reports' may refer to some Spitfires lanuched by the USS Wasp in 1942 (I think) thay may have or may not have been painted in Navy colors, but these were still RAF aircraft.
  6. It might have nothing to do with the weapondata, but rather with the AttachmentType of the weaponstations of the Tunnan. You should check whether they match with those of the weapons you want to load up.
  7. The Su-22M4 weapon stations have a wrong AttachmentType. Open the Su-22M4_Data and replace 'AttachmentType=WP' with 'AttachmentType=SOVIET'. This should fix it.
  8. Uhm, what do you think did the USMC do with its Crusaders in Vietnam? CL, is that the stock Crusader?
  9. I doubt that a clash of NATO and WP forces in central europe would have lasted for months. It would have been over within a few weeks. Besides, it's no like the US military would have needed months to ship units to Europe, especially not air units.
  10. Hmmm, it looks a bit like the A-7...and nobody should say anything bad about it.
  11. Right now mentioning those planes is like asking for a Phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range...
  12. Eh? The F-111E/F weren't nuke carriers, they were tactical strike aircraft, using conventional ordnance.
  13. It's more like Bering Strait for WOE, and it's my favorite terrain: Fun, fun, fun.
  14. Well, I would include the following aircraft: USAF: F-111F (Rare) F-16 (also used by other European airforces) F-15 F-4G (Rare) A-10 F-4E (maybe) USN: F-14 F/A-18 RAF Jaguar Tornado Harrier Phantom FGR (maybe) Luftwaffe: Tornado F-4F RCAF: CF-18 I don't know where to put the French, but if you want to include them use the Mirage F1 Commies: MIG-21,23 (East European AF) MIG-27,29 (Soviet only) Su-27 (maybe, but should be rare and Soviet only) Su-22 IMHO everything else would be out of place. And all the planes I have listed are available here.
  15. Hmm, now that you mention it, I would call the F-106 pit my favorite, because it's different compared to all the other pits around.
  16. Nah, it's just so that the (early) Sidewinders aren't really 'One shot, one kill' weapons...
  17. It's a simple thing actually. The engine uses a RNG to determine what number is used. Most third party skins have usually 10 to 20 individual numbers, whereas the stock skins have 100 numbers. And the RNG picks a number between 0 and 99. Example: [AirUnit001] AircraftType=A-7E Squadron=VA22 ForceID=1 Nation=USN DefaultTexture=USNGrey1 StartNumber=25 <- this entry makes sure that the first aircraft of this unit will have the number '400', which is the 25th number listed in the numbers file in the skin folder. In your case I would set the StartNumber to 0. This should fix it.
  18. Well, it is possible that you can achieve your mission without firing a shot. It's not unusual that there are other allied flights out there that may have the same target and get there before you do. In the end it doesn't matter who shot down the enemy planes or took out the building that was designated as primary target. But your mission log shows only those shots and hits of your flight.
  19. I have no doubt that a whole lot of unguided rockets are well suited to break up bomber formations, but to achieve a kill? Nah. But then again one has to admit that people back then had some crazy ideas regarding how future weapon systems would work...remember the first nuclear missile cruiser, the Long Beach?
  20. Gun damage

    As I said in another thread you can't really say that x hits will bring down a plane. But most jets are rather filled with somewhat complicated technology, which is often not meant to withstand a lot of damage. So I would say that is likely that 5 to 10 hits might bring a Flanker into trouble, but that at the same time there is no guarantee that those hits would down it. In the end, it's all about shot placement...
  21. ...so, does that mean we might get to play with the retractable rocket pack?
  22. TK stated that he will release DirectX10 versions of his sims. However, there will be no possibility to upgrade the current titles to this new standard. Taken from this thread at the Third Wire forum.
  23. I wouldn't generalize this. I would say that the amount of damage a fighter jet can withstand depends on its design and the situation and few other factors. Just because one Mig-17 managed to withstand a hundred hits doesn't mean that every Mig-17 could take this kind of punishment and get away...
  24. Did you fix the mix-up with the Sidewinder stations, too? It's nice to have the opinion whether to mount the single or the dual Sidewinder rail, but it looks a bit odd when both are mounted at the same time...

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