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Everything posted by Gocad

  1. Operation Eagle Claw

    Something tells me that any film based on "Without Remorse" will be be a disappointment, because they would never stick to the story of the book.
  2. Yeah well, I don't want to know what FSX would have looked like had it been made under the same conditions TK is putting out these fine sims...
  3. Thanks for solving this one, Wrench. Setting the MissionRadius for the 109G10 models and related variants down to about 300 should put an end to this. What I find interesting is that Wolf's 109F model has what I would call a realistic missionradius value: 109F4: NormalMissionRadius=250 MaxMissionRadius=284 vs. 109G10: NormalMissionRadius=724 MaxMissionRadius=1125 Also, both models have the same amount of fuel, but different consumption values... 109F4 has a BSFC of 0.005, whereas the 109G10 has a BSFC of 0.01. So if I understood Capun correctly this means that the G10 consumes its fuel at a higher rate than the F4, so its no surprise that the G10 goes down without fuel all time, especially when it is sent on a mission that would exceed its actual combat radius.
  4. Sure, increasing the amount of fuel would be an option, but my personal preference would be reducing the missionradius. That should be also the least difficult modification. Besides, I do not think that there is anything wrong with the fuel amount and comsumption of the 109G10.
  5. Low amount of fuel + high fuel consumption + wrong missionradius value = running out of fuel early I would assume that the missionradius is main reason why some prop driven planes tend to run out of fuel. For example, the Bf 109K4 (derrived from the 109G10, which I have seen running out of fuel numerous times) by Wrench has the following mission radius values: NormalMissionRadius=724 MaxMissionRadius=1125 (Btw, is that miles or kilometers; the knowledge base doesn't specify this) Anyway, according to these values the Bf 109K4 is supposedly capable to operate within this radius of 724 km/miles and this means that it must have a TOTAL range of over 1400 km/miles. But judging by the values Wrench used for his G6 mod and what is stated about the Range (which should not be confused with MissionRadius) of the 109G6 on the wikipedia page I would say that this missionradius is way to high for the 109K4 or any other 109G10 variant out there.
  6. Okay, I know this won't sound helpful and perhaps make me look like a jerk, but why don't you d/l the Tornado and the Kfir and get the information yourself. They are included in the readme files that come with those planes. And then you copy those weapon entries and add them manually to the weapondata file using a simple texteditor. It's not that difficult.
  7. I doubt that. You know, the letters don't tell you anything about the development phases of the Sidewinder, so while the Aim-9L maybe better than N version (which is in fact a variant of the 9J), it is hard to believe that it is better than it's successor, the 9M. And while I do like the Crusader, I do doubt that it is capable of surviving an encounter with Fulcrums and Flankers unless the pilots of the F-birds are on drugs and act like retards.
  8. I don't think that the Ark Royal is the problem. I once had played around with a campaign using the GermanyCE terrain and had no problems to put in the Ark and fly off it. What bcyc described sounds in fact like what happens when you made a mistake with the carrier number (i.e. they don't match). Perhaps that could be it.
  9. It would be easier to see what is wrong if one could take a look at your modified campaign_data file. Btw, you did add a carrier station to the GermanyCE_targets file, right?
  10. Actually this is not true. I have seen my AI wingmen crashing with their Bf109G-10 because their fuel had run out. The propeller had stopped and they descended towards the ground. Needless to say they didn't bother to bail out....Idiots.
  11. SuperHornets/Four Corners Story

    I'm sure the people at Boeing would have been happy to develop the X-32 into a combat aircraft for Australia...but something tells me that would have been quite expensive.
  12. There are three steps necessary to get the MOABstation to work: 1. Copy & Paste the [MOABstation] part into the C-130J_Data file. Btw, change its StationID from 1 to 5. 2. Change the NationName entry to 'USAF' 3. Add 'SystemName[016]=MOABStation' to the [Fuselage] section. And after 2003 you should be able to drop the MOAB from C-130.
  13. Btw, is anybody working on the Meteor missile?
  14. The F4U and the A-7 were built by the same company...
  15. I know there was a fly-off between the F-14 and F-15 in the late 1970s when the Shah was shopping for a new interceptor. A documentary about the Tomcat claimed that the Shah had preferred the Eagle first, but I guess you now which aircraft ended up in Iranian hands...
  16. They do work fine as long as you follow FastCargo's installation instructions.
  17. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    I'm not sure, but somehow I doubt that an Apache or Cobra could keep up with an Osprey.
  18. Yeah, that did it. Needless to say that my wingman dropped the MOAB way off the target, but I'd say that's a general AI problem that they don't know how use LGBs/EOGBs properly.
  19. Me like Big Boom! But the stupid AI pilots refuse to use them...
  20. ASRAAMs are already in the weapons pack. Nice skin, though. Seriously, this looks very promising.
  21. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    Hmm, Looks like CNN has developed an interest in the Osprey: New article: Giving the Osprey more firepower.
  22. Well, the AI reaction to most threats is far from being perfect, but they do react to incoming SAMs by dropping Chaff (when available). Therefore, you can't say they do not react at all.
  23. Iron Eagle. And Iron Eagle, part II. Israel was a popular country for making films in the 1980s.

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