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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. Well, the Spitfire has actually only two "weaknesses" compared to the P-51....less top speed and no endurance :tongue:


    Other than that the Mark IX is either on par or slightly better than the Mustang, especially at low level.


    Speaking of which, I'm tempted to spruce up the TW Spits a bit, might even get down to make a new template for it. Plenty of users in post-1945 Europe, so it's definitely worth the work involved.

  2. post-22093-12737413139824.jpg

    work, work, work :grin:


    EDIT: Got to redo all decals though....and make a bigger finflash...and a add a tailband...this never ends.




    Much better.


    It's also interesting to notice that although the Spitfire IX and the P-51D basically had the same engine, the TW Spit IX has less power than the P-51D. I'm curious why TK nerfed the IX that way.


    2nd EDIT:


    A few more action shots...Spitfire XVIs of No 631 Squadron engaging some Yak-9s...




  3. Well visually(for a rough look I mean lol) MkI,II,III,IV, and V are pretty similar. The MkVIII and later do have very different cockpit framing and that stucks an eye first, but I guess MkV is a very good stand-in.


    Well, the IX is basically an up-engined Mk V (which was actually just an up-engined Mk II) anyway... :tongue:


    Sure, the Spit cockpit got reworked over the years, but as far as I am concerned Kesselbrut made a nice pit back then that still works fine with the TW Spits. Everything else is just splitting hairs.


    Also, good thing that most foreign users after the war kept the RAF paint schemes. Still couldn't hurt to cough up some extra decals, though. :grin:

  4. The German victory in against France in 1940 had less to do with the superiority of the German Army (whose equipment was hardly better that of the French or the Brits, especially when you look at the tanks for example), but it was rather caused by the outdated doctrines used by the Allied forces.

    It would still be a stretch to assume that the German staff had planned all this in advance, they just made less mistakes than the other side. IMHO it would be closer to the truth to say that the French lost the Battle of France rather than claiming that the Germans won it. Of course, the victory over France, the relative ease how it was achieved and the propaganda soon formed the myth of the "Blitzkrieg", which pretty much backfired when the Germans tried to repeat this "strategy" against the Soviet Union.

  5. The article states that the F-35 is to replace the A-10 ! How does it fill in for the Warthog ? With the A-Stan experience hasn't the A-10 once again come into light as a must have for CAS and CO-IN ops ? What comparable firepower does it have to replace the A-10 ?


    The fact the USAF is now spending billions to keep the A-10 usable for a few more decades is pretty much saying it all. Not to mention that I think promoting the use of PGMs (which are usually fired from a distance and involving some prior planning before their use) kinda contradicts the term CLOSE air support. :tongue:

  6.  Hi gentlemen. As stated by me previously in this Thread or an other, we, the END-users or "gang of Down-Loaders" (Yes!, still free ones, "unpaying" members :grin:) are grateful to the Admin and Modders of this great, multi-cultural Site.


    I myself, a "detailer" -- the one who in my adult, professional life never skipped attention-to-detail exercise -- DO NOT mean to disrespect any creative, and productive Modders of various DL-able mods.


    Some people here might have regarded me as the "noisy" one (member, not paying yet) for posting things like this.


    But please, bear with me. Mine and others are useful feedbacks to any Modders.  


    Kindly do refrain from quickly being on the "defensive" (offering, excuse me, unrealistic excuses) v my "findings" of some issues on various mods. 


    I really appreciate everyone's cool-headed, matured, professional reactions over such useful IN PUTS/feedbacks of mine and others (BTW, a senior member, recently simply state, and I quote "suck!" unquote over one specific old TERRAIN mod -- I do not have time to copy his a bit harsh comment).


    A good customer-service guys at any "Justified Complaints" Department would normally responded as such (cool-headed, professional responses).


    One may wish to interject, and it's her/his very right doing it; "But, Raden u do not even pay and have DL-ed so many mods, didn't u?"


    Yes I did, but I have been doing on-line by way of paying my provider dude. And it's no cheap either here in this land of FELONS Indonesia. Nearly USD 30.00, monthly dudes.








    I think you're missing the point here. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing wrong pointing out issues with a mod, BUT that should be done within reason. In my honest opinion it's not too hard really to find a spot on pretty much any terrain that doesn't "look right".

    And paying your monthly internet fee doesn't change the fact that the mod is of no charge for you and I doubt that your provider is paying a percentage to the creator of the mod you seem to have an issue with. Not to mention that the creators of the free(!) mods have pay for their web access as well.


    Given that it couldn't hurt to check your expectations regarding customer service.

  7. To be honest I wonder how long the Supa Hornet will remain in service....personally I think it will be around for a few more years (decades), so given that and the fact that the Navy is still planning to replace the Legacy Hornets with the F-35C (once it's available), I don't see yet another new aircraft type coming anytime soon.


    Of course Boeing is pitching this now, because once the last Super Hornet is produced they would be pretty much out of the fighter game for the time being. Because I doubt that either the Super Hornet or their latest Eagle redesign will pull major contracts anywhere.

  8. Hi,

    My F-18 HUD doesn’t have any weapons info or heading bars etc showing up. Also there is no visible afterburner effect?






    Locate the F-18_Effects.ini, which should be inside your Effects folder.

    Open it with Notepad and add the stuff written in bold under








    Then open your F-18C_Avionics, which can be found inside the F-18C folder itself

    add under





    (add that below the initial HUD] entry


























    You have to add these lines due to changes TK made with patches that were released after those mods were converted for SF2. This pretty much applies to all mods that weren't updated after their release before December if I'm not mistaken.


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