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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. I got it working except for the skins. :(


    I copied the directory, renamed it F-4J_TMF, then renamed all the ini files inside, edited the F-4J_TMF.ini file to reflect this, and the data ini file for dates, then I swapped the loadout and user list files, and all seems well. In the game it identifies as expected, the loadouts work, and the skin I copied in is selected.


    But when I launch the mission, it shows up without a skin. Everything else works, including the pit and all it's graphics. But no external skin.


    I made sure to name each of the .bmp files to match the plane's directory name (F-4J_TMF_1.bmp, etc). That's what I've done for other planes and other skins and they've worked. I'm stumped.


    I even tried the 2048x2048 skin (after first having no luck with the 1024x1024). Anybody know what I need to do differently?


    The .BMP names are tied to the model you're using, DON'T rename them.

  2. As the wondrous people here have recreated that leg-end that never saw service, like it should have done, the TSR-2. It got me to thinking what would the RAF have ended up with instead of the Tornado F-3 as the Tornado program would never have arrived ??? I know that the RAF tested out the F-14 Tomcat which used to do the same job... The F-15 didn't have the 2 man crew that was required. Doesn't leave a right lot to go at really as the F-4 was getting old... The French had no jet capable of doing the long overwater mission that the F-3 was designed for...Anyone got any thoughts on this ???


    TSR or not, the Tornado would have most likely come up anyway. Besides, I'm pretty certain that the TSR would have looked a lot less fabulous after the mid-70s. It's also worth noting that the Tornado F3 was in fact a stopgap program due to the delay of the next generation fighter program started in the mid-80s. Said program was what is called EF Typhoon today. :wink:


    I also have the impression that the TSR-2 would not have been as versatile as the Tornado.

  3. Short version:


    The F-8H is a rebuilt F-8D. Most F-8 variants (except the A-model) were rebuilt in the 60s to extend their service life. All rebuilt F-8B, C & D received the same wing as the E-model, so they were then able carry bombs as well. The F-8H also received an avionics upgrade and had therefore the same small hump between the wings as the F-8E. Some F-8H had also the IRST removed.



  4. I tried a couple that are "loc'ed" for the winglet, but so far no joy. The decals.ini path in the stock crusader skins don't even have paths--and they seem to find the decals just fine in WOV, but not in SFG, even though the decals folder in the objects folder has them all (I think)


    In the SF1 series all squadron specific decals for the stock aircraft are in the Decals folder and there is actually no need to change the decal.ini of the stock aircraft. All you need to do is copy the decals starting with F8 from WOV to SFG. Btw, the stock squadron decals are tied to the SQUADRONLIST.INI, not sure if there is a difference between the SFG and WOV sqdlist.

  5. Yup, you need seperat skin folder for EACH nation involved. Just look at how the stock MiGs are set up.



    kevin stein


    TK has added nation-specific number decals for several WP states, that's why there are now more silver skins for the MiGs in SF2.


    The nationname in the Texture.ini is actually not that important, since an aircraft's nationality is actually determined by the Nationname used in the aircraft_data.

    See this stock SF2 F-4F? The nationname given in the Texture set is still WGermany, but I had changed the nationname in the data.ini to USAF.


    It has now American insignia, but does also use the German decal numbers...which makes sense, since that's how the decal.ini set up.


    What I'm trying to say is this, you can use the same skin for several nations, but it won't make any difference in a random single mission, since AFAIK an aircraft can't have more than one nationality (Unless NATIONNAME has the same flexibility as ATTACHMENTTYPE).

    If you want two different nations flying the same aircraft, then you have to go a bit further and create nation-specific copies of that plane.

  6. That is not true, The reason we cannot watch shows on the internet that are out on american sites has nothing to do with that but with copyright. Apparently only the american people are allowed to see some of the shows posted on sites like HBO. Now why that is i have no clue because the internet is supposed to be a free medium no bound by countrie borders.


    Like I said above, it's probably the same reason why Region Codes were introduced for DVDs. TV series like "The Pacific" cost a lot of money to make, so HBO does count on international distribution. But it's kinda hard to sell a series when you have already made it available around the world for free. And I would say that the language barrier (although I might be biased here) isn't really that much of an issue anymore.

  7. I guess TV series are much harder to sell abroad when they are made available for free after the initial broadcast in the country where they have been made. Kinda shows you what a small world Earth has become thanks to the interweb. :wink:


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