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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. Hey all,

    All i did was add a couple of planes to the NF campaigns (SF1),a Mirage 2000C to the '86 campaign,and the Hawk T-1 to the '79 campaign.The Hawk and '79 campaign worked fine,until i started having problems editing the Mirage loadout (cant get drop-tanks on aircraft).

    Anyways,now everytime i start the '79 campaign i get no Enemy aircraft in-game,and when i try the Hawk in said campaign i get CTD!

    I dont understand how me messing with the Mirage in the '86 campaign could affect the '79 campaign. All the other NF campaigns work fine.


    I havent got a clue as to what has happened.The ONLY thing i've deliberately done is import some drop-tanks from another weapons pack into the NF weapons pack,and add France to the '86 campaign.


    Can anyone help pls?


    I suggest checking the [CAMAPAIGNNAME]_data.ini and [CAMPAIGNNAME].ini again. No enemy aircraft could mean that there is something wrong with the numbering of the AirUnits. I find it also advisable to add units in order of the listing in the nations.ini.


    It's always hard to say anything definite here, really.

  2. I've noticed a strange problem with both the Westland Sea King (RN and Argentinian),often the rotors stop working and the helicopter fly as a glider.How can I do for resolve this strange problem?


    Best regards,



    Sounds to me that the Sea Kings have run out of fuel.








    That's the value for the fuel consumption. Lower the value (i.e. something like 0.00001) and see whether the rotors keep stopping.

  3. i can't imagine UK situation, the Main Britain Island is thousand of miles away from Falklands and it seems that in the Falklands Islands don't have a proper structure to refine or even distribuct the extracted Oil, looks like a Logistical nightmare for me.


    It sounds to me that the oil drilling is in its early stages, so commercial use seems still a bit away. But one should keep in mind that the oil price kinda affects which oil fields are profitable to use. It should be remembered that when the oil price rose up 100 $ some time ago a lot of of new oil fields were suddenly "discovered". In fact most of the fields were already known, but only after the rise of the price per barrel it became profitable to make use of them. It could probably be the same for the Falklands. (Not to mention that it wouldn't make that much a difference whether you have to send you tankers all the way down to the Falklands as compared to the route to the oil producers in the Middle East... :wink: )

  4. Already did it, but with no results.


    I'm starting to think that I am doing something completely wrong, because I can't instal the AIM-120 or the KH-35.



    the AIM-120 is like the AIM-7, isn't it? so a station that works for sparrows can carry AIM-120 too?

    Or do i have to modify the loadouts for each aircraft/modify the stations?


    So far, all the weapons i tried to install do not figure on the loadout section.

    This is becoming frustrating :dntknw:


    So you did add the various weapons to the weapondata.ini and then saved it with the weaponeditor? Because it does sound like your problem has less to do with the aircraft, but rather with the weapons itself.

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