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Posts posted by Gocad

  1. Well, if I got this correctly the cause for the crashes for the DAT PTO carrier mission has been found by Charles, it seemed to be an issue with some effects files. But since I don't even have that mod it's unlikely that this is causing my problems here. Not to mention that I don't have any inflight issues as far as I can tell, it's just the menu windows were I run into trouble, but since it's intermittent it's kinda hard to say with what exactly.


    On top of that it's also fair to assume that no installation is like the other here...and mine is a mess really. :blink:


    It would be huge step forward though if it were possible to reproduce these freezes, because I have none of the issues Piecemeal has...




    TK has released a hotfix....flown a few campaign missions....no issues with the Loadout or Map menu,



    • Like 1

  2. Does it happen even with a stock install, so one that has not been modified in any way? (not fast enough)


    Because it seems like the latest patch has introduced a number of freeze issues, which are however infrequent and occur in different situations.


    I guess we need a pinned thread that is called "July 2013 patch freeze issues", otherwise there be numerous threads all over the place if this goes on.

  3. Hello and welcome.


    Unfortunately once you have applied the update you can't simply uninstall it. You could reinstall the game, if you still have the original installers, however, you can't get an earlier update from the SF site.


    Also, as some people have already reported having issues with the latest patch, do these freezes occur with stock aircraft and weapons or do you have 3rd party mods installed as well?


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