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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. super pro 9.4

    there is/was a torrent for 9.4. but it'll only cost you about $5 for a download pass from Gulf Knight's.
  2. 1) the potential variations that you get are huge - it's definitely not a case of 1 profile for a game suits everybody's preferences. I agree that they could use a few basic (as in get you started & then let you customise) profiles e.g. Il2, Falcon 4, LOMAC, MSFS & Thirdwire series. 2) consider how many different controllers Saitek make, how many games & therefore profiles that they would have to make (& bearing in mind the above). That's a lot of manhours (especially because in order to come up with a good profile you usually have to get reasonably proficient at the game). Given that proficient players should make the best profiles (but again not necessarily the easiest for a new player to use) the community coming up with & sharing profiles ought to be the best solution. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have happened (SD6 has been around for almost a year now). there's a basic X52 Pro+pedals pr0 profile in http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=11577 which again should be able to have the commands reassigned.
  3. OWNED !

    Other nations are proud too but it seems unique to the US It almost comes across like an inferiority complex that they have to draw attention to/distinguish themselves. Very odd . Oh well, we'll leave it to the shrinks.
  4. If you can't find 1 you should be able to take the X45 profile in the downloads section & just reassign the commands (assuming that the author labelled them properly).
  5. OWNED !

    OT but what is it with the US TV shows that they have to be American Dad, American Inventor, American Princess etc. etc.? We have very similar shows (often the formats are cross licenced) but there seems no need to stick British in the title & I suspect that Canadians don't stick Canadian in front or the French, French etc. .
  6. SA-2F (1968->) has an optical backup. (So does SA-3)
  7. I'm sure that the SA-2 has optical backup?
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_bribery_scandals ...? The Luftwaffe was very keen on a Saunders Roe design & suddenly did a complete about face to the Starfighter.
  9. Ooo

    iirc they won't sell those to individuals - there was quite a discussion over at Frugal's at one time (note the similarity to a TM Cougar).
  10. Just Noticed This...

    another major site (70,000 members) that I'm a moderator on usually has literally 100s of search engine bots on it at any time.
  11. I don't know that you can get USAF to work 100% glitch free on XP - there were always a few minor problems although there were workarounds for pretty much all of them. Probably your best bet is to go to Gulf Knight's forum though & ask there. http://www.gulfknight.net/
  12. Just Noticed This...

    how many were search engine bots, though?
  13. In many ways it may have been a bit of a dog but I've always had a soft spot for the Hun - but why do I have to pick just 1?!
  14. the other good thing about the download is that TK gets all the cash from it which helps finance the next games.
  15. flabbergasted

    It seems that the main proponents for FF sticks mainly fly props whereas jet jockeys don't really care. Of course most jet jockeys are probably looking for more switch/programming options than most FF sticks offer so maybe it's catch 22.
  16. Hey Everyone...

    welcome back :yes: but I'm not letting you near any of my PCs ...
  17. Another F-15 crash...

    It's still at least being offered for export sales.
  18. Thought that you might be in the UK. I have a boxed (no DVD case here) original BoB c/w with manual. Can't see the keycard offhand but I'm sure that you can download 1 from the internet somewhere. Lmk if interested.
  19. Very true but with regard to Starstreak & equivalent in the right circumstances basically means coming within engagement range on a clear day (I know that there is a thermal sight for Starstreak but I'm not sure just how visible an F-22 will be at night on thermal) which isn't necessarily that far-fetched a possibility imo.
  20. $40 million per aircraft just for an upgrade seems a bit expensive (especially as presumably HAL's labour cost is below that of a western nation)?
  21. the whole point of hypervelocity is that they are so fast that the target doesn't get the chance to take avoiding action e.g. iirc Starstreak has a range ~7Km but only takes about 1 second of flight time to cover that. It's laser guided so ECM & flares don't affect it. It certainly wasn't designed to shoot down F-22s but I'm sure that in the right circumstances it could.
  22. I would put money on that they can be by 1 of the latest generation hyper velocity electro-optical/beam riding missiles like Starstreak if it comes within range of them.
  23. I've just reuploaded the version that I have but it's an unfinished one - read the readme! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...;showfile=5888#
  24. Version


    Bae HawkT mk1A of RAF Brawdy Wales UK.Number 1 Squadron,TWU,(Tactical Weapons Unit,(Training)) By Me.Russouk2002@aol.com Contains....Hawk T/mk1A Hangar screen Loadout And is armed with... Aden Gunpod,Aim9`s,and Rockets,(which will be replaced by Matra rockets when made.For next release) Bombs are optional.edit the weapondata for your own choices.The Gunpod is an option in the loadout as in reality its not a fixed weapon on the hawk. Just drop the Hawk_T1A folder in sf\objects\Aircraft folder and Decal folder too,copy and paste contents of Objects folder in SF\Objects folder This is a very Beta Release as its not fully completed.It is quite flyable though. I am currently remapping the Hawk as the bmps are too small.And theres a degree of Bitmap stretching etc,tho not evident in game.But I know its there,lol...When 2nd realease is done ,it will be just a case of a new Lod and Bitmap Textures,and new weapons.The latter will be for the new patch\Weapons editor as its pointless doing them now when the patch is due. The FM is ok for now (currently being worked on). This release is solely for feedback soas to improve the airtcraft in anyways.Dont forget this is only my 1st aircraft released,so dont expect perfection yet...lol Drone was my 1st actual model and the schoolhouse for Major lee,which turned out well.was the 2nd.. I hope you enjoy flying the hawk as much as I enjoyed making it.Just remember Im no expert at data ini`s..lol
  25. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7194086.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/p...wm=1&bbwm=1

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