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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Ouch!

    http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/flightbl...ely-damage.html Somebody has a big stoppage coming out of their paycheck ...
  2. Ouch!

    The initial statement is making it look like human error. 1) apparently it was unchocked 2) the aircraft was moving for ~10 seconds before they closed the throttles & it impacted 2 seconds later. Now I'm not a pilot but surely 1 of the first things that you would think of doing was closing the throttles?
  3. The Bear Has Awaked

    The original English spelling is "criticise". Although you do bring up a good point - with the US prevalence for replacing the "s" with a "z" (that's a zed btw not a zee ) why isn't it exercize in the US?
  4. vikbell, never noticed before but I like your choice of avatar ...
  5. 1st that I've seen. http://www.gamingnexus.com/Default.aspx?Ar...icle&I=1563 apparently these shoud be in retail in ~2 weeks.
  6. Ouch!

    Well, a Boeing B-52 did a display here over the wrong airfield (5 miles or so) a couple of years ago - quite embarassing really as everybody at the right airfield could see them & knew that they had screwed up ... As FastCargo said though that's a human problem & not the airframe's.
  7. cheaper from Pixmania, advancetec etc.
  8. Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday :yes: At least someone is older than me (not by a lot though)!
  9. Back home at last...

    Congrats on the end of your tour. Great pictures I thought & then I checked your exif & realised at least partly why - another KM 7D user
  10. It's Welsh so probably Baa-rbara (jk Russ & others of the Welsh peruasion)
  11. About Downloading files

    I averaged 66Kb/s (started of at 200Kb/s) over 5.1 Mb which is on the low side but certainly not 2Kb/s.
  12. Ouch!

    They also happen to Boeings ( & other makes too e.g. the recent spate of Dash 8 accidents) with great regularity. As always we'll have to await the investigation results getting out.
  13. http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/nuclear/so...missiledes.html
  14. there is a suggestion that he didn't actually eject but that the seat with him attached went through the canopy when the aircraft rolled inverted i.e. the seat wasn't attached to the aircraft properly. Best to wait for all the investigations to be concluded - RAF Tornado fleet supposedly grounded as a precaution (similar to the F-15s being grounded the other week after their accident).
  15. Saitek sold

    Major flight sim & PC gaming peripheral manufacturer Saitek has been sold to Mad Catz Inc for $30 million (seems cheap given the value of the $ atm). Saitek (originally started 28 years ago to make chess computers) was a private company wholly owned by it's founder Eric Winkler. There is certainly a synergy as Saitek appeared to have pulled out of making peripherals for XBox, Play Station etc. & that's obviously a Mad Catz strength whilst they were weak in PC peripherals where Saitek are strong. Mad Catz also recently bought another peripheral company, Joytech. http://www.saitek.co.uk/uk/info/pr_news5.htm http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?...&ID=1077796
  16. Saitek sold

    afaik it's business as usual at least in the short term (~a year anyway I would think).
  17. Any History about CA?

    "Cry "Havoc," and let slip the dogs of war" comes from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Here at Combat Ace though we don't have dogs of war - we have eels, lots & lots of vicious eels (aka aalen) with nasty big pointy teeth (a bit like the Rabbit of Caerbannog).
  18. sounds like a Lightning to me, fuel management was always top of the list ...
  19. oh a Lightning is very, very fast - t:w of over 1:1, mach2+ & supercruise since 1959 ... of course, it drank fuel like a fish ....
  20. pretty certain that already exists although I'm not sure that it's actually in retail yet (it's coming from someone like Samsung iirc).
  21. SuperHornets/Four Corners Story

    The RAAF F-111s had significant mid-life upgrades made to them. Having to do all that to "new" old airframes again may not be cost effective.
  22. So what do you recommend?

    hotfixes usually address very minor issues & aren't considered large enough to be a patch.
  23. So what do you recommend?

    Not quite. The Expansion is built to the latest standard for the game engine but there may be some very minor glitches in the Expansion (& specific to it) requiring a hotfix to correct. The patch (in reality several different ones for the different games) will bring other games in the series upto the same standard of the game engine as the Expansion pack.
  24. So what do you recommend?

    If you've already got the expansion installed then you effectively have "the patch" already albeit going by previous experience there will probably still be a "hotfix" to correct some small details that always get through beta testing but get found out in general release. Other than that you're on your own installing existing mods until they are updated as necessary (I suspect that terrains etc. will be fine but aircraft fms have changed). You might want to make sure that you have a backup clean copy that you can always revert to (1 of the beauties of this series is that you can run many different installs & that backing up is a simple copy & paste without registry entries too).
  25. Single Player Demo - Crysis Oct 26th


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