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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. they actually "sold" most of them to Poland for a nominal €1 iirc ...
  2. New System

    I enjoy spending other people's money! I really could use an idea of what you realistically would consider spending though - would £700 be too much? You'll get a 250Gb or 320Gb HDD for not too much so it sounds like 1 would be adequate. How about a single DVD-R/RW (or do you actually need 2 opticals)? They still have their uses - I use 1 with a combined memory card reader so that it only takes up 1 3.5" slot for 2 devices. If you are prepared to rob the other system of it's FDD if ever needed then you can omit it. Still on dialup? are these both USB or what ports required?
  3. I would presume to add Skyflash/AIM120 & an AA radar as our GRs already carry Sidewinders plus of course it has more fuel, less drag etc.
  4. New System

    & I'm sure that you can appreciate that it's hard to suggest a build if you don't know how much is available ... I'll maybe see if I can draw up 2 specs later at different pricepoints. Do you have any "must have"" features e.g. firewire, serial/parallel ports (I'm guessing that you won't need RAID)? As for your question about linking the 2 together - not a problem. They'll both have ethernet so networking will be easy & you can get a cheap KVM (keyboard, video, monoitor) switch.
  5. New System

    If you don't mind a constantly moving target we can certainly suggest a build that can be updated as new components come onto the market: What is your anticipated budget? We know that you will need a new CPU, mobo, RAM, gfx card & probably PSU but what does that budget have to cover (e.g. do you want to upgrade your monitor too, need a new case, do you need a new OS licence etc.)?
  6. iirc it's not a proper F.3 model though, just the IDS with data./ini edits etc.
  7. it's actually years in terms of a decent, reasonably comprehensive & upto date download section - once upon a time it was probably the place for downloads for most sims.
  8. New System

    as the others have said your current system isn't really weak - the only 1 thing that may be worthy of an upgrade is the gfx card. However, as that's AGP I wouldn't advise you to spend money replacing it as your next platform upgrade will be PCI-E based. Basically, wait until something comes out that you want to run but which won't on your current system.
  9. They used to & apparently they are planning to bring it back.
  10. Will it Blend?

    bic lighters 1 is fun
  11. Rudder pedals

    as long as the game supports multiple controllers, no.
  12. Some F-22 talk...

    Similarly, when the RAF first took the Buccaneer to Red Flag in the 70s for almost the whole 2 weeks the USAF didn't get a single kill on them (until they reevaluated their tactics) because they had never met an aircraft/crew that flew that low, that fast & with it's range/tactics. The SAM crews apparently had a bad time of it too. Not unique though as the RAF fighter squadrons who regularly practiced against them with Lightnings & Phantoms had a devil of a job too.
  13. Some F-22 talk...

    However, it never does to underestimate a potential enemy & for sure the US forces aren't the only people that have taken lessons out of recent conflicts. The good news is that the ones most likely in quality terms to match (or even on occasion beat) the US forces are a) smaller & b) on the same side.
  14. Some F-22 talk...

    Unfortunately with other aircraft now fielding helmet mounted sights & missiles that follow that direction that advantage won't last long.
  15. Longbow 2 in the UK?

    pretty much all of them do - here at CA, SimHQ, Frugal's etc. but of course most of them are USA-centric.
  16. Ch Fighter stick

    welcome to CA, Debby & it's nice to see you too AD
  17. Well, I'm excited

    Well, in typical TK fashion any engine updates will be applied to the other sims - afaik the current timeline is FE addon, SF/WoV/WoE patch, new jet game.
  18. Do you guys mean http://www.gulfknight.net/forum/dload.php?...amp;file_id=551 ? If so maybe we should ask if he would mind us hosting it in our editors/utilities section.
  19. Column5.us forum

    & it's working here in the UK but it does have a new look so maybe it was down.
  20. Babylon 5 Lost Tales

    plus it looks like we're getting more Farscape too
  21. http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html release notes
  22. Jane's USAF

    There are also other workarounds - the only thing that seemed fundamentally broken was the QME but you could run another editor or just keep clicking random until it threw up something acceptable. I've also seen some people having success on Vista.
  23. actually I'm not sure that it does - the GR's aren't equipped for radar guided AAMs but only for Sidewinders for self-defence. They do of course have an RWR/countermeasures suite.
  24. & there should be a pdf manual both on your CD & installed into the program folder - that should have the default key commands but you can change them all around in the options bit if you want.
  25. new addon?

    afaik the addon for the British sector is their next release.

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