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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Braggin' at the Bar ...
  2. Afaik the game doesn't model this. Irl when fired BVR the the AIM-120 doesn't switch to active homing until later but uses mid-course updates (usually from the firing ac) until it closes to self-homing range.
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=44422 Flying New (previously non-flyable) Aircraft Previously non-flyable aircraft can be flown as follows. MajorLee has a flyable SU-7B. Say you want to fly the Mig-21Mf, which is in \Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF Open the *.INI file in that folder. It will look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini Change it to look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini CockpitDataFile=F-104G_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini The MiG-21MF will use the F-104G cockpit. Now use the hangar.bmp and loadout.bmp files from MajorLee’s flyable Su-7, and rename them MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp and MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp, in the MiG21MF subdirectory. That’s all. The MiG-21MF will now be selectable.
  4. welcome to CA First you have to extract the files with something like Winrar.
  5. Who Cares?

    even reading the 1st 2 sentences in this thread turns me off ...
  6. Oh lord, to answer those in detail would take pages & that's why we have the Knowledge Base. Kreelin's editor is available here & there is a turorial too iirc - if not the tut is on StreakEagle's site yes, you can fly any AI simply by adding a cockpit plus of course there are 3rd party Migs, Sukhois etc.. Yes, I believe that we still have the latest Weap Pack although I would think that it was due an update as other weapons have been made since then - that takes time though & real life has a nasty way of intruding on gaming . You may have to do some ini. editing to do everything that you want so I would also get the File Extractor (available here). Then read the Knowledge Base - after that & once you've had a go if you still have specific problems post the questions.
  7. Must admit that's a new 1 on me too ... First check what versioj you are at - botom rh of the start up screen. Assuming that it has a date earlier than the following first apply SP v05.15.06 & then Patch v08.30.06
  8. if you are using an old profile but the new SD6 they don't work together.
  9. Scottish Bridge Crew

    Well, I had a laugh but the swear filter would go mental if I translated. There have been several Chewin the Fat series on the BBC here but even my friends & I are amazed at some of the things that they got away with - presumably the censors couldn't understand them either!
  10. July 4th Online fun!

    I must admit that it's been my impression that the reason that MP in the TW sims has never taken off isn't that it was hard to get it working but that the available options (no user created missions etc.) were too limited. Oh & you all know that we have a free TS server here at CA? http://combatace.com/index.php?categoryid=12
  11. I take it that 1680x1050 is the native resolution? probably a case of you get what you pay for ....
  12. Jane's WW2 Fighters

    might help to say where you are (US, Canad, UK etc.)? Any particular reason that it has to be new?
  13. had it's first flight yesterday ... http://forums.airshows.co.uk/cgi-bin/ukarb...=ST;f=9;t=34621
  14. Hey Ghost, you appear to have missed the Game Controllers forum so far ...
  15. Happy 4th July everybody
  16. Duck Invasion

    And therefore? ...
  17. How the heck did you come up with that?

    oh, I bet that they did - American accents
  18. i would go for the Lightning or (& ) Buccaneer at Thunder City. http://www.thundercity.com/
  19. hi i am new

    I think that I recognise that username welcome to CA.
  20. Yoke & quadrant MSRP $149.99 additional quadrant MSRP $59.99 Instruments next year ...
  21. http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html
  22. The Rhinos are coming

    It would be very interesting to know what the rules of engagement are as that will have a massive impact on any result.
  23. I'm assuming that you have CH Products controllers? http://www.ch-hangar.com/531_ghost/Dummies_Guide.pdf
  24. there's a cheap (usually~£10) bundle available in the UK consisting of Battle of Britain II WIngs of Victory F/A-18 Operation Desert Storm First Eagles The Great War: 1918 Strike Fighters Gold e.g. here

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