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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. actually all who served in the British army after July 1, 1997, have been given citizenship rights. & the UK still gets 100s of applications for every place available. It's all a bit complicated though largely because it also has to take into account the agreement between India & the UK on Ghurka pay/conditions etc. when the Gurkha regiments were divided between the 2 - the UK can't just do things unilaterally. I've been in the same barracks with them on a couple of occasions - they do a mean curry but you don't pick a fight with them!
  2. TK hasn't yet implemented it. Some moddders iirc designed ac with it as part of the model & assigned it an animation(?) linked to a command.
  3. welcome to CA, Shashman. have a look at http://www.simhq.com/_air/air_055a.html (oh & remember that the B-52 wasn't a flyabe originally which is why no sight as stock)
  4. http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html
  5. Rudder pedals

    They are worth buying as long as your games support multiple controllers (or you are using all CH products devices in which case they can be made to appear as 1 device for games that don't) & imo you already have a stick & throttle first. What is your current controller setup? The 2 "mass market" ones commonly available are the CH Products Pro pedals & the Saitek. The CH pedals are thought by many to be a bit narrow but are solid & of course a sensible choice if you are using other CH controllers as you only need to run 1 programming utility. Reviews of the Saitek e.g. http://www.simhq.com/_technology2/technology_104a.html suggest that they may be a bit better ergonomically & of course if you are already using other Saitek controllers then they are the sensible choice too.
  6. The RAF also has some F.3 airframes converted to a SEAD type role (similar to ECR or USAF Wild Weasels) - we had the need, some spare airframes & it has a longer loiter capability than the GRs. You won't hear too much about them though similar to the R.1 Nimrod variant.
  7. Shame, if you're talking to him again say thanks for all his past efforts. Who knows maybe 1 day he'll be in the mood again.
  8. only the PFM afaik http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=691
  9. see if this helps http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3585
  10. Saitek FF HOTAS poll

    http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=11746 You'll need to be registered & logged in to participate.
  11. Saitek FF HOTAS poll

    which beta drivers? there's a 2nd version of beta drivers/SD6 software http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?p=54261#post54261
  12. tried rolling back to before you added it? Give it a while & you'll probably be back - this series is addictive.
  13. i would imagine that he means templates for skinning with panel lines etc., hopefully in different layers.
  14. After 33 years of service all operationally orientated training will cease on this date & any ceremonial flying must be done by the end of May. *OSD is out of service date
  15. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en or http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;DisplayLang=en latest is April
  16. Roll Call

  17. You could especially as doing multiple installs is so easy but the sims are cheap (at least over here) so if you appreciate them & would like to help keep TK working on them please consider buying them. How many other developers update their old games core game engine to that of their latest for free (which is what TK does with patches) even several years later & when they are out of print?
  18. What's wrong with this video...?

    of course they are - it's a turboshaft (2 Klimovs) powered chopper! without rotors turning though you would need vectored thrust a la Harrier & I don't see any nozzles in the video (plus it would have to be a 1 off special as I've seen a Hind in real life both in static & displaying & they don't have vectored thrust as standard). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7076349679064042453 typical chopper (don't know exact Mi-24 figure) main rotor RPM is 300-400 = ~5-6.67/s but there are 5 blades on a Hind which gives you 5 chances of a blade being in the same place per rotation for each frame so 25-33 chances/ second. typical camcorder fps ~29-30 so it's definitely in the right ball park nos. wise
  19. looking for a f-15 sim

    wasn't Jane's F-15? that came out ~98 but used to run under XP.
  20. 1 of the better ones for visibility from the cockpit though e.g. I find that the SPAD gives you a very limited fov.
  21. Newbie question-system specs

    I would think it unlikely that you will get a worthwhile game playing experience
  22. pretty sure that I've still got this - & that makes it overdue for a reread.
  23. We still have a standing QRA with my "local" RAF base (Leuchars where these scrambled from) providing the northern 1. They're supposed to start transitioning to Typhoons from Tornado F3s at the end of this year. As it happens I spent a few days last week taking photos at a couple of othe RAF bases which were launching strikes & ASW aircraft involved in the exercise (Neptune Warrior). An RAF E-3 AWACS was also permanently on station drawing circles in the sky.

    " In a tour de force Red Flag debut, the 1st Fighter Wing’s 94th FS cleared the skies of “Red Force” fighters with only one purported loss during the entire two-week exercise. The Langley AFB, Virginia based squadron’s exceptional success surprised even the most experience Raptor pilots. One was heard to say, “The Raptor isn’t invincible, it’s just the closest we’ve ever been able to come to that claim.”"
  25. Visons of USAF recruits doing Shakespeare en masse ... Very Monty Python :tomato2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_iH1GhM2j8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjbYNgIi5ss http://my.opera.com/quentinscrisp/blog/ind.../Monty%20Python

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