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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. according to that page also Aces High II, BoB2 & Mig Alley. & Wings of War if we class that as a sim.
  2. Armor Sims?

    there is the original Steel Beasts but by modern standards the gfx suck. Steel Beasts Pro PE - the cut down version of the package that is used by many armies for training but it's expensive. & 1 day there will be Steel Beasts 2 - the game version of the training sim.
  3. http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/03-enh...-games-all.html yaw, pitch, x,y,z but no roll.
  4. it's more like 5dof in the Third Wire games.
  5. One Way to Steal Technology

    Apparently the BAE/Matra ALARM anti radar missile was compromised because 1 launched in Yugoslavia during Operation 'Allied Force' failed to hit it's target & soft landed in marsh. It was duly recovered by Yugoslavian forces & presumably studied by their engineers.
  6. New Chinook

    you mean http://english.people.com.cn/200208/30/eng...30_102357.shtml ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khankala_attack Google is a wonderful thing.
  7. Just got First Eagles...

    check out pilot pic #32 though ...
  8. afaik they only lost 1 aircraft over the target in attacking airfields but I do believe that the bill for dry cleaning Gsuits was huge ...
  9. Ya'll Take Care

    good luck although I'm sure that you won't need it.
  10. & the weapons release parameters in a modern air defence environment proved to be "interesting" for the crew. Pretty much replaced by standoff attack weapons.
  11. It sounds like the X52 isn't calibrated properly but you say that it's fine in other games? My X36 works fine in SF/WoV/WoE from 0% with AB kicking in ~69% & continuing upto 100%.
  12. Programming AV8R mode switch

    I don't have an AV8R but you shouldn't have to actually flip the switch when programming. If you open the data view in the editor you should be able to program directly into the cells for each mode.
  13. Programming AV8R mode switch

    You are running the SST programming software?
  14. SF Series is the Strike Fighter series from Third Wire. Strike Fighters/Wings over Vietnam/Wings over Europe & First Eagles are all based on the same game engine so have a lot of commonality. The biggest complaint gfx wise with them from people usually is the terrain textures - this is probably a result of a combination of the aforementioned wish to keeep the games playable on modest hardware & the fact that Third Wire is a very small studio with a limited budget. In fact First Eagles was entirely self-funded with no developer/publisher advance etc.. However, there are many upgraded (& indeed new) terrains available for the series by community modders when you feel ready to try them.
  15. as has been said it sounds like you need to do some option customising. Personally, I've never found the view system odd but I don't know how you have yours setup. This developer's games are designed to be not only playable at decent rates on todays PCs but also those of a couple of years ago. As PCs move on so the game engine is updated through patches to take advantage of improvements. This does mean that there are going to be diferences between them & e.g. LOMAC, FSX, etc. which are usually designed for the hardware that will be out a year after the game .... :tomato2: As for terrain addons detc. did you look in the downloads section here at Combat Ace? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...s&showcat=2 & we are only 1 of several such sites ... Similarly you may find http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=99 useful.
  16. afaik the fixes weren't for shadows but for clipping.
  17. Need to Talk To Someone From Ireland

    Well, as long as you are prepared to take the views of both sides & balance them in your own mind rather than just those of 1 side. It also of course doesn't just affect Ireland - in particular the West coast of Scotland, Liverpool etc. & Ireland have very close ties.
  18. ThirdWire released their Starfighter as an official addon for SF Gold - afaik it should be here on CA for download.
  19. Need to Talk To Someone From Ireland

    Do you really want to get into this? It's very complicated & has lots of angles & 2 very different viewpoints depending upon which community ...
  20. New Chinook

    Apparently that tender is being re-opened again for whatever reasons ... Whilst it's a great aircraft & can operate at ranges & heights that other choppers can't it's not exactly quiet which you would have thought would be an advantage .
  21. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=4146 you'll probably need to log in.
  22. iirc even the stats for the Il2 series have the % of people playing online v units sold in single figures.
  23. You might be surprised - TK does take note & often surprises us with unexpected things. You do have to consider though that he is literally a 1 man band who hires in a few extra people for artwork etc. when needed. & so far FE was totally funded by TW (no developer advance etc.) & hasn't yet made a penny profit although TK thinks that it will. TK has always been upfront in that he believes that MP is not an important feature for his main target market (& I tend to agree with him with I suspect probably under 5% using MP). It wouldn't surprise me if at times he has seriously considered what Shockwave did with BoB2 & just dropping MP altogether. On the other hand nor would it surprise me if one day MP got improved.
  24. what Thomas said although it's more like 5DOF than 6 on this engine.
  25. 300 The Movie

    well, it's all done with blue screen & CGI rather than a cast of 1000's (needless to say a lot cheaper). & there are certainly going to be historical inaccuracies like the armour ... It's a terrific story though & another generation could use reminding about duty, self-sacrifice etc.

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