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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Document...Object-Rev1.rar however, later patches changed things a bit. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/Ship_File_struc_32.html please try to learn how to use the forum search whilst you may not always come directly upon what you want most things have been covered here at 1 time & therefore a link probably exists ...
  2. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=691 http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/downloads/skinningtutorial.zip
  3. If you looked in the sticky http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8786 you would have found an example: "Flying New (previously non-flyable) Aircraft Previously non-flyable aircraft can be flown as follows. MajorLee has a flyable SU-7B. Say you want to fly the Mig-21Mf, which is in \Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-21MF Open the *.INI file in that folder. It will look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini Change it to look like this: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MiG-21MF_data.ini CockpitDataFile=F-104G_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp LoadoutImage=MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini The MiG-21MF will use the F-104G cockpit. Now use the hangar.bmp and loadout.bmp files from MajorLee’s flyable Su-7, and rename them MiG-21MF_hangar.bmp and MiG-21MF_loadout.bmp, in the MiG21MF subdirectory. That's all. The MiG-21MF will now be selectable."
  4. Check the version date bottom right of the main screen (v07.05.05 is the latest) as your copy may already be patched to a certain level. It is possible that your pirated copy is the problem - you really should try to obtain a legal copy to support the developer. You can put any cockpit into any aircraft (that's how you turn an AI aircraft into a flyable) but you have to add the lines in the .ini to call it as well as simply adding the image files.
  5. seek & you shall find http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1039 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=437 You can make any AI aircraft flyable in SF P1/WOV simply by adding a cockpit.
  6. You have to remember that TK's aim for these games is to keep them "light" & fun & not as realistic systems simulators a la F4. The fact that the community has been able to hack something at all to simulate guidance for other weapons is a bit of luck.
  7. Ho-229



    Horten Ho 229 V3 flying wing
  8. which F-105 - the stock TW 1 from WOV or ArmourDave's addons?
  9. can you be more specific - is it all aircraft & all skins or just a few in particular (in which case which ones)? Also SF, SFG, WOV or all?
  10. https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default...&questionID=640
  11. What do you want to import? The only ones that I can think that you might want would be the F-105/A-6 but you can use ArmourDaves F-105s which most people think are better & there is a 3rd party A-6 too.
  12. for stock aircraft you will need to extract them from the cat file using the extraction utility in the downloads section.
  13. Strike Fighters & WOV share the same game engine & as such about 98% of mods work in both (the remaining few are usually because WOV lacks a few aircraft from SF & the mods call for some files from those) although occasionally a bit of file editing may be required. Because as stock it has more aircraft & a wider time-frame as well as being out considerably earlier SF tends to be used more often as the base for mods. if there are any WOV only mods they should be in the appropriate part of the downloads section e.g. aircraft, skins etc.
  14. Of course SF is only $5-10 so you may want to consider picking it up too.
  15. I believe that it will. At most it may need some minor edits http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...t=001580#000000
  16. Happy B-Day Skater!

    & a happy from me too
  17. Version


    For swapping files/mods as required
  18. Are you using the in-game controller options or using a profile in SST?
  19. Version


    Let's you swap files in & out as required
  20. Time for a fresh install I think (yes, I know that it will be a lot of work with your addons). However, on the way once you have fully patched it copy & paste the complete game folder & rename it to whatever you fancy. You can then run that install from the flightsim.exe in that folder or a shortcut to it. If you keep 1 install untouched but fully patched it makes re-installs/installs for DBS/Korea etc. very quick ;)
  21. C5 seems to be running fine here.
  22. Iirc Loman works for SF P1 etc. too for swapping mods in & out too. btw that jsgme download works fine for me.
  23. Aichi D3A1 Val



    by Starfighter-FM, Gramps Skins, and Pasko-the rest. Special thanks to Armourdave for using his A6M5 cockpit.
  24. Hi, best place to try for help is http://www.checksix-forums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=346 but it might help to mention which game.

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