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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. Not so much on this one but fear not it's definitely progressing nicely
  2. Typhoon vs 2 Eagles...

    It's very old or it's a rerun of something that happened about a year ago iirc. Even more impressive when you consider that the engines aren't being operated near their planned thrust yet. Initial operational capability isn't due for another year or so. Of course it may have been different if they were C's ...?
  3. T-72 Balkans on Fire goes gold!

    Now shipping! :)
  4. I know that it is possible to add terrains to WOV but having SF P1, SFG & WOV I have never bothered myself with the details. The desert.cat file is the stock terrain for SF P1 whilst VietnamSEA.cat is the WOV equivalent. I'll see if I can dig up some details if someone like fubar doesn't come to the rescue first. OK try this courtesy of howling1 elsewhere: " Some terrains designed to use the desert.cat file can be adapted to use the VietnamSEA.cat file that comes with WOV. Try adding this line to the terrain config.ini file that you're trying to install in WOV ( Danger Bering Straits used as an example, add the line in bold ): [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Bering Straits (DBS) DataFile=DBS_data.INI TargetFile=DBS_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=DBS_types.INI MovementFile=DBS_movement.INI NationsFile=DBS_nations.INI BriefingText=DBS_briefing.INI DogfightFile=DBS_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\Terrain\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat" http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=651
  5. Yes, Russo is very far along that road.
  6. You have DX9.0C? Have you tried different driver sets?
  7. SF P1 & WOV both use the same game engine. They are essentially the same except that they have a different aircraft mix, different campaigns, terrains etc. Most mods work in both (a few need some additional tweaking).
  8. I think that it assumes that you will have the weapons pack installed in which case you will have a weapons folder. The weaponsdata.ini is in the Objects\ObjectData.cat & you need to extract it using the SF P1E extraction utility (available in Combat ACE downloads as is the weapons editor)
  9. tbh I would just go to the add-on aircraft files area & sort by ascending date. That way you will have the latest files first & can just work backwards.
  10. & did all the clients have the F-14 installed? http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=9345#9345
  11. If the host PC doesn't have a mod installed then clients can't use it.
  12. Afaik they are albeit in heavily upgraded FRS.2 form.
  13. RN FGMk1



    Royal Navy RR Spey-engined Phantom with Marconi RWR
  14. RN F-4K



    Royal Navy RR Spey-engined Phantom
  15. RAF F-4M



    Early RAF RR Spey-engined Phantom
  16. RAF FGRMk2



    RAF RR Spey-engined Phantom with Marconi RWR
  17. AEW

    The "attack my target" command only exists for your own wingman who of course tends to stick around you. For other flights you only have "attack ground/air".
  18. Search for Wings over Vietnam

    Unfortunately no, I did ask TK for an update recently & he was going to ask the publishers but haven't heard anymore.
  19. I've got to say that for whatever reason I've never found the search function for downloads here very good - even when I include things to filter by it still seems to return results that you wouldn't expect. I think that jets/props/helos would be a useful subdivision & possibly also Allies/Axis/NATO/Warsaw Pact etc.
  20. Search for Wings over Vietnam

    The only ones that are available in Europe are Russian counterfeits. It has only officially been released in the USA & that's where you have to import 1 from.
  21. A little weathered, just the factory fresh worn off...
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1409 is incomplete/corrupted. btw isn't it the same as 1411?
  23. believe it or not they are even available from the downloads section here at Combatace ....
  24. Got to run an orderly ship you know Seriously, it helps people looking for help in the future if all relevant posts are in 1 area rather than sprinkled all over the place. Let us know how you get on.
  25. Hi Ron, it shouldn't do that - it should be a simple install, basically only asking where you want it to install & that's about it. I would try again or maybe download it again in case it got corrupted. Btw, this part of the forum is for (& I quote) "Found a bug on the site? Want to make a suggestion or request a new forum topic? Please post it here!" Game related bugs should be posted in the forum for that game so this should have gone into SF/WOV General which is just where I'm about to move it ;)

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