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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. OFP2 Screenshots

    Based on the original game I'm hoping for a lot of fun from this :D
  2. I just use the wheels on the base.
  3. ahem, http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=959 :) Note that you can also have F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, Tornado, Mig-29 etc. as they are all available for use with SF P1 & WoV.
  4. & not to forget http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?dlcategory=2 I think at last count there were 180+ new aircraft, carriers for SF P1, new terrains, campaigns etc. etc. etc. Because SF P1 & WoV use the same basic game engine the vast majority of addons are usable in both.
  5. Afaik Strategy First never published a patched version of SF P1 (Valusoft did though & in Europe Just Flight did & then we have SF Gold as well) but I could be wrong. SF terrains can be used in WoV but WoV doesn't have a Desert.cat so a certain amount of playing with files is needed.
  6. While you're at it Fates maybe look at further subdividing the aircraft categories into props/jets/helos?
  7. http://www.saitekforum.com/showthread.php?t=7133 Not for FF products yet, that has been delayed.
  8. If that's an Intel 2.26GHz (P4 or particularly Celeron) then it's not really that fast these days esp. if it's running 533fsb (133 x4). What CPU & mobo are they? Similarly the FX5600 is no powerhouse & I suspect that it may be the bottleneck rather than the cpu/mobo. http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/2..._charts-09.html
  9. "mySQL query error: UPDATE IVBfiles_cats SET tot_files='5',last_info='281|SU-25 'tankkiller'|1088092496|Mr. Wolf' WHERE cid='18' mySQL error: mySQL error code: Date: Saturday 23rd of April 2005 10:07:00 AM"
  10. Rudder pedals!

    Just hope that HM C&E don't hit you for VAT
  11. Hello ( new member here)

    I don't think that we have any official limits stated anywhere but 450x150 pixels looks about max anyone else has..
  12. Hello ( new member here)

    Nice avatar Billfish (that you seeing as you wield a "husband tamer"?:)) but perhaps your sig is a bit on the big side?
  13. woofiedog, both the FRS2 & Tu-16 download & extract fine with winRAR here. If you mean the USMC Harrier it's showing up as 0K so MK2 has to sort that 1 out. In future could you post the link(s) to a file(s) e.g. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=d...download&id=559 as: 1) it is quicker as it saves us searching ;) 2) we can be certain that we are all talking about the right/same file(s).
  14. It's the new Davis Monthan scrap heap cammo :)
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/filelibrary/USMCHarrier.rar The other 3 seem fine though. Woofiedog, these are .rar rather than .zip perhaps that is the problem for you? MK2 if you look at http://forum.combatace.com/filelibrary/ there are quite a few files showing as 0K e.g. http://forum.combatace.com/filelibrary/tornado.zip
  16. Hello ( new member here)

    Welcome to the asylum ...
  17. The Tornado pack has always been 1 of the more problematic addons.
  18. clicking on the thumbnails in either IE or Opera > "The page you are trying to access does not exist. Please select a page from the main menu."
  19. Have you installed AD & teams F-105D-30 or have you just got the stock 105?
  20. & if you haven't already get the patch http://www.thirdwire.com/projects/sfg/sfg_patch.htm
  21. New Forum Skin

    I like it, I like it a lot! :) looks like new smilies too!
  22. Version


    A set of accurate Planning Maps for the EAWEuro updated terrain.
  23. EAWEuro update



    This update flattens all the airbases and gets rid of the trees in the runways. Please remember this terrain is from FNG2k, Keith and Charles. All I did was update it This will create a Cold War Europe terrain.

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