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Everything posted by BUFF

  1. SeaHawk F.1_early



    This varient represents an aircraft from the first batch of 35 Sea Hawk F.1s. It differs from later versions in that the tail fairing, expended brass chutes, and ram air intake on the nose are not present. There were several other minor differences that don't show up on the model and were of minimal consequence. Armament consists of four 20mm Hispanos. Simple and to the point... Later varients could carry bombs and rockets so there will be fun for us mud movers too.
  2. http://www.omegadrivers.net/
  3. They didn't but shortly thereafter they did following experience. Pretty much the same with ECM. e.g. in early years chaff tended to be laid by dedicated aircraft with pods - some pilots shoved handfuls of chaff into their speedbrakes to give them a 1 shot ability. Afaik none had flares (pods became available later & later mks of aircraft gained internal dispensers). btw iirc in Vietnam no. of US radar guided missiles expended versus hits was about 4% & that was without the Migs having chaff ...
  4. Hi, Did you look in the sticky "SF Editing Notes"? "HUD Text removal How do I remove the HUD info text Content 1. Make a backup copy of Flight/HUDData.ini file. 2. Edit the Flight/HUDData.ini (in notepad) and change the following lines in the [infoDisplay] section: DisplayWidth=0.0 EnemyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 UnknownTargetColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 NormalColor=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 WarningColor1=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 WarningColor2=0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 3. Save the file. Additional Notes: - Setting NormalColor, WarningColor1 and WarningColor2 gets rid of the text about your aircraft (left info box). - Setting EnemyTargetColor,FriendlyTargetColor and UnknownTargetColor to transparent gets rid of the text about targets in right info box. - Setting DisplayWidth to 0 gets rid of the translucent background of info boxes. You can customize all this, ie have only the left info box info available (but if you want to have an info box available do not set the width to 0)" You will need to use Skypat's cat extractor (available in Biohaz files area) to extract the .ini from Wings over Vietnam\Flight\FlightData.cat.
  5. Ji, I very, very much doubt that this is possible as a mod - it would involve rewriting the game engine afaik & that is Thirdwire's job/intellectual property. Have you ever tried this in the heli sim Gunship! as it supports this?
  6. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=646024 but I believe that there are cheaper. Also a couple of outlets selling new on ebay.
  7. No details yet of a European distribution deal for WoV but I know that Thirdwire have plans. You can import a copy from the US for about £22/€30 delivered.
  8. Open the P-51D-30_Data.ini file, scroll down to the engine section and delete the last three lines that set the Oil Pressure parameters. where did you d/l - i thought that I had fixed that in the Biohaz file?
  9. Isn't it in either the F-18 file download or the latest weapons pack? (I'm sorry but it's hard to keep on top of every detail of every single file - there are so many these days )
  10. Take your existing mission & open with a text editor (Notepad etc.) In it you should have something like; [MissionHeader] AircraftType=F-4J MissionMap= MissionType=CAP StartDate=05/10/1972 StartTime=16:00 simply add an entry/ replace existing with 1 for your A-4. save file (make sure it saves as .msn rather than .txt)
  11. Hi & sorry for missing this for a couple of days Whoever uploaded the file appears to have called it F_16 instead of F-16 so when you extract it you get a folder with the wrong name too. Just edit the folder name to F-16_IAF & it should be fine. I expect that the problem with the A is the same. Please lmk how you get on & I'll get the file names changed.
  12. I take it that C is your HDD? Can you check if that file has actually been copied to your HDD? You also might want to try installing it without any anti-virus running. Could you try another partition/directory for WoV & are you trying to play the game without the CD in the drive (the patch removes this need but with the original install you need the CD)? You've got me confused here. SF P1 & WoV are 2 separate games with separate installs - where SF P1 is installed should have no effect upon WoV install. Nor should the patch status of your SF P1 install have any effect upon WoV. The patch to install for WoV is http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?download=643 which should be applied after installing WoV.
  13. Are there a lot of mods available for it? Not too many yet but increasing rapidly as SF P1 mods are updated. Because SFP1 Sp3 & WoV with P1 use the same code the majority of Sp3 compatible mods should transfer - earlier versions may have glitches. Is there a sticky post that answers all this? Not really You could read Dagger's review for some more info on it. Where do I begin, update-wise, with the sim, once I install it? Patch 1 for WoV available here at Biohaz or from Thirdwire's site. Enjoy it - it's a lot of fun.
  14. Is it the initial installation of WoV that is failing or when you are trying to run the programme after installation? Service Pack 3 is for Strike Fighters - you want patch 1 for WoV which you can get here at Biohaz. http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?dlcategory=31
  15. Deuces Effects Pack #1



    Extract all of the zip files into your Effects folder with the exception of any sound files, those go into the Sounds folder...tricky eh? Included: Afterburner Effect Dirty Exhaust Effect Missile Fire Effect Cluster Bomb Effect (new) Flak Effect (new)
  16. Curtiss Hawk China skin



    China theatre skin for Monty CZs Curtiss Hawk III
  17. Curtiss Hawk III



    Plane has no readme so I want to add credits for first Mustang TEAM (Crisis & Wolf-257) who made cockpit - originaly it is cockpit for Mustang but I thing it can be used (I cant contact Crisis so if there is a problem let me know). This plane was build for fun and I think there wont be any further development. Monty CZ
  18. any one know a good adware program?

    Change your browser or get Sp2 ifyou are on XP. Mozilla/Firefox - free Opera - free XP Sp2 - free
  19. Did you install the extra damage tgas included in the pack?
  20. BigDog, have a look at this http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...;f=121;t=001428
  21. SFP1_WoV_SPV3



    11/26/2004 This soundpack is meant to supersede my previous soundpacks (sfp1_spv1 & sfp1_spv2), and is specifically tailored for, and was tested on, Wings Over Vietnam with Service Pack 1, and Strike Fighters with Service Pack 3. What's new in this version? Correct tracer colors for WoV, new tracer colors for Nato MG's, more intense flak effects, adjusted volumes (hoooray!), new sounds for: all stock MiGs, A-4s, NR-30 cannon. Installation Notes: Before you begin, I strongly suggest that you have Skypat's SFP1E extraction utility (available at http://www.checksix-fr.com/ ), and familiarize yourself with its operation. You're going to find it indispensable! TO INSTALL: simply extract the contents of this zip file into your Strike Fighters or WoV folder. That's all! Warning: It will overwrite the following files (if you have them). Please back up the following, by dragging them to a safe place on your system: 1) Your entire "sounds" folder. 2) In your flight folder, backup your "soundlist.ini" 3) In your objects folder, backup your "gundata.ini" If you don't find the last two, don't worry, you're just running a default installation
  22. Mig-29G Fulcrum-A



    Sp3 compatible German Mig-29 Fulcrum-A
  23. Mig-29A Fulcrum A



    Sp3 compatible Soviet Mig-29A
  24. Gaming computer

    How's yours doing, Fates? Anyway, NC you might want to look at http://anandtech.com/guides/showdoc.aspx?i=2282 % & similar guides. That looks fair although I would probably add another 512Mb of RAM.
  25. I haven't done anything to the A-1H, that's the latest version I could find. I will have a look to see if any one has got the Spad carrier capable & what is involved if they have. As for the A-5 some people have been reporting that with Sp3 http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...t=000964#000006 Most of the 3rd party addon aircraft need some work to make them fully Sp3 compatible.

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