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Everything posted by Dels

  1. Hey there, For all Australian tail numbers etc. try this: ADF serials Dels
  2. I don't know about this. While it would be a great addition to the sim, it may be difficult to implement within the boundaries of a "lite" sim. Just my two cents... Dels
  3. G'Day all, I was looking through the Avionics70.dll and found the ALT_LOW_TEXT entry in with all the HUD functions. I had a little play with it, but couldn't get it to work properly. It seemed to always be on. I had a look through the stock aircraft _AVIONICS.ini files and not one of them uses the ALT_LOW_TEXT function so I can't copy one of them. I was wondering did anyone know how to get this working (i.e. what syntax is required)? Thanks Dels
  4. Just a quick update on the cockpit WIP. Still a fair bit of work to go, but progressing well. Dels
  5. Well if you don't tell the sim that it's HUD glass then as far as it knows it's just another 3D object in the cockpit so it should show the texture correctly. Try this: Open the .LOD for the cockpit you're using in Notepad. Select Edit>Find and type .tga Cycle through all the entries until you find one that resembles HUD glass or something like that (it may not be the F-4E_HUDGLASS.tga as we suspected). Once you've found it, modify it to whatever colour you want and make sure this file is in your Aircraft/Cockpit folder. Then make sure you remove only the HUDGlass entry in the _COCKPIT.ini. Hopefully that will work. I think the issue might be that you're using the wrong .tga. Dels
  6. Oh yeah, there's just one more thing. In the _COCKPIT.ini file there will be an entry for HUD Glass or something like that. Get rid of this. For some reason it prevents the HUD texture from being shown. Not sure why. As for the game using the stock .tga if it's in the CAT files. A file in the Aircraft/Cockpit folder will always override the stock textures. Dels
  7. You don't need a hex editor unless you're going to modify the file names/extensions in the .LOD. You can just open it with Notepad and select Edit>Find and type .tga. Considering the model you're using, it's pretty likely it's going to be the F-4E_HUDGLASS.tga as mentioned by FrankD. Dels
  8. That value will not change the colour of the glass, only the text. To change the glass colour you would need to change the colour of the .tga that is assigned to the HUD glass. It should be in the cockpit folder unless it's a stock texture. In this case you'd need to use the CAT extractor to find it. Dels
  9. Usually a typo in the landing gear section of the _data.ini. Check the wheel nodes and the rolling radius. Dels
  10. I have thought about it, but I haven't decided.
  11. Buccaneer

    Not sure the pilot would be happy about the aircraft configuration in that last picture. But seriously, great work!
  12. Bobrock made this awesome model not me. I don't want to be taking credit for his work, I'm just offering some quick fixes. Dels
  13. Ok, well in that case the mesh names must be incorrect. Have a look through the .OUT file and see if you can track down which ones they are by substituting them into the ModelNodeName= of the [HideXPylon] sections. Good old trial and error.
  14. Try this: This is well known in the community and a very easy way of getting rid of unwanted meshes. Add the following line to any aircraft component in the _DATA.ini (making sure the XXX's are the next number in sequence: SystemName[XXX]=HideRPylon SystemName[XXX]=HideLPylon Then in the weapon station section add this: [HideRPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=X (Next number in sequence) StationGroupID=7 (This makes sure it won't show up on your loadout screen and doesn't take up any usable weapon stations) StationType=EXTERNAL ModelNodeName=RPylon [HideLPylon] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=X StationGroupID=7 StationType=EXTERNAL ModelNodeName=LPylon Dels
  15. Sounds like you have the Brimstone set up with GPS guidance. GPS guidance will only get the weapon to where the target was when the weapon was launched (similar to Inertial Guidance). Also, with GPS guidance you won't get the TV screen. (GPS guidance is considered an EOGR/EOGB by the game). Have a look at either the AGM-65A/B (TV), the AGM-65D (IIR) or the AGM-65E (Laser) _data.ini files and copy the desired number from GuidanceType= into your Brimstone _data.ini. With all three of these guidance types you will get the TV screen. (*Note* With LGR's you WILL need a laser designator either integral to or loaded on the aircraft) Dels
  16. Hi all, I'm not sure if this has been raised before (apologies if it has) but I have recently noticed some problems with shadows. I brought this up a few topics ago in regards to Monty's L-39 Albatross. But I have noticed it on some other aircraft also. The screen shot below illustrates what I'm seeing. The pilots, seats, main landing gear and some antennas have shadows, but the aircraft does not. Note the stock F-16 Netz and 3rd Party Super Hornet in the background both have shadows as normal. Other aircraft I have noticed it on are the A-Team's OH-6, MD-500 and AH-1G. I did some testing with another system to narrow down what the problem was. My other system is XP and was at EXP1 patch standard. All the aircraft mentioned above displayed shadows normally. When I updated it to EXP2(Jan11) standard the shadows disappeared. So it wasn't a DirectX problem, or a problem with my main system. It has to be with either EXP2 or the Jan 11 patch. Is anyone else experiencing this, or have I been smoking some serious sh*t? Dels
  17. Thanks Spillone104. I guess it's now up to the creators of the models to fix them (if they have time/motivation) Wrench, the TW Intruder models are fine. I'm using the ones from the Column5 site which were built by Monty_CZ. I guess he's a big fan of 2 sided materials. Dels
  18. Ok, I tested all the aircraft in my install last night and I found the following issues: These aircraft had shadows before and now no longer have shadows: AH-1W, MD-500D, OH-6A, P-3C by A-team AV-8B_da, AV-8B_Plus, Harrier_GR7, Tornado_F3 by Bobrock Bf109G-10 by Monty_CZ J-20A, Tu-22M3 by Honeyfox OV-10D (Not sure who made this) These aircraft had shadows before, but now display shadows with missing components (as with the L-39 picture at the beginning of this post) A-6A, A-6E_TRAM, L-39C, L-39ZA, L-39ZO by Monty_CZ F-35A by FastCargo Sea Harrier FRS.2 by Team-Harrier Q-5D by tomcat Su-24M by Veltro2k J-10A, Su-33, Su-35 by the Insky Group T-45A by Pappy To me, it looks like a mixed bag. But there are some modelers with several aircraft in the list. Is it possible it could be the way the model was exported/made or the version used? What I find interesting is that the F-35A is affected but the F-35B and F-35C (which I assume FastCargo made from the same model using the same techniques) are not affected.
  19. Happy to help. I'm just glad we got somewhere with this and didn't hit a brick wall. Good luck with your modding. Dels
  20. Well acctually, that would work. Shock stroke 0.04m = 0.131ft So, t = 0.131/3.335 = 0.0393sec And a = 6.667/0.0393 = 169.64ft/sec^2 So, 'g' = 169.64/32.174 = 5.27 That looks good to me...
  21. I don't think airspeed should be in the equation because that will introduce all sorts of complications.
  22. You could work out time using: v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where v, u and a are as above, but s is displacement. So, if we assume the tyre is rigid and the compression stroke of the struts is 0.3048m (1 foot to make it simple) Rearranging the formula above we can get: s = (0.5*(v+u))*t 1 = (0.5*(0+6.67))*t 1/t = 0.5*6.67 t = 1/3.335 t = 0.3 (rounded) So, a = 22.23 ft/s^2 and the 'g' would be 0.691. Still quite low, but a compression stroke of 0.3m is pretty long. Dels
  23. Ahhh, now I get it. Excuse my ignorance before. Your answer of 0.21 g is correct, but that assumes that the aicraft decelerates from 400ft/min to 0ft/min over a 1 second period. So the calculation would be rate of deceleration divided by acceleration due to gravity. (Hence a ratio between the two) The rate of deceleration requires a time period. IIRC: v = u + at Where v is final speed, u is initial speed, a is acceleration and t is time. Plugging in your figures: v=0, u=400ft/min (6.67ft/s), a=unknown and t=1 0=6.67+(a*1) a=-6.67ft/s^2 (i.e. deceleration) Therefore, 6.67/32.174=0.207 (as per you calculations above) So to get an accurate 'g', you would have to know the time period that the aircraft decelerates over. Dels
  24. FrankD, You need to multiply your answer by acceleration due to gravity (making sure you use the same units) So from your calulation: 0.207206333 x 32.1740486 ft/s^2 = 6.67 'g' That's a bit closer to the mark. Dels
  25. I'm also getting this issue with the Bf109G-10's that were released yesterday. I'm going to go through my install one aircraft at a time and post a list of all the aircraft that are affected. Dels

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