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Everything posted by Dels

  1. Don't forget that the picture you have there was taken with the canopy open. When it closes there's another frame that would be visible and taking into account paralax, I imagine it would seem quite thick. Dels
  2. Another technique I use is to create a new mesh (usually a box) and set the pivot for it how I need it. Then I attach the object I want to the box I have just made. (It takes on the pivot from the box) Finally, I delete the verticies or faces for the box leaving only the object I want with the correct pivot. Long winded but works for me when Reset Pivot or Reset XForm don't. Dels
  3. Perfect for some Janes USNF reminiscing.
  4. Hmmm, now that's confusing. Is anyone else getting this problem? My main system specs are: Win 7, EXP 2 (Jan 11), DX10, ATI HD5650. Dels
  5. The 'twist' due to the torque effect of the engine is rarely noticable airborne and only slightly noticable on the ground. But in both cases, if the engine is powerful enough to produce it, you will be more concerned with the slipstream effect making you depart your heading/the runway. Dels
  6. I would use an already made EOGR, copy and rename it, then edit the _DATA.ini file as required. Dels
  7. Um, I think it would have been released by now if it wasn't going to have a pit... Dels
  8. I don't think you can. I think FastCargo got around it with the SDB's he made was by making them guided missiles without boosters or engines and so the rack was a TLR. Dels
  9. Hey, has anyone had any issues with the aircraft shadow not showing for any of the models? I'm getting shadows for the pilots, seats, weapons and some aerials but not the aircraft. TIA Dels
  10. I'm with you FC, every aircraft I've flown with an indexer was red/green/yellow from top to bottom. Dels
  11. G'Day, The "most standard" font that's used in the RAAF for its serials and stencils is Helvetica (I asked the paint shop at RAAF Richmond). But as with anything there are always exceptions to the rule. For example, when aircraft are delivered from the manufacturer they might be different (eg. Super Hornet, C-17, C-130J-30). Also, the earlier post-war birds like the Vampire will be different. Hope it helps. Dels
  12. Hi, With sounds, you can't have a sound for anything that doesn't have a sound hard coded into the sim. So no eject or chaff/flare unfortunately. As for Bombs release, IIRC you could make it into a missile (but with no engine or booster) and make the launch the sound of a bomb dropping off the aircraft. This would of course create several other issues (i.e. guidance, _DATA.ini classification etc.) This method could not be used for the fuel tank, so you're out of luck there. As far as I know, there is no system on the planet (in the real world or this sim) that can detect if you are being "tracked" by a heat seeking missile. That is one of their main advantages...being passive. As for the launch of a heat seeking missile, in real life there is a system called Missile approach warning system (MAWS) but that just detects a launch (i.e. not necessarily a launch at YOU and not necessarily a heat seeking missile). That being said, the game engine does not support such a system. So unfortunately it's all bad news, sorry. Dels
  13. If you mean you want the actual blades spinning faster, you just have to bump up the RPM value in the engine section of the _DATA.ini. Dels
  14. Be my guest! Skinning's not really my forte...
  15. Model and skin complete, working on flight testing...
  16. It's been a while, but here's another update. Mapping is complete, so just the .ini work, skin and testing to go. The most detailed model (pictures below) has just under 20,000 polys, but the lower detail ones have a significantly reduced poly count. Dels
  17. I guess you'll have to wait at least 2 more years before your next "vent"... Blue moon (wikipedia) Dels
  18. I hate to be picky but it's "Bogeys" not "Boogies".
  19. Alternatively you could remove the OpenCockpit=TRUE line in the _COCKPIT.ini file. Dels
  20. Thanks Dave, I guess that discounts the possibility of it being transparency related in the Max file. What's interesting is that the issues produced are many and varied. This could point to something external (possibly engine or shader related). Dels
  21. I haven't installed the expansion pack yet, does this issue come up on my C-130's, C-123's and PC-9/T-6? I only ask because with refernce to what CP wrote on the Thirdwire board, I always use a transparency of 10% in 3dsmax when I make my models. Dels
  22. It looks to me like the shock orientation is reversed so instead of compressing into the bay it's extending out. Just an idea...
  23. This is correct, it's the paddle on the bottom of the stick. Dels

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