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Everything posted by Dels

  1. Hi All, Just a quick post to confirm the B-1B cockpit IS in the works and here is a screen capture from 3dsmax showing its progress. As you can see, there's still lots of work to be done, but fortunately most of the the hard stuff is already finished. Dels
  2. Some people have reported that the rear canopy is missing. Here's a new .LOD file which should fix it. Dels T-6A.zip
  3. Another update. Model is complete except for duplication which will be done after texture mapping. Dels
  4. I'm really sorry to throw a dictionary in the middle of a thread, but it's Aerial not Arial. (Arial is a font)
  5. That's a nice model! I'm only at about 5000 so far with some duplication and the fuselage/cockpit to go. Hoping it will be under 15000 by the end. But I can always cull some detail. Dels
  6. Another progress pic. I know it doesn't look like I've done much but that M230 cannon was a b*tch. Dels
  7. No worries mate, hijack away! We might actually reach a solution here...
  8. Yeah, I went through this when I put together the AC-130's. It would be nice to have the pilots/turrets/gun look, aim and shoot like the real thing, but the game won't allow it. We'll just have to live with a forward firing cannon for now. Dels
  9. But I guess that it still wouldn't fire at ground targets? Interesting idea with the engines...
  10. Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on it if I hit the wall. The main challenge with this is to keep the poly count low while retaining as much detail as possible.
  11. It will be for SF2, but it's always an easy conversion back to SF1. As for the turret, we'll just have to accept the game limitation for now. Dels
  12. You get the yaw effect, that should be immersion enough at this stage. Dels
  13. It might be worthwhile telling people how you fixed it just in case someone else is having the same problem. Otherwise you've just written a forum topic to yourself which kind of defeats the purpose. Call me crazy, but that's what I think...
  14. HOTAS Cougar

    Yeah, did a full conversion using Leo Bodnar's BU0836. Precision Joystick Controller website Took a bit of work, but it was DEFINITELY worth it. Dels
  15. HOTAS Cougar

    You can't go past TM products for reliabilty and longevity. I still have my F-16FLCS and WCS MkII from the early 90's and they're still going strong (after a small USB conversion...) Dels
  16. Model complete and in the game. Just the .ini work to go.. Dels
  17. Yes, there will be two versions. One for each of the aircraft versions that are available. Dels
  18. Ok guys. Getting close now. Model and skin are 99.9% complete. Once they're done i'll put it in the game and work on the .ini. Dels
  19. Fubar, IIRC you have a 9600GT. I was wondering what version of NVidia forceware you're using? Thanks Dels
  20. Ah...ok. I guess I got that totally wrong. Thanks anyway. Dels
  21. russo, check the topic in the Mig Alley forum...
  22. Yeah, kilos for the _DATA.ini and you can set the unit to whatever you want in the _COCKPIT.ini. That being said though, provided the gauge is a linear increase (i.e. only two positions like your example above) it doesn't really matter what units you use. Dels
  23. Yeah, I thought that was weird too, but this link also confirms it: My link Dels
  24. From wikipedia (the quality reference tool that it is...) F-100C Seventy Model NA-214 and 381 Model NA-217.[18] Additional fuel tanks in the wings, fighter-bomber capability, probe-and-drogue refueling capability, uprated J57-P-21 engine on late production aircraft. First flight: March 1954; 476 built. F-100D Single-seat fighter-bomber, more advanced avionics, larger wing and tail fin, landing flaps. First flight: 24 January 1956; 1,274 built. Dels

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