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Everything posted by Dels

  1. Just a quick update. Skins are complete except for weathering. Decals are about half finished.
  2. Thank you for the offer, but I won't be making a pit for the C-123 at this stage. Dels
  3. Just a quick update. Model is complete and texture mapping is done. Working on skinning now (there will be three skins...apart from the pic below, you'll have to wait until release for the other two) FM and ini work is done. Still to go: Finish the skins and make the decals. So depending on my workload, it hopefully shouldn't be too far away. Let's just say...two weeks? Dels
  4. Unfortunately no, just the basic K model at this stage.
  5. Yeah, go to the F-23A_DATA.ini and scroll down to the section below [Canopy]. You can either delete that section or change it to the following to have it as an animation key: [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_1 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=3.0 AnimationID= {leave the number from the _DATA.ini here) Dels
  6. Monty, Yes it does work, but the damaged part will need to be modelled. Check out either my F-29A/C-130's or PC-9A and collide with something so the outer wing breaks off. Dels EDIT: Apologies, I was talking about DestroyedNodeName. I'll just crawl back under my rock now. :blush2:
  7. Coming soon. In testing at the moment, still working on the pit. (Will be using my C-130J pit with a gunsight)
  8. File Name: AC-130U Version 1.0 File Submitter: Dels File Submitted: 20 Feb 2009 File Category: Multi Engined Aircraft AC-130U as flown by the USAF from 1995. Read the Readme.txt Click here to download this file
  9. File Name: AC-130J Version 1.0 File Submitter: Dels File Submitted: 20 Feb 2009 File Category: Multi Engined Aircraft Fictional version of a gunship based on the C-130J with improved performance and precision strike capability. Read the Readme.txt Click here to download this file
  10. Not at this stage. I have some other things I'm staring work on. Dels
  11. It's already set up like that. Just cycle through your gun groups and you can get any combination. Dels
  12. I wish this was possible. Unfortunately the sim only supports air to air trainable guns at this stage so unfortunately you will have to go crazy trying to blow up a tank. I considered the option of having the 25mm an air to air self defence trainable gun (like in Fighters Anthology) but then you couldn't use it for air to ground. Besides, if a Flanker jumps you without a CAP, you're screwed anyway!
  13. FC that is absolutely awesome!!! Consider it done!
  14. Trying to come up with a good way of shooting stuff at the moment, but is a sideward looking screen possible in this sim? If it is, please let me know how and it will be done.
  15. Ditto on that. Mustang's tutorials are how I got started.
  16. I decided to take a break from modding and have a fly of my C-130J last night and was wondering why the thing wouldn't accelerate past 180kts level. Now, I know there have been some issues with Prop aircraft after the latest patch, so back to modding I decided to find out what was wrong. After many hours I found that the only problem I had was the RPM values of the engines. By doubling the RPM values I was able to get the performance that it had before the Oct/Nov08 patches. Unfortunately, this does two things. Firstly, the RPM values are not the same as the real aircraft (not a major issue) and secondly, I'm confused. IIRC these values had no bearing on engine performance before. Another thing I noticed is that the props no longer slow down. They keep the "fast prop" mesh throughout the engine power range when before they showed the higher detail propellers below about 10% power. The only way to show the propellers now is to shut the engines down. I know I'm taking a stab in the dark here, but does anyone have some insight on the above issues? Thanks in advance. Dels
  17. Thanks for the reply. I will spend a bit more time on this before I release my next project...
  18. Uploaded and awaiting approval. For the aircraft, head over to: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7979 For the skin templates, go to: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7980 Here are some pics. Dels
  19. Yeah, I had a bit of heartache trying to get the best balance. With better slow speed handling, the aircraft had rediculous response (>30G) and extremely high roll rates etc. at high speed. Try using the "Normal" flight model option. I admit, my FM skills are not the best, but I gave it my best shot (Especially as I haven't ever flown the X-29). I'm more than happy for someone with better skills than me to have a crack. Not planning on a two seater. Targetting pod would be an easy ini edit, but it can carry the Pave Spike on the centre pylon. The Chaff/Flare counters are not modelled at all. It's just a skin. I don't think that cockpit counters for Chaff/Flare are supported in this game. (If they are, could someone please let me know and I'll update the pit) Dels
  20. Vulkan, As I mentioned, it's awaiting approval, but that shouldn't take too long. Dels
  21. File Name: Grumman F-29A Polecat Photoshop templates File Submitter: Dels File Submitted: 4 Jan 2009 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets These are the Photoshop templates for my F-29A, so that others can make skins for it. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    These are the Photoshop templates for my F-29A, so that others can make skins for it. Enjoy!
  23. Version


    Grumman F-29A Polecat. Read the Readme.txt file for installation instructions and credits. Enjoy! Dels
  24. Raptorman, Are you running Vista? If so, they won't extract to the game folder because Vista is a piece of crap. They will extract to your personal user folder. Do a search for the file you're extracting and look on the entire computer. It should be in your User folder. Once you've found it you can create a short cut to it for future reference. Dels

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