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Hans Topp

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Everything posted by Hans Topp

  1. Very good news my friends

    Hey Falcon we are happy to read this good news, enjoy in Disney Wolrd, you have earned it mate
  2. Locarno's 75th Anniversary airshow

    The Tante Ju its amaizing!!!!
  3. Have you check the full editor , i edited some campaign missions with the full editor from IL2 to change planes (pe 8 for halifax.....)
  4. ILA 2014

    Nesher the RNLAF has a orange circle in the middle, its looks like but no at all
  5. Thanks for this vessels, they are really fine, good job sir
  6. So it begins my last 5 day treatment.

    We hope your return soon!!!! We need you here
  7. The problem is ...... sand storm....., not like the mummy flim but intense :biggrin:
  8. Im trying shoot the maverick yet...... :oops:
  9. My New Lithograph

    Very nice, yes sir, the bombs marks are desert storm???
  10. Hi friends, i recent reinstall the KAW mod (reading the readme works better) and i don't have any information about the Gunval deployment in Korea, has anybody something about this?? Thanks a lot for all
  11. Thanks a lot Dave, im thinking add the Gunval deployment in KAW mod.... :biggrin:
  12. Very nice history, really interesting, could be made one campaign addon sir???
  13. Historic air show in Iran

    Or maybe in the hangar of the aircraft carrier.....
  14. Historic air show in Iran

    Ikea planes don't fly
  15. I think so, all are beautiful but....refueling and canards are better
  16. Of course Eburger, you can make remarks one, everything what is necessary to improve my knowledge and other users. I had edited the names of the air bases and of the campaigns before the released of Rend's terrains and it was turning out to be to me simpler to edit I named them in the targets, and on the offmap airbases, I put them to give compensation to those of England and on having worked, do not worry about the coordinated ones, if anybody has his coordinated real ones or a few that give more realism and shares them, for me it would be marvellous, thanks for your observations
  17. This is my nf5 terrain merged with Germany Rework terrain from Rends & Team. I change the names of some airbases and add other that don't are included yet, i put also a new planing map with all airbase, enjoy it ini.rar
  18. Have you test the f-16am ??? i used it for base for my updated "what if" C-17 M Halcón...
  19. If the NF creators and Rend's team don't have any trouble, i put it, but its highly edited, i change the names of most of the airbases, to appears with his (i think) properly name, this change its reflected in the campaigns.
  20. I merged this outstanding work with my NF5 campaigns, with a few edits and works perfect, its really great fly around the new targets areas (if the flak don't shoot me), my trees appears normal but i usually try to avoid the trees
  21. Thanks a lot for this plane Lanapa!!!
  22. The Tercio of Ceuta is the Duque de Alba (Duke of Alba) and the Melilla's tercio is the Gran Capitan (Great Captain), Spanish Legion dont use lvtp-7, its light infantry, only wheels vehicles
  23. Really fine, great job...... (i will editing sf2 campaigns..)
  24. Dont worry everyone forgot something, i put the same number to two air units ......

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