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Hans Topp

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Everything posted by Hans Topp

  1. Yes, it looks amazing, maybe someday we have it in SF
  2. This is this plane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogožarski_IK-3
  3. Cool looking What If Canberra.

    Its a metal wonder!!! it looks like a Mosquito with asteroids
  4. you need to renumber every air unit when you add another air unit, as Blade says the order must be our flyable air units (blue) non flyable units (blue) flyable units (red) and non flyable units (red)
  5. C-12-01was our first Phantom.. . i believe that its in Torrejon Airbase .....
  6. Joe Baugher passed away

    Sad news for our CA family, my condolences to his family...
  7. If it's in campaign maybe you don¡t have the proper planes of that install
  8. R.I.P. Marty, fly high and refuel us sometime, my condolences to his family and friends
  9. Happy 4th!

    Happy Independence day!!!!!
  10. Check spanish navy not spainsh navy in nations.ini
  11. Two Decades

    Twenty years!!!! i cant believe it, so i dont be old, the time runs with you are fine in a site
  12. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas for everyone, stay safe and enjoy Combat Ace

    Merry Christmas for everyone, i hope all have a nice holidays away from virus
  14. Its a 1984 footage of Top secret, a funny film of Val Kilmer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Secret!)
  15. Maybe change the WarshipClass to another type you can add more carriers, but not support plane operations??
  16. The M60A1ADS (Add On Stabilitation) it was able to shoot on the move
  17. Silent Hunter III revisited

    Fantastic game, i spent a lot of time with SH3 and the grey wolves mod, now i return to uboats with the Uboat from steam
  18. Check Mirage IIIC and Mirage IIIB..... "A total of 95 Mirage IIICs were obtained by the French Air Force (Armée de l'Air, AdA), with initial operational deliveries in July 1961.[21] The Mirage IIIC remained in service with the AdA until 1988."
  19. Tank Squad on steam

    Yes, i see it playing tank mechanic simulator, and the preview looks fine, only wait until q3 of 2022...
  20. Ever wondered how a Sidewinder works?

    I understand some fails with the sidewinder, i launch it perfectly, its the crew!!!
  21. AN-22, the biggest prop transporter

    I belive it has conter-rotating from the origin....
  22. BF109F-4.7z

    I remenber reading that Adolf Galland complained about the armament of the F's and had a personal plane with two MG/FFM in the wings, someone knows about it??
  23. BF109F-4.7z

    Great work, now i only need my pc works again.
  24. Amazing work, but i believe you make a litte mistake with the kc-130 numbers in spanish service, the kc-130 or tk-10 in spanish air force nomeclature was squadron 312, and the planes had wing number starting in 50 kc-130h s/n 382-4642 was 31-50 (tk-10-05) nose number 5 kc-130h s/n 382-4648 was 31-51 (tk-10-06) nose number 6 kc-130h s/n 382-4652 was 31-52 (tk-10-07) nose number 7 kc-130h s/n 382-4871 was 31-53 (tk-10-11) nose number 11 kc-130h s/n 382-4874 esd 31-54 (tk-10-12) nose number 12 https://www.c-130.net/aircraft-database/C-130/serials-and-inventory/airforce/EdA/

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