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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. My Pilot never dies

    Hi I’ve also made some detective work in this area and I found some strange things: After I had installed HPWDM2.3 all *.bdp files in the aircraft subfolders had also been changed a few minutes after the installation. Perhaps when I started OFF? I have tried installing older DM versions but the *.bdp files doesn’t want to change back. I don’t know if the *bdp files are the reason for this problem but it’s a bit suspicious! Cheers vonOben
  2. Hellshade, Thanks a lot for making that video! It's much easier to understand when you can watch a video. S! vonOben
  3. Hi Thanks for all your good ideas! I usually try to attack instead of running away and after the attack the enemies are usually a bit disorganized so I can evade and when they get closer I make another attack and so on. It usually works rather well. But since it was very cloudy in the mentioned mission I was hoping to sneak away in the clouds… Cheers vonOben
  4. A mission every 10 days?

    Hi Stratos To change the next mission date in campaign: Open your Open "Pilot**Dossier" file Pilot files are located in your \CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\Pilots folder The beginning looks like this and the bold numbers shown in this example is when the next mission should be flown ( 12 April 1917). If you want to fly every 10 days simply change the day to 22. 91 Germany Jasta 9 Flieger Pilot first name Pilot last name 12 4 1917 Cheers vonOben
  5. My Pilot never dies

    Hi Well as I wrote in my previous post I disabled all mods and did the same test without mods in HiTR and the result was exactly the same as I had with the mods in use. The pilot survived flying into a hill in 175 km/h…. This is very strange! If there are no other ideas a reinstall is the only way I can think of. Cheers vonOben
  6. My Pilot never dies

    Hi I’ve made some tests flying in QC with an Albatros DV. There’s a steep hill at the end of the airfield so I fly in 175 km/h straight into the hill. :suicide2: I tested this with HPWDM2.3 installed, with the rest of the mods installed but not HPWDM2.3 and with no mods only default HiTR. The result was the same in all test: the pilot survived every time! What can be the cause of this problem? Any suggestions what to try? Are we the only ones with this problem? Cheers vonOben
  7. My Pilot never dies

    Hi I have the same problem! Before in BHaH without mods my pilots got killed. After installing mods and HiTR I haven’t got killed for a long time. I have always enabled the “Dead is dead” setting in the OFF Workshop and I’m using the same mods as jamieandnici mentioned. I would be very grateful to any tips how to solve this annoying problem! Cheers vonOben
  8. New FM mod is in the works

    Hi Herr Prop-Wasche Great news! I'm currently using your Albatros FM files, but I can't say I noticed much difference. I'm happy to test anything you want me to. Cheers vonOben
  9. Hi Olham I’m not a skinner so I can’t help, but I think it’s a very good idea! S! vonOben
  10. OT - FaceTrackNoIR

    Thanks a lot for this update V4Friend! Great news! I will test as soon as I get a web cam. Cheers vonOben
  11. Wings

    Hi I’ve never heard about the Wings series until I read this topic! Now I’ve seen all episodes and I liked it very much! Highly recommended to anyone interested in the air war during WW1. Cheers vonOben
  12. Watch this space!

    I’ll be happy to try your FM changes Herr Prop-Wasche! :yes: Does this mean that you now know how to get the edited FM files to work in campaign also? Cheers vonOben
  13. HPWDM 2.3 update

    Hi Herr Prop-Wasche Thank you very much for this update! I’ve downloaded and will test later today! S! vonOben
  14. Watch this space!

    Great news! On my way to download right now! S! vonOben
  15. Hi A strange thing happened during my last flight. I was the flight leader for 4 AI’s and on our way back to our home base the goals completed message came up when we were close to the airbase. The AI’s started to dive but since I had observed smoke puffs from friendly AA I wanted to investigate that first, so I ordered rejoin and flew in the direction of the AA. I couldn’t see where my flight members had gone so I checked the TAC on maximum range but no friendly dots showed up. This was only a very short time after they started diving, so they couldn’t have gone out of the TAC area in such short time. Any ideas what might have happened here? Cheers vonOben
  16. Hi Winston Thanks for the invitation! :yes: How is multiplayer in OFF? One problem is that I don’t have an Internet connection on my gaming rig ATM. Cheers vonOben
  17. Watch this space!

    Hi Olham I didn’t know that! Thanks for the info! Is it the same in all plane types? Cheers vonOben
  18. Watch this space!

    Hi Herr Prop-Wasche I’ve used your latest DM since it was released and I can’t think of going back to the default version. I’ve only had a few fuel leaks and nothing that I think would be unrealistic. The last one I can remember was in an Albatros DIII and I wasn’t too badly shot up AFAICR. It must have been a big leak though, because the tank was quickly empty. Look forward to the next DM version! Thanks for all your work on the DM! Cheers vonOben
  19. Hi I tested that yesterday in a campaign mission where we were flying Albatros DV’s. After that I got the goals completed message I followed the AI flight members who flow away and turned and headed back to our airfield. They flew over the airfield quite low but didn’t seem to slow down and did a tight 180 turn and flew back to the turning point and flow over the airfield again. This time one of the AI’s flew too low when he made the 180 degree turn and his wingtip touched the ground and he crashed. Next time another AI made the same mistake. After a successful mission without losses it was quite discouraging to see them crash when they tried to land, so I ended the mission. Cheers vonOben
  20. Hi Sometimes when I land damaged or out of ammo on an airfield I switch to target to player view and watch the enemy AI. Once in BHaH I noticed that the AI Nieuport flew around the airfield quite low in something like 10 minutes, the AA fired fiercely but never seemed to hit. This surprised me because if I had flown over an airfield at the same altitude I would for sure been shot down by the AA. In my latest HiTR mission I did the same. Two enemies in Nieuport 24’s chased one of my flight members in an Albatros DV. The enemy planes flew quite low over the airfield and the AA fired the whole time at them. Both enemies where eventually hit and crashed to the ground and my flight member survived thanks to the AA. Any other opinions or observations regarding this? Cheers vonOben
  21. Pick a airplane

    Hi I would like more early planes: 1. Same as Olham wrote above: Morane Saulnier early monoplane (to give the Eindecker an equal opponent) 2. Early French Farman two-seater. Cheers vonOben
  22. AA and enemy AI

    Have you noticed any difference between AA against human piloted aircraft and AA against AI piloted aircraft? Cheers vonOben
  23. Hi I’ve been flying BHaH and HiTR campaigns for quite some time now and I have a few questions: * A few times when I have landed on friendly ground according to the in game map I have been captured. Isn’t the frontline correctly drawn on the map? * I have never been injured or hospitalised by enemy (or friendly) aircraft machineguns, which I find slightly unrealistic. * I have never been injured or hospitalised when crash landing although rather nasty crashes, doesn’t that happen in OFF? * I find it rather difficult to make decent landings when the engine is dead. Any advice how to improve landings without the engine running? Cheers vonOben
  24. A few OFF questions…

    Hi guys I’m using “Dead is dead” setting. Do you get wounded if you use “Norman Die Roll” setting? Well, I never land close to the frontline of I don’t have to. I do it if the engine has died or if my plane is shot to pieces and I’m hunted by a bunch of enemies. I try to keep the speed up at about 125 km/h and as you say bring the aircraft to level short before touchdown. But if the plane also is badly damaged it’s harder to control. I’ll practice in QC! Yes it would be nice if this could be improved in OFF and I also liked the way it was displayed in Red Baron 3D. Cheers vonOben
  25. Hi Have you got any volunteers? Cheers vonOben

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