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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. Hi Olham I couldn’t vote because you must vote in every question and I have never flown any allied aircraft. Could you perhaps ad "None" to those questions? ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS 1. Which Nationality do you fly mostly ? 2. What is your favourite Squadron / Jasta / Escadrille to fly with ? 3. Why did you choose that Squadron / Jasta / Escadrille as your favourite ? 4. What is your favourite airfield landscape-wise (the most beautiful surrounding/area ? Perhaps you can add a screenshot of that field). Always German. No favourite Jasta yet. I usually try different Jastas after these criteria’s: available aircraft types, suitable date to enlist, how far from the front their airfield is, their skill level and if they have an offensive or defensive role. No favourite airfield yet, but the picture Hasse posted looked very nice. Cheers vonOben
  2. Hi Morris I'm using the Catalyst driver 10.3. Could it be some setting in CFS3 config that fixes that problem? What are your Overrides and Texture info settings? Cheers vonOben
  3. square smoke

    Hi Is it something like this you mean? http://combatace.com...ati-video-card/ Cheers vonOben
  4. Hi Submitted my first claims 1 ½ month ago but no confirms nor rejects has been given. Is it normal that it takes a few months to handle such matters in BHaH? I can understand that there are more important matters than handling a German fliegers submitted claims when a war is going on and my pilot will most likely be dead and buried before the claims has been handled. I don’t know how long it actually took to handle claims during the war, perhaps is OFF trying to simulate the German world war one bureaucracy? Cheers vonOben
  5. FIFA World Cup

    Me too Spain was a worthy winner! Cheers vonOben
  6. Hi I'm curious how the OFF Manager actually works. How is it possible to make the changes without changing the CFS3.exe itself? Does the OFF Manager modify the CFS3.exe in memory perhaps or how is it done? Cheers vonOben
  7. Hi In the OFF tips & cheats thread uncleal wrote: "I'd select: Player always leads, enlisting my pilot in one of the top 2 ranks possible for that nationality" Why select one of the top 2 ranks? Is it because historically the flight leader had high rank or is it something OFF related? Cheers vonOben
  8. Hi I enlisted for Jasta 2 in September 1916 in BHaH. The campaign screen says the aces are flying Albatros DI’s, but the labels in the game say Albatros DII. On September 16 I also got the Albatros DI. When I check the aircraft info in the campaign the info says Albatros DII. Am I flying a Albatros DI or a DII? Is this a bug in BHaH? Cheers vonOben
  9. Albatros DI in campaign?

    Hi Olham Thanks for the Albatros tips. I sure can need them because those Nieuports can be hard to catch :wink2: S! vonOben
  10. Albatros DI in campaign?

    Really Not many other WW1 flight sims around so it's rather obvious which one you are talking about.... Anyway it's to bad they don't give us any information about the next version, but understandable in this case. Off course, and I am enjoying OFF :wink2: Cheers vonOben
  11. Thanks, Jasta 2 in October 1916 flying an Albatros DII I recall I forgot to type in witnesses for a few of those claims, so that explains why I had 50% rejected. Cheers vonOben
  12. Hi guys Yes, I assumed it was to be historically correct, but you never know if you don't ask. :wink2: Thanks! You are a very kind and helpful bunch over hear. Cheers vonOben
  13. Hi I survived the next mission and all 10 claims were then ready at the same time! :yes: 5 kills confirmed, 5 were rejected and I also was awarded with the iron cross. Cheers vonOben
  14. Hi guys Thanks for sharing your ideas! I never use semicolon or ranks when writing claims and I write each aircraft downed into a separate line. My claim forms are however not written as detailed as Olham does. Like nbryant have I never got any claims confirmed, but not rejected either. If I can survive a few missions more then perhaps something will happen. Cheers vonOben
  15. Albatros DI in campaign?

    Hi Thanks for the info. I find it a bit confusing when I get contradictory information from OFF. But I now understand that the campaign is designed for the future and stands in planes are used when the accurate plane type is not available. I assume also that the EIII is stand in for EI and EII and also the Halberstadt DII is stand in for the DIII? Is there any information about new planes in P4? Cheers vonOben
  16. HPW_HITR_CampaignDM_1.0

    Hi Very interesting! Could it be possible to use this DM also with BHaH? Thanks for all your work on this DM! S! vonOben
  17. Hi I'm lousy on hitting without a gunsight, but it would be interesting to see how good you are at hitting! Cheers vonOben
  18. Hi Thanks for voting! Nice to see that I’m not the only one in with 10-20% hit accuracy. Cheers vonOben
  19. Hi I can’t find the correct command to turn off the information text about Health, fuel etc. Which command is it, please? Cheers vonOben
  20. The amazing shrinking TAC

    Hi Thanks Winston! Now I have a smaller TAC S! vonOben
  21. Aces, Aerodromes, and Aircraft

    Hi You must have put down a lot of time gathering and typing down all this information! Thanks a lot! Very useful information! I can recommend Gnumeric, a free spreadsheet program to open and work with xls files and other file types. http://projects.gnome.org/gnumeric/ S! vonOben
  22. Hi Yes, I agree that Uncleal’s Tips and tricks is a great please to find information and I’ve found a lot of useful stuff there but not this information though. I know that F5 turn off the text but also the gauges, so it’s not possible to turn off only the text? This is a good work around: “If you want extra gauges but not the text, you can drag the text off the screen so it doesn't show.” Thanks for your kind help! S! vonOben
  23. Hi Last evening I was assigned a reconnaissance mission where we should escort 3 Roland CII’s. Shortly after take off the Roland’s appeared, but I continued following the assigned waypoints showed on the TAC, circling the arfield. Flight 1 went away possibly following the Roland’s. I continued going from waypoint to waypoint but no sign of flight 1 or the Roland’s. When I came to one of the waypoints the TAC didn’t recognise that I had overflown it. I flew back and fort over the waypoint but it was never recognised so I tried next waypoint (Shft+W) but it didn’t work. Should I ignore the waypoints when on escort missions, only trying to catch-up with the aircraft I should escort? Any ideas why the waypoint overflown wasn’t recognised and why the next waypoint command didn't work? Thanks for any help! S! vonOben

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