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Everything posted by vonOben

  1. Hi VonS Back with some stats about the Nieuport 11 and the extremely fragile upper wings (VolumeStructurePoint=3000 and flying the Fokker EIII). I had 9 hits and 2 Nieuport 11 lost their upper wings. In another mission I had 2 hits and one Nieuport 11 lost the upper wings. In two different mission one AI had 1 hit and a Nieuport 11 lost the upper wings. Can I do some edit on the Nieuport 11 to make the upper wings sturdier? S! vonOben
  2. Thank you very much, Geezer and Steve! Pom-poms will significantly affect a gamer's experience when flying below 5,000 feet, and could motivate a gamer to replay old campaigns - especially if he used to like balloon-busting. Now that balloons can be realistically defended, he may not like balloon-busting anymore. So how does these AA Objects get into an campaign? S! vonOben
  3. Some newbie questions

    Hi Steve I think the problem is with the alpha channel in the TGA file, rather than with the graphic settings or render engine. For the rivers, the shade of grey in the alpha channel has to exactly match in all the tiles, if you're using tiles made by different people, they may not match. You may have to do some copy and paste. Selecting Water detail to High instead of Medium fixed the river problem: S! vonOben
  4. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hi ojcar Here is some feedback from my Armchair Aces Redux campaign flying for Fookerstaffel Porcher May 22 1916: Briefing Map: The in game map doesn't match the briefing map with German airfields far to the west which creates strange way points in escort missions: Is this as intended? Best regards vonOben
  5. Must have addons for FE2

    Hi KJakker I've tested FE2_Edited_T_Datafiles.7z, but they caused flickering city houses and the white trees i overcast weather in my FE2. Some houses flickers marked F in the image below but others don't flicker marked N below. White trees i overcast weather: I get less flickering and no white trees with Jan Tuma's original files and his edited data ini from New alternative-SCR.zip removes the flickering completely and makes the center part of the houses transparent as they should be and it also cures the white tree problem. Some houses are not rendered 100% correct though. Cheers vonOben
  6. Hi VonS Some more observations with VolumeStructurePoint=3000. The Nieuport 11 has very week upper wings, a few hits and they fall off. Doesn't seem right IMHO. I haven't seen that on any other plane. S! vonOben
  7. FE2 Bad Framerates

    Hi VonS Regarding BetterSmokeAndBalloonEffects.zip: The BalloonFireEffects need some tga-files, so I used the ones included in Stary's effects. Cheers vonOben
  8. Some newbie questions

    Hi Steve Thanks for replying, much appreciated! "For the rivers, the shade of grey in the alpha channel has to exactly match in all the tiles" Yes, that seem to be the problem! For the river the alpha channel is not "shade of grey" but a different river texture which doesn't fully match between the Brady and Tuma textures. "Check the alpha channel in "Mesto.tga" and make sure it hasn't accidentally been altered or erased." The alpha channel is there and uses colour 0,0,0, that is ok right? "In Jan Tuma's courtyard buildings, there are actually two buildings at the same location" Ok, so what is the reason doing it that way? I've found the reason for the flickering buildings! It was the WWIVERDUN_DATA.INI from a file called FE2_Edited_T_Datafiles.7z, that caused the flickering and the white trees i overcast weather! I get less flickering and no white trees with Jan Tuma's original files and his edited data ini from New alternative-SCR.zip removes the flickering completely and makes the center part of the houses transparent as they should be and it also cures the white tree problem. Some houses are not rendered 100% correct though. And now a new question: Is it possible to have a wider rear view in gunsight view? In VIEWLIST.INI is gunsight view the same as WeaponViewClass? I've tried increasing the AngleRates for the WeaponViewClass but it doesn't make the rear view wider in gunsight view. Cheers vonOben
  9. Some newbie questions

    Hi Back with a few more questions. Is it possible to improve the river textures in Jan Tumas terrain with modded town and water tiles by Bandy? The textures in the cities doesn't look the same as in the other river tiles. My current graphical settings: I still have problems with some flickering city objects: Some houses flickers marked F in the image below but others don't flicker marked N below. It's the green centre area on the larger houses that flickers, shouldn't that part be transparent anyway? I'm using the "The terrain shaders for FE2" posted by mue here: http://combatace.com/topic/85970-shimmering-tods-and-target-objects/ Thanks for any help. Cheers vonOben
  10. Hi VonHi VonS I've now edited the FokkerEIV_DATA.INI as follows: GunTypeName=7.92MM_SPANDAU_LMG08/15 I changed it to use the same gun as your EIII: GunTypeName=7.92MM_SPANDAU_early Then I did fly a new campaign mission where we encountered Caudron G4. The Caudron had very fragile engines, a few hits and they started smoking (18 hits total in both engines). Cheers vonObenS
  11. Hi jack There is only one version of JSGME and the latest version is AFAIK, it's that version I'm using anyway. It's a Generic Mod Enabler and can be used with any game that permits modded game-files. I've used it for several years in CMBB, Blitzkrieg, EAW, OFF, IL-2 1946, RoF etc. Cheers vonOben
  12. Hi VonS Back with some more feedback and questions. I'm now using VolumeStructurePoint=3000. In the last mission flying Fokker EIV and the Nieuport 12 seems more fragile now compared to when i flew the Fokker EIII. One AI had 3 hits and shot down one Nieuport 12, another AI had 5 hits and shot down 2 Nieuport 12. I had 17 hits and shot down 3 Nieuport 12. Since the Fokker EIV is not included in your FM I suspect that there is something in the Laton FM that makes it to easy. Any ideas? Best regards vonOben
  13. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hi guys I found some figures regarding aircraft production each year. It's from the book "World War I: Encyclopedia, Vol 1" by Spencer Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts Number of battle airplanes at armistice: And some info here: http://www.theaerodrome.com/aircraft/statistics.php Cheers vonOben
  14. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hi ojcar A few questions regarding your campaign: When I checked the campaign files I noticed that there are more Entente air units for example in FlandersFront07_DATA.INI: There are 17 British and French units (12 fighter units and 5 two seaters units) and 8 German units ( 2 fighter units and 6 two seaters units). Is it historically accurate with such Entante air superiority on the Western front in February 1916? I haven't noticed getting any replacements, since I copy the pilot data from one saved campaign to the next I get very few pilots after doing that a few times. The estimated time to fly a mission displayed at the briefing is often totaly wrong, and the missions take much longer to fly. Is that normal in FE2? Cheers vonOben
  15. Hi VonS Here are some records and observations from my next campaign missions taking place in january 1916, flying the Fokker EIII and using my edited AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI (v7), the edited FokkerEIII_DATA.INI and AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI with VolumeStructurePoint=2000. 1916-01-19 Fired/Hit: 233/50 (mainly at one Be2c) kills:1 Be2c 1916-01-22 Fired/Hit: 126/47 kills: 2 FB5, 2 Nieuport 10 AI: Wegmann Fired/Hit: 400/58 (mainly at Be2c) kills:1 BE2c 1916-01-25 Fired/Hit: 181/53 kills: 1 Farman F.40, 1 Nieuport 10 AI: Weissenberger Fired/Hit: 400/85 21% kills: 1 F.40, Strassnicky Fired/Hit: 135/22 16% kills: 1 F.40, 2 Nieuport 10 It's still rather easy to get kills both for myself and my flight members. The Be2c is a lot sturdier than the fighters, it took about 50 hits both for myself and the AI to shoot one down. The fighters (Farman F.40, Nieuport 10, Vickers FB5) take a lot less hits to shoot down: An average for myself is 17 hits and for a good AI only 7 hits! Does this seem historically accurate / reasonable? Was the two-seaters that much harder to shoot down in reality? S! vonOben
  16. FE2 Bad Framerates

    Hi VonS I've checked the effects files but neither Stary nor Laton has any InlineExhaustEmitter.ini only InlineExhaustEffect.ini The RotaryExhaustEmitter.ini by Stary and Laton are identical, so it must be something in the other files that makes the difference. Cheers vonOben
  17. FE2 Bad Framerates

    Hi VonS Doesn't increasing those values hurt the frame rate? I've already a bit of a frame rate problem when there is a lot of flak, especially over towns with many houses. Cheers vonOben
  18. Hi VonS I've now increased VolumeStructurePoint to 2000, but I've only flown two campaign missions with this setting. I didn't notice that much difference, so I might increase it further. In the last missions one of my flight members set a new hit accuracy record: Fired/Hit record: 107/45 (1 kill) Hit accuracy: 42% The missions are more fun now, since my flight members perform better I don't have to do all the job myself. So I can fly around keeping my eye on them and help if anyone get into trouble. S! vonOben
  19. FE2 Bad Framerates

    Hi VonS Thanks for the files attached and your suggestions! When using Laton files and yours I had this strange effect around the rudder on the Fokker Eindekkers: It was not there on the Albatros D3 but it also displayed with default effects, so I assumed it had something to do with the engine type and the exhaust. When I used "FE2 Effects pack" http://combatace.com/topic/53100-fe2-effects-pack/ I didn't have this problem, so I copied these files and used them togeter with the old Laton files and yours. CleanExhaustEffect.ini DirtyExhaustEffect.ini InlineExhaustEffect.ini RotaryExhaustEmitter.ini That removed the strange effect. Cheers vonOben
  20. Hi VonS I've got some improvement on my AI flight members with the latest version of with my edited AIRCRAFTAIDATA together with some edits on FokkerEIII_DATA.INI (I'll PM you the files). The changes I've made have been discussed in this old topic: http://combatace.com/topic/20350-ai-wingmen/ The hit accuracy has gone up slightly and they have shot down a few enemies! Some AI's are more aggressive and shoot more and that's realistic and there are also differences how many enemies there are in a mission so the figures vary between missions. So now the next step would be to make the aircrafts harder to shoot down. Fired/Hit records: 122/18 (1 kill), 163/6 (1 kill) Hit accuracy: 4-15% Fired/Hit records: 45/8, 93/2, 254/30 (3 kills) Hit accuracy: 2-18% Fired/Hit records: 66/12 (1 kill), 95/16 (1 kill), 236/64 (2 kills) Hit accuracy: 16-27% Fired/Hit records: 96/22, 114/2, 94/16 (1 kill) Hit accuracy: 2-23% S! vonOben
  21. Some newbie questions

    Hi Some progress and a new question: 6. I've edited the Campaignscreen.ini so I can use the Guitarclassic55_Menu_Screens without CTD in Campaign mode. But the text is yellow on yellow background so it's quite hard to read the text. Does anyone know how to change the text colour in the campaign related screens? 12. I've got in contact with Steve regarding the "Map Icons for First Eagles" problem. The work fine in default campaigns, but not in "Armchair Aces Redux" campaign for unknown reason... 15: I'm using the "Realistic sky mod" by Panama Red and with the Jan Tuma winter terrain the trees far away becomes white in overcast weather. Trees nearby look ok. Any ideas why this happens? Cheers vonOben
  22. Hi VonS Thanks for the information, much appreciated! I've flown a few more campaign missions with my edited AIRCRAFTAIDATA (same as in #41 - version 6). The friendly AI are attacking now, but the hit rate is not much to brag about, sigh... Fired/Hit records: 44/8 (1 kill), 20/1, 76/10 Hit accuracy: 5-18% Fired/Hit records: 162/14, 201/11, 231/11 Hit accuracy: 5-8% There was a strange thing happening in the last mission with a damaged Vickers FB5 flying 2 meters over the ground round and round, not sure if that behaviour is related to your files or something else...??? And the damage model looks a bit odd.... Do you know how to lower the volume of the explosion when a aircraft hit the ground? It seems a bit to loud IMHO. S! vonOben
  23. Hi VonS I haven't been able to get any good result using your AIRCRAFTAIDATA files, so I went back to my own version. Last campaign mission flying Fokker EIII gave best hit accuracy so far: Fired/Hit records: 15/2, 119/11, 50/6 Hit accuracy: 9,2-13% Result: One enemy was shot down by my wingmen and one of them was KIA and one wounded. I can send you the file if your interested, it's basically a default file with some edits, but I'm still editing it. Other observations: The Fokker EIII is a bit weird at takeoff, the tail skid seems to make a lot of friction. So to be able to takeoff I try to lift the tail skid as early as possible. The Nieuport 10 seems very fragile, it takes very few hits to shoot them down. It seems hard to get a realistic balance in FE2, it's not realistic getting 5+ kills every campaign mission. So it would be nice if it would possible to edit some generic value to get the planes harder to shoot down. But since the AI has so hard to hit anything they would never shoot down anything... Please note that this is my experience from late 1915 campaign missions, is there any improvements in later years? S! vonOben
  24. Thanks for this Blue Max Campaign! Which mods are these and where can I download them? -- BritSquad -- British12pdr S! vonOben
  25. Hi VonS For the next mission I used the Harder aircraftaidata file. The mission was generated from my edited Armchair Aces campaign file with lower air activity, so there were only two MF.11 as targets this mission and one was shot down by flak. I ordered my wingmen to attack and kept myself out of the way until they used up their ammo except for one of them that didn't want to attack at all. It was a real easy target, but the hit accuracy is still very bad. But it's to early to draw any conclusion from one mission in each version. I'll try a few more missions and report back if you are interested. Fired/Hit records: 400/6, 348/9, 0/0 Hit accuracy: 1,5-2,6% S! vonOben

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