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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Ignore the terrain, based on some work Wrench did but perfected by me.... Another mission done....and it is over Vietnam.
  2. What do you have your settings on, start in air or start on airfield? Is this a user made mission? I'm failing to see the problem....maybe I'm dense.
  3. Happy Birthday to Quack74!

    Happy Birthday man!
  4. Ok here is the deal. I would like a comprenhensive bug list to give to TK. Not a feature request but a bug list. The bugs must be however something that effects the sim over all. Like the clouds and trees alpha layer problem. (In fact can someone put in this thread the specifics on this and a screen shot.) My goal is to submit it to TK and ask, can you please look at these and fix these. Bugs not needed as an example; some loadout is incorrect, or some FM might be off. I need things that are more of a universal fix. I need your support on this and I need it quickly. If we show enough support for this maybe we can get TK to fix bugs that have been around for a bit. So please help me out.
  5. Marine professionalism at its best

    Jarhead lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. AI on hard, Fuel and ammo on hard, everything else on normal. I use my own huddata.ini that removes much of the data the normai hud has, like the data boxes at the bottom of the screens and the radars at the top.
  7. CH Fighterstick/Pro Throttle

    I love my Fighterstick and Pro throttle and highly recommend it to anyone.
  8. That is freakin' groovin' Eric!!!!! Muy Macho Sex plane!!!!
  9. Listen, and this is for the OFF guys too. I dont like getting in there messing with the download section database. I have done it a few times and one time it took Erik weeks to fix what started out as a simple task. It turned into a monster. The forum software IMHO is very quirky. Right now, everything is working prefectly. If I go in there and start messing with crap it might crash the system and I'm not going to incur Erik's wrath. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. So you have to navigate a few pages, big deal. Once Erik has time we will get together and I will show him what we want, I'll have him set up the section and I'll populate them. ETA = 2 weeks.....
  10. Why do you want to remove them, Im curious. You getting an FPS hit?
  11. When we get a lot more files I will do it. Right now its not worth the effort to make a catagory which may only have a single file in it.
  12. for all the NCO's out there in CA land

    I havent seen that in years, and its all true too.
  13. Props are doing this...... been trying to fix it for hours, any ideas on what to do to solve it?
  14. Just give the person credit in the readme, you don't have to ask permission when it comes to skinning. They are fair game just as long as you credit the original creator.He cant answer you here anyway as he is banned from the site. The guy has a few issues.....
  15. The Royal Wedding

    The Today show had a segment about the offical china of the Royal Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT KIND OF CHINA THEY HAVE. I dont even care about the wedding but the media is going nuts over this. Why as an American am I supposed to care if some person who has "royal blood" by the "grace of god" from another country getting married? I don't. Jesus slow news day? They even had a person on there who was being interviews about what he though about the china....OMG. GO THE HELL AWAY. Makes me want to puke. Thanks news media for blowing a non story once again into some stupid media frenzy.

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