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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. Not doable right now. Armed Recon missions never show up in campaigns. I WISH they did. I've been itching for a good realistic F-100D campaign. You could add some static targets in the South, like truck parks, though.
  2. Whatcha building right now?

    Let's see...all of these are 72nd...the only scale I can afford Finishing the painting on a Nieuport 11...then the fun begins...RIGGING!!! In the process of working on the following...I have a bad habit if starting one, then starting another...only to finish the first one later. Tamiya (Italeri...old ESCI maybe) F-100D in NMF Revell F-16C...haven't made up my mind what markings or weapons to hang on this one yet TWO F-15s...a C and an E, both Hasegawa Colonial Viper Mk.7...resin...my first...kinda scared A "What-if" V-tailed racing Corsair...I got the cheap Testor F4U at Hobby Lobby for like 2 bucks and decided to do something different F-5A...Italeri F-20 Hasegawa (the Tigershark seems to be a fav here) Academy F-8E ESCI Spad XIII And countless other still sitting in their boxes.
  3. I've always had a problem adding a flyable squadron that I've added to the bottom of the unit list. When I replace an existing or add it right after the last unit of the country I'm flying for, I'm fine. For example, if you wanted to add a new USA squad: Unit01 USA Unit02 USA Unit03 <------ADD new USA squadron here USA Unit04 SOVIET UNIT05 SOVIET UNIT06 SOVIET <-------NOT here Of course, you'll have to renumber every single squad that comes after, but I can't get it to work otherwise. However, I haven't messed with campaigns in a long time, so I'm might be wrong. But IIRC, this was the workaround for that issue. Also, check your numbering in the campaign.ini file. If you screw up the sequence, anything below where you screwed up won't be flyable.
  4. Do they let civilians go? It looked like civilians in the vid.
  5. Awesome stuff. Can't see them doing that today.
  6. Attn Model builders

    Holy crap! No kidding? I haven't been reading the FSM or Hyperscale forums recently, but I guess I'll check there to confirm. I've been buying Superscale since back when they were called Microscale.
  7. Excellent stuff! I've been looking for a good Vietnam terrain replacement, and this looks awesome! And don't be TOO shy on the trees please! ;)
  8. Okay, no matter what settings I seem to fiddle with, all of my bombers eventually stall out of the sky and do this in circles: I've upped the structure points so they don't damage as easily...that's why the just go around in circles without blowing up. I set up an intercept mission, and every single bomber pulled up, stalled, and spun to the ground. Al 16 of them. Anyone have a clue how to fix this? I've installed Laton's AI mods, but I tried this without and they still plummet.
  9. AI, Bombers, Stalling, etc...

    Excellent, that solved it. I copied the AIdata and flight control sections from the altered DFWc5 file and pasted it in my other two-seaters...seemed to have solved it for them, too.
  10. AI, Bombers, Stalling, etc...

    Cool...not sure why I missed that. Off to give it a go! Thanks!
  11. AI Wingmen

    Anyone have anymore thoughts on this? I'm still trying to get a good set of numbers, and was hoping some of you could post your INI files for comparison. I've been using a modified Laton's file. Basically just lowered the altitudes a bit. I've set up a 4V4 with Nieuport 11 Vs. Aviatik C2s. The Nieuports get slaughtered. The tail gunners make quick work of them. And all of their shots seem to miss. I've set them to EXCELLENT in the mission file and the Aviatiks to POOR. Any more AI tweaks?
  12. Is there anyway to make the aircraft smoke with the engine is hit? Most of my "kills" are when I hit the engine. I can see the prop stop turning, and I'd like to add the smoke effect to it. As it is, the prop stops, and the enemy plane just floats to the ground. Anyway to make it more dramatic?
  13. Smoke effects for engine failure?

    I haven't tried 20. I thought maybe 20 might be too much for Steel. I did modify the min and max extent for the pilot and engine to something ridiculously small...something like .05, .05, .05. That seemed to work well. I also bumped up the volume structure point to 500000. I was getting alot more flammers but still got on occasional dead engine. I think that making it so small takes some of the cover away from the fuel tank. I'm still experimenting. I was hoping to find an easy way instead of having to modify every aircraft's ini file. I wish we could damage enough of the aircraft so the AI would give up and turn tail. They keep on fighting even with a dead engine.
  14. Smoke effects for engine failure?

    Yeah, I do that already. :) I actually just use a value of 6 all around. I also add it to the pilot section. I'm trying to find a good balance. It seems the only way to kill an a/c is to take out the pilot or the engine. Of course in real-life either one was a killer, but it seems way to easy for me to do it in the game. I also noticed that the AI keeps on flying even after all their control surfaces are gone. I've been messing with everything from the ammo weight to that VolumeStructurePoint entry. Still have yet to get that "magic" spot. I've also been experimenting with changing the hitbox size of the pilot and engine to make it harder to hit. Anyone have a good set of values to use?
  15. New Ground Objects released

    DING! DING! DING! That's it! Thank you so much!
  16. New Ground Objects released

    Hmmm...still having a problem. I d/led 7zip just for this, but still no go. Very odd.
  17. New Ground Objects released

    I keep getting an error when I try to open the zip. I've used both WinZip and WinRAR to open it. Pics look great...can't wait to try it!
  18. Try this thread at SimHQ: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...;Number=2067380 Should get you started in the right direction
  19. I'm working on a late 80s/early 90s campaign for WOE. Have we determined what the realistic parameters are for Soviet A2A missiles? I remember there's been some debate as to their effectiveness in the latest weapons patch. Also, what's the difference between NOISE jamming and DECEPTIVE jamming? I'm trying to get some good BVR stuff going on, but my AIM-120s kept missing those damn Su-27s, while the R-27s seemed to be glued to me. I checked the weapon_data file, and saw that the Alamos are HOJ! I didn't know that. I knew that the R-77s were. Also, any other tips for increasing realism? I've increased the maxviewdistance settings to make things more "stressful". I had a blast last night fighting 16 Eagles against 16 Flankers. Talk about a furball!
  20. I remember that thread...just can't find it. :) So, do most ECM systems now use both or just one? Most of the aircraft only have the deceptive jammer in their INI files. Thanks for the info. Never quite grasped the tech side of ECM...understood how to use it, just not how it works.
  21. Man, a Wingman mod would be completely awesome. Someone's gotta make terrain for the USA, though. I wanna fly the last F-111 nuke run...what city was the target again? We're also gonna need some F-20s...
  22. Actually, not the sim...the people already complaining about it. I'm an avid WWI freak. I love WWI aviation. I build scale models, read books, and fly what few sims there are available for it. And I'm very excited about First Eagles. I'm fully aware of it's limitations and it's "lite" sim status. I've been playing Strike Fighters since 2002. I'm very familiar with the engine. But I'm still looking forward to First Eagles. What is really starting to get on my nerves is the attitude of some of my WWI brethren. To be blunt, they are freakin' snobs. Sure, I'd love for FE to be the most realistic and authentic WWI sim ever, but it won't be. But it will be fun. But there are people already complaining about the screenshots saying that so-and-so NEVER flew with this or that squadron...and that this is an arcade (baby) sim. And they wonder why so few WWI sims are made. The WWI fan community can be some of the brightest, best, and friendliest bunch around. Or they can be the most uppity, wholier-than-thou, rivet-counting (fabric-counting?), anal-retentive, curmudgeons. And yes, I'm aware that we all want that "perfect" Great War sim. But it's NEVER going to happen. OFF has its limits...RB3D has its limits. FE will and the next WWI sim will, too. Get over it, relax, and have a good time. Sorry...had to rant there.
  23. File Name: RAF Green Camo for SE5a File Submitter: tn_prvteye File Submitted: 26 Nov 2006 File Category: SF WW1 Aircraft Skins Just a simple mod to give the SE5a a green color instead of Brown. I didn't paint it, just changed the default. See the readme file for instructions. -Steve Click here to download this file
  24. RAF Green Camo for SE5a



    Just a simple mod to give the SE5a a green color instead of Brown. I didn't paint it, just changed the default. See the readme file for instructions. -Steve

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