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Everything posted by tn_prvteye

  1. Just a tip

    A nice little cross-over from flight sims and model building... I use the BMP files from the Strike Fighters sims as masking templates. Find a scale drawing of the aircraft you're building and overlay the skins in photoshop till they are the same size. Now print them out on paper that is sticky on one side (called frisket paper I think), and cut them out. Stick 'em on the model and BAM instant mask. Sometimes this doesn't work depending on where the skins lie on the 3D model, but for wings and tails it generally works fine. I also use the aircraft decal TGAs as real decals...just scale them and print them out in clear (or white, depending) decal paper. I work in 1/72, so in larger scales, small decal files my show jaggies if you scale them up.
  2. Santas new Sleigh

    I particularly like the "Red Nose"..
  3. Okay, I'm flyin' WOV using the new Green Hell 2 and tree-size mods...along with the new target areas by Tetet (the ones with the VC and Arty camps in the jungle). Performing strikes against these guys is difficult due to the jungle canopy (as in real life)...you can't see them! So, I figured I'd devise a way to get a fake "FAC" in there. I load up my Wingman with Smoke Rockets, and tell him to attack my target after selecting the closest ground target command. I then orbit for awhile, letting him do his thing. Sure enough, I get red smoke on the target and roll in. However, my wingie's a terrible shot and landed the smoke nowhere near the target. There's got to be some way to do this better. Anyone have any ideas for implementing FACs in the Campaign? Choose a better wingman? Increase rocket accuracy? Maybe instead of rockets, use a guided missile? There's got to be a way to "cheat" here... Also, I'm now the only aircraft that can complete the mission. Since the other members of the flight won't go after specific targets, and my wingie's packin' smoke, it's up to me to kill it.
  4. Maybe changing the MiG's missions to 100 percent "Intercept" in the Campaign Data file...get rid of any other mission types. I'm not sure if this would work, since I don't know what the "radius" for the intercept parameters are.
  5. So, anyone found any other goodies not posted in the ReadMe yet? I'm debating not installing this one (finally have WOE and WOV just where I want them). I thought the last patch was going to be the LAST patch...for a long time. So I figured if there wasn't anything earth-shattering in them, I'd pass. Don't get me wrong...I'm VERY VERY VERY pleased TK released another patch. I'm astounded that he continues to update a 6 year-old flight-sim (SF:P1). But, since I don't see anything wrong with my current install...and the new added stuff doesn't appeal to me, I was wondering if anyone had seen some new stuff that isn't mentioned. Oh who the hell am I kidding, I'll patch. I always do.
  6. Is this due to the types of conflicts we've been involved in? I.E. Iraq/Afghanistan vs. a typical Cold-War scenario? Or are there technical issues that make low-level stuff problematic? And thanks for the information that you CAN give out... Makes me want to fly it in WOE even more.
  7. My dad was on the team that cleared the B-1B to use conventional weapons...he was an Aerospace Engineer. I remember him telling me about making sure there were no problems when they dropped a large stick of Mk.82s. Awesome, awesome plane...can't wait.
  8. Here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28344
  9. The Scooters also have "bouncing" issues on dry land. When the AI taxis forward, they start bouncing till they explode. I used the tip in the Knowledge base regarding "dancing" aircraft and it seemed to help a little bit...they still bounce but don't ever explode.
  10. Looks like you didn't do your job as an A-10 driver...you gotta stop those tanks, man!
  11. Yup...there's a pic in one of the threads (can't remember which one).
  12. I think the AV-8B+ is becoming my favorite plane. Try some CAS missions in Europe taking off from Highway Airfields...then coming home and making a Vertical landing between the trees is awesome. Can't wait for his Gr.7 version... I even ordered a few 1/72 Harrier kits to work on.
  13. Worst Modeling Experience

    Let's see...there was the time I had just finished rigging a 1/72 DH.2...look at a pic of a Dh.2 closely sometime...there's a few miles worth a rigging on that thing! Anyway, I picked it up to move it and I dropped it...on a hard-wood floor. I screamed so loud my wife thought I cut a finger off. Every. Single. Line. Broke. (I used stretched sprue). So I re-rigged the entire thing. And dropped it again. And then set it aside and didn't touch it for a year. I then finished it, locked inside a hermetically sealed vault and placed it in an earth-quake proof building.
  14. I've actually been using your SoCal terrain...guess I never noticed them firing before. Do they automatically fire at other ground units in range? Time to fly around some more...
  15. Whoa whoa whoa...arty works now? Since when? and HOW? Do they get placed randomly like AAA or SAMs? Or do they only show up in User Created Single Missions? How 'bout campaigns? Can they get tasked as targets in a campaign? Hmmmmm....I see possibilities here...
  16. I just tested both those settings, and a combination of them. No good. I get direction calls, but never my correct Flight name or number. And the clock position calls are never correct, either. I created a mission with only 2 a/c (me and a wingie), and set up some different kinds of SAMS. My callsign was "Gunslinger", but I got calls for ALL of the other callsigns it seems. And when I just tried the number, I got a few that seemed correct, but the clock position was wrong (according to the RWR). Curious...
  17. I tried that. Doesn't work for some reason. The number it calls out isn't the plane that's targeted. I set up a mission with just me and a wingie. Had a SAM lock, then launch. I got "Four, SAM launch, 11 o'clock." ??? Odd stuff. I'll keep plugin' away at it.
  18. Yeah, that's what I'm doing now...I'm hoping to make it a little more "realistic" so I have to hunt for the SAM.
  19. anybody still working on stuff?

    People are probably waiting for the next patch...at least I hope that's why.
  20. A link on the right side of CombatAce's homepage (it's a small yellow banner) will take you to column5's page where he has the MF F-16s for download. There also quite a few here (if not all) for download as well
  21. I believe there was a misunderstanding as to what you were requesting. If you buy WOI, then yes, you can import the F-16A into WOE. Try column5's page...there's a link on the CombatAce homepage.
  22. I'm bumping this one to the top in case anyone missed it. I figured with the new patches, some people (like myself) would be interested. The patch does add Armed Recon missions to campaigns now, so our options in Vietnam have widened.
  23. I've installed Wide Sky and the new Sept patch to WOE. This is what I get when it's overcast: The pics are with the new Black Sea Terrain, but it does it on all terrains. Any ideas? Anyone else seeing this, or did I screw something up somewhere along the way? I re-read the read-me (say that 3 times fast), and it did mention clipping issues, but I don't remember them being this bad pre-patch.
  24. Yeah, I fiddled around with those entries with no luck. Eh, no biggie.

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